Chapter 56: Bye, Xue Luo

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Yi Zheng immediately went over to Yi Yeyu when he saw her awake, sitting up in her bed.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“I dreamt of a giant python that stabbed through my stomach, and I died…” She said with a look of bewilderment and fear on her face.

As she said the words, she looked down at her abdomen which had been wounded before. However, the injury had healed. There was nothing unusual as she touched it gently and there was no scar on the wound to show it anymore.

However, the attack had clearly happened as there was a large tear on her shirt and blood stains around it, the indication that it was not just an illusion, and that she was attacked by the black python not long ago.

“You have her to thank. Miss Xue Luo saved your life!” As soon as Yi Zheng finished his sentence, he turned to Xue Luo and immediately expressed his gratitude.

“Miss Xue Luo?” Yi Yeyu was stunned. She could not recall her name as a member of the hunting party. Gazing at Xue Luo, she immediately noticed her right hand.

That moment, she remembered the incident as she stared at Xue Luo’s right hand. She then said, “I remember your hand. You’re the one who pulled me out of the dark. Thank you!”

“You’re welcome. Mister Lin Huang saved my life, and he asked for my help to save you, so I did him a favor,” Xue Luo smiled as she said. Xue Luo treated her in a much friendlier manner than others.

“Thank you, Lin Huang!” Yi Yeyu looked at Lin Huang and said.

“I’m glad that you’re fine,” Lin Huang nodded his head as he said.

“Mister, may I speak with you privately?” Xue Luo turned towards Lin Huang and said in a low voice.

“Excuse me for a moment,” Lin Huang said Yi Yeyu and Yi Zheng. He then left together with Xue Luo.

Xue Luo waved her hand. She brought Lin Huang and Bing Wang along and they stepped up on a giant rock.This content belongs to, if the content is missing please go to website to read the full content

She walked straight to the side of the rock, sat down and patted the rock surface and said, “Mister, please have a seat.”

He did not seem to hesitate and sat beside her.

Bing Wang then stood behind the both of them.

There were two moons, a red and a purple moon, lighting up the night sky. The ground looked like it was covered by spun yarns of different colors, creating a mysterious shade of light.

“Miss Xue Luo, are you leaving?” Lin Huang asked as he saw Xue Luo was silently looking at the moonlight.

“We’ll leave after getting our things done,” Xue Luo said and stood up.

“Is there anything that you still have to do?” Lin Huang stood up and asked out of curiosity.

“I have to erase the memory of me and Xiao Bing from the human brains we’ve come in contact with. Also, I’ll have to patch up the battleground,” Xue Luo said, looking at Lin Huang. “In addition to that, the people witnessed the scenes of you killing hundreds of monsters. That has to be erased from their memory as well, for your safety. Others must not know about this,” she warned him.

“Although I don’t know what you did to master the power of such curses. with this kind of strength, even a God of the human race would be keen on having such a gift,” she said. At first, Lin Huang thought she was joking, but as Xue Luo said those words, she had a deadly serious look in her eyes.

“Yes, I know,” he replied.

Lin Huang never expected a hidden power to exist in the Small Destruction Card that even a God was seeking for it.

“I’ll begin to erase their memory and replace them up with new memories,” she said. As soon as Xue Luo finished her sentence, it began to snow.

At that moment, everyone in the foothold felt odd about the occurrence. Suddenly, the hunters and the residents started to faint one by one.

Bing Wang left as well. After a short while, he came back, carrying a young man.

“I’ve created a new memory for them. A transcendent human arrived at the battleground and had an intense battle with the black python. He saved everyone and the crowd of monsters retreated after the snake was killed,” Xue Luo said to Bing Wang. She then continued with instructions him, saying, “Xiao Bing, you’ve fought with this man before. You may fake evidence of a fight at this place based on his combat style. Regarding the traces of monsters, I will erase it with the snow,” she said.

It was now midsummer, but there was heavy snowfall. In the entire ravine, only Lin Huang, Xue Luo, and Bing Wang stood in silence.

Very quickly, Bing Wang had finished fixing up the battleground. However, the snow did not stop and the whole world turned white. Under two full moons, the night sky was exceptionally beautiful.

“Mister, we will be leaving now,” Xue Luo said. She was less than two meters away from Lin Huang, standing on the giant rock. She tilted her head slightly and smiled at him.

On such a snowy night, she stood barefoot on the giant rock like a snow fairy. She was very pretty.

Lin Huang nodded. He waved his hand and said, “Bye, Xue Luo.”

“Bye, Mister,” she replied.

Xue Luo waved at Lin Huang. Then, Bing Wang and Xue Luo both rose up into the air.

As both of them were hundreds of meters above the ground, Xue Luo waved her hands in the air and a Virtual Eye gradually formed in front of them.

After a short while, the Virtual Eye was opened. There were icy white eyes inside the Virtual Eye, resembling a giant spiritual eye looking down from the sky.

Xue Luo and Bing Wang stepped into the Virtual Eye and it closed gradually around them. Both of them completely disappeared.

Until the moment when the Virtual Eye had also disappeared, Lin Huang slowly shifted his gaze away from the sight. He sighed and thought in his heart, “Bye, Xue Luo…”

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