Monster Integration

Chapter 1616 - The Change

Chapter 1616 - The Change

Puchi Puchi Puchi

Tens of my ribbons tore through its body and began spreading. Within few seconds, my ribbons have spread inside and outside of it, turning it into a mummy.

It had recognized me and looked of horror appear in its eyes before the ribbon wrapped around its eyes. I could feel its struggle, which had become even more intense after recognizing me, but those struggles are futile.

Once one got bound in ribbons, it is extremely hard to get out. In the previous challenge, if I had somehow able to bind Copper Maned Lionman with ribbons, even it could not have got out despite its immense power.

As I finished binding Bearman, I did not waste any time and begin harvesting the process.


As I begin the harvesting process, I couldn’t help but get surprised. The Bloodline of this bastard is really powerful as it creating huge resistance, all I was able to harness a trickle from it.

The only place I am harvesting a huge amount of essence is its core, and that is because it had started to burn it, and it is mine for sucking and where even its bloodline could do little to interfere.

Still, with the interference of its Bloodline, I will need double time in harvesting it, which is little more than five minutes.

If it had been non-Bloodline Grimm Monster, I would have been a little worried about the time I will need to harvest its essence, but since this Black Bearman had Bloodline, I won’t have to worry about taking it too long; it should be dealt with soon.


I had just thought that when a faint shake spread through my body and Green and Silver Runes begin to cover my body.

It took less than three seconds for Green and Silver runes to cover me before they started spreading into my ribbons. Five seconds later, all ribbons covering the Bearman had Green and Silver Runes covering them.


As the runes covered the ribbons, the harvesting process begins. I could feel the Bearman is in intense pain as its struggle intensified; it begin to use every speck of energy it has to break free.


Soon, the purified bloodline energy come at me and I was shocked. The Bloodline Essence is very thick and powerful. It is far thicker than any Bloodline Ive ever experienced and more powerful.

I had expected the bloodline of the Black Bearman to be powerful, but not this powerful; this is really too much.

Feeling the power of Bloodline, I couldn’t help but stumped. If The Black Bearman’s Bloodline is this powerful means, more than three-quarters of its strength it had; it had due to its bloodline.

Though I should not be surprised as it is a common occurrence among people who have powerful Bloodlines.

This is why these people solely focused on harnessing power from their Bloodline as the Bloodlines contain unlimited power and provide all types of boosts, methods, and knowledge.

The thick and powerful Bloodline energy came at me and merged into my runes, making them more and more power.

In just a few seconds, it had provided me enough bloodline power; a normal bloodline would give me, and there is still much more power that had remained to be harvested, and that thought couldn’t help but make me happy.

More and more purified Bloodline power came at me, and as it did, faint changes begin to occur in my vines.

They started to become even more diamondy, replesendness of my diamond runes are growing. It is like a grade of diamond is advancing; seeing that smile couldn’t help but appear on my face.

The change is not surprising; I would have been surprised if there hadn’t been any change. It is obvious that a powerful bloodline like this would make the changes.

I wonder what kind of boost I will get from it; I hope I get some element of its gravity power, but the chances of that are happening is quite low.

If I had fire earth elemental power instead of a fire elemental, I am sure my runes would have inherited some Gravity element, but with the fire element, chances are quite low.

Still, even if I did not get something from the Gravity element, I am still happy. Such powerful thick bloodline essences would give me enhancements like never before, and with them, I will have a better chance in dealing with powerful Grimm Monsters and some unruly humans who might dare to attack me.

The harvesting of Bearman’s Bloodline Essense and Life Essense continued for little more than two minutes, and the purified bloodline essence I had collected is nearly equal to the four normal bloodlines.

Most importantly, the quality of Bloodline is higher, and that brough changes to my runes, very few Bloodlines have the potential to bring the changes to my runes.


As the harvesting process is finished, a loud vibration rang through my runes, and a flood of energy was released from them. The energy is thick and very powerful that my strength begins to exponentially.


The energy is also very pleasant to feel that; I couldn’t help but m.o.a.n in pleasure.

Unfortunately, all good things must end, and nearly three minutes later, runes have stopped releasing the energies, and at that time, my strength had reached the degree where even I don’t have a clear idea, how powerful I have become.

I scanned my body thoroughly, and the limit that Diamond Seal had expanded had saturated quite a bit, and now, there is only space for one powerful Bloodline.

With the remaining space I have, I could consume three to four normal Bloodlines or one more powerful Bloodline, and of course, I will try for a powerful Bloodline.

There is no way in hell I am going to consume normal Bloodlines. The powerful Bloodline gives many advantages, and I need to consume a powerful bloodline as my last Bloodline in the King Stage.

Doing that will not only provide me huge strength in King Stage, but that strength will also multiply several times when I broke through the Emperor Stage.

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