Chapter 47: Bloody Scarred HyenaThis content belongs to, if the content is missing please go to website to read the full content

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

There was a gap broken in the third line of defense. It was out of everyone’s expectation, after all, the monster outbreak had just started for an hour.

Yi Yeyu and Yi Zheng who were standing on top of the giant rock was shocked to see the monsters broke through the defense line.

Just when they wanted to fight, they saw Lin Huang who was a few hundred meters away summoning Tyrant to chase after the monsters.

The gang behind him saw and chased after the monsters too.

The monsters that broke through were five Demonic Hyenas, they belonged to the disease-class.

Although they were also called hyenas, they were far different from the hyenas on earth.

Their fur was grayish-black and they were three meters long. Their limbs were long and their bodies were light.

There were two deformed horns on their heads, there were a ferocious, white, sharp bones on their back, extended from their neck to their thigh.

The rest of their bodies were filled with red pustules. Some were bulging and some were popped and rankled. Their bodies were exuding a disgusting stench.

Lin Huang knew this monster very well as he had read about them before.

As there were not many monsters that were categorized in the disease-class, these Demonic Hyenas were the most common one.

According to the record, they carried more than 300 viruses on their bodies and more than 10 of those viruses were life-threatening to humans.

If proper treatment was not administered in time, it would cause serious infections and even death.

If one was bitten or scratched by them, the consequences would be very serious.

Lin Huang sat on Tyrant’s shoulders and took out his GrayEagle17, aiming at the Demonic Hyenas that ran past.

“Bang, bang, bang…” Shots were fired.

The Demonic Hyenas were caught off guard. They were hit and howled in agony.

A few of them were bewildered and became furious when they saw they injured companion. The pack then changed their course and set their sights on killing Lin Huang. They started running at him with murderous intent.

The armored bullets did not hit the Demonic Hyenas’ weak spots and the damage done was minimal. However, the same couldn’t be said for the pain it had caused.

The gunshots did not scare them away, instead, the shots triggered their vicious rage.

It was not that the sword was sharp, but because the Great Sword Scripture was terrifyingly powerful.

But it was not the end. Lin Huang held the sword firmly and pierced it further into the dying beast.

The sword was completely buried in the hyena’s throat. The cut was one meter long and almost 80 centimeters deep. A big part of its throat was cut open, and its head was crooked to a side.

Black blood flowed out of its wound like a waterfall on the ground. The ferocious bloody hyena was dead.

A notification came from Xiao Hei.

“Congratulations, you have obtained a Bloody Scarred Hyena Monster Card piece x1”

“You have completed a cross-ranking kill. You have obtained a random Skill Card (Rare) x1”

This time Lin Huang did not even look at the cards that he had obtained as he had just killed the bloody hyena. Just then, Zhou Le and the rest caught up to him.

Bai had killed two Demonic Hyenas on his own, while the remaining two were chased away by the group of young men.

Soon, the remaining two were killed.

Lin Huang brought the young men to the gap that broke earlier and ran at it, his sword held tight in his hands.

A Copper Hunter’s face was pale and he looked like he was about to give up. He was fighting so many monsters alone.

Lin Huang and the rest went to help and killed the monsters. They then asked the cause of the breakthrough of the line of defense.

They found out that when this Copper Hunter was fighting with the hyenas, one of them had mutated out of nowhere. With the massive gain of speed, the mutated bloody hyena bit the hunter’s left hand while the other hyenas ran onwards.

“You should treat your wound right away. If you don’t treat the virus immediately, there will be consequences,” Lin Huang advised him after hearing what happened.

“But what about the battle…” The Copper Hunter said, torn between fighting on or saving himself from an infection. If he retreated, there would be another gap in the line of defense, in his place.

“We will fill the gap for you,” Lin Huang assured him, in all seriousness.

“It would be okay if the monsters were smaller. There are many of them, can you guys handle it?” The hunter asked. He was worried about the group of boys before him.

“Sir, please do not underestimate us, especially this fella. He killed that bloody hyena on his own just now with only two slashes,” Zhou Le said proudly. He had stood aside earlier as he was afraid that the hunter would not let them pass. He knew that if he told the hunter what Lin Huang had done earlier, he would not think so little of them.

Yi Yeyu’s then spoke to them, “Lu Yang, please go back to the foothold to treat yourself. Please let Lin Huang and the gang handle this.”

Lu Yang, the Copper Hunter handed over his responsibilities to them with regret in his eyes.

He then left with Zhou Le.

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