MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Vampire God

Chapter 910 Sebastian Makes An Honest Mistake

( Sebastian and Max's POV )

A few hours before the masquerade party, Sebastian was the man who was more excited to attend than Max.

He had been invited to the event as the leader of the religion of cowards, an achievement he had made through his own efforts and not something that he gained via his friendship with Max.

Sebastian wanted to make the most of this opportunity, especially since he was single as he wanted to flirt with some women anonymously to build confidence.

He had even thought of the perfect disguise! Not only was he planning to use the mask to obscure his face, but he was also planning to use a body morphing technique to alter his height and physical appearance just for one night so that he could enjoy being ' human ' again, even if it was for a few hours only.

He was so excited that he prepared the most eye-catching red robe for the evening, however, the mask that he had been assigned was black in colour so he traded his mask for the one that Max had been given since it was a perfectly matching red colour.

" Watch out for this stud today Max! I'm going to woo all the single women out there! " Sebastian said with confidence as Max chuckled out loud at his friend's antics.

He rarely saw Sebastian so charged up for something, however, it seemed like the two second man was ready to rumble today.

" You look good when you're tall, and Ooh lala look at the abs " Max said as he slapped his friend's abs a few times as Sebastian tightened his core muscles.

" Haha, you're right! Although I can't exert a third of my combat abilities in this form, it feels good to be tall once more and see things from a higher perspective.

The confidence and charisma that one's height provides you.... It's unreal, " Sebastian said as he weaved the ' V ' sign and signalled to Max that he was ready to rumble.

lightsnοvεl About an hour after the official invite time, Max showed up to Beniogre's masquerade ball alongside Anna, Asiva and Sebastian as the moment he reached there he felt intrigued by how he could really not discern the identity of individuals present in the room.

Max knew that if he activated [ Mind Reader ] or used his brain hard enough he could still make out exactly who was who, however, there was no point in doing such detective work when all it would achieve would be to ruin the mystery and fun of the evening.

" Alright, wish me luck " Sebastian said as he bumped shoulders with Max and ventured into the unknown sea on his own as Max fascinatedly watched his back with joy.

On the other hand both Asiva and Anna clung onto Max's arm tightly as Asiva said in a threatening tone " I've marked you with my scent…. Don't you dare try anything funny because I'll be watching "

Max coughed, he had no intention of fooling around, however, looking at the atmosphere he really thought that fooling around would not be so bad either, however, the perils of a married life stopped him in his tracks before he even started.

" I don't need my scent to mark you, I know what your front and back look like, there's no mistaking your body for someone else…. I'll be watching you " Anna said as she reminded Max about how much and how often she had seen his body and how there was no mistaking it for someone else, as both his wives subtly threatened him to hold his horses.

Max sighed as the three of them disbanded, but although all three of them were headed their own way, both women were constantly looking at Max which he felt was troublesome.

It wasn't like he was planning on fooling around, however, not having the freedom to fool around felt stifling since the roaring bachelor within him wasn't completely dead yet.

********* lightsnovel

( Meanwhile Sebastian )

Sebastian was having the time of the life in this masquerade ball as five minutes into the thing and he knew that he wanted to host a similar event as soon as possible.

It was the greatest thing ever! An idea created by some mythical genius as with the faces of all men and women obscured, everyone stared at each other's bodies which meant that Sebastian could oogle at the breasts of as many women as he liked and there was no repercussion of his actions.

Plump breasts, long breasts, perky breasts, oblong breasts, he admired them all and he fantasised about what they looked under the dress.

He was like a child in a country fair as he felt lost in this paradise, unsure of which game to play first as after a lot of deliberation he approached a lady who he thought looked extremely good with a nice body and a radiant skin tone.

" Hello, gorgeous lady. I must tell you that of all the beautiful ladies of high society that have gathered in this ball, it's you who has caught my eye the most.

If you feel the same feral passion towards me as I do towards you then we can skip this ball right here right now and head towards my private chambers for a night to remember…. " Sebastian said as smoothly and calmly as he could as internally he felt as confident as a man could with great height and an obscured face.

The great thing about the ball was that even if he were to get rejected, there would be no one who would find out about his failure as he could just pretend that it never happened and move-on.

Unfortunately, the very first target that he picked would be an individual that would leave a psychological scar on his brain for an eternity to come, ruining his evening before it even started.

" I'm sorry, I'm not a lady yet and no I'm not interested in spending a night with anyone, though my father the supreme lord might butcher you for insinuating such an offer, so I would be careful if I were you " Amy said as Sebastian felt shivers run all over his body.

" AMY? " he blurted out in horror as he felt the very mortal danger of being reduced to ashes at that moment.

The fine lady that he just saw? How could he have ever imagined that it would be Max's niece.

He wasn't the kind of man who was interested in little girls and this was an honest mistake, however, it was a mistake that Sebastian was never going to psychologically recover from.

" Uncle Sebastian? " Amy blurted half shocked and half disgusted as she felt unsure of the man's identity.

His voice sounded like that of uncle Sebastian, however, his body was not one of a dwarf but rather looked more like one of a human.

" No I'm your uncle Neatwit " Sebastian said in a desperate attempt to get out of this embarassing situation as he coughed and continued " Never speak of this again, it was an honest mistake "

Amy nodded lightly, to her this was not that big of a deal, however, for Sebastian and an unassuming Neatwit who did nothing wrong, it was the most embarassing incident of their lives.

An incident that would tarnish Neatwit's reputation forever.


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