Max's bold confrontation at the funeral didn't just stir the attendees; it ignited a widespread debate throughout vampire society.

The grave insinuation that Regus had deliberately sacrificed Vega to eliminate a potential rival to the throne shook the foundations of trust and loyalty that held their society together. True or not, the very suggestion cast a long, ominous shadow over Regus's reign.

As suspicions and conspiracy theories began to swirl, Regus's carefully crafted image through the centuries began to be questioned in an instant.

The funeral, therefore, was pivotal for Max, not just for the satisfaction of confronting Regus directly, but for the clarity it brought to his next move.

The temporary suspension of the clan ranking system by Regus, in response to Dracula's unforeseen onslaught, had derailed Max's initial strategy as he could no longer ascend the Bloodfall clan to the coveted first rank through conventional means.

Yet, in every crisis, there was an opportunity. The stagnation of the clan rankings also meant the Caesar clan retained its top position, despite the loss of their patriarch Julian Caesar.

If Max's instincts were right, Julian's widow harbored a deep-seated resentment towards Regus, a hatred that mirrored his own as she, too, longed to see the king dethroned.

If he could somehow persuade her to merge the mighty Caesar clan with his own Bloodfall clan, he could catapult his house to the first rank!

Such a merger would grant him the right, by ancient vampire tradition, to challenge Regus for the throne and then he could ascend to the throne without anyone being able to question his worthiness.

The path ahead was fraught with challenges as convincing the proud Caesar clan to relinquish their identity and accept him as their new patriarch would undoubtedly be an uphill battle.

The negotiation would require a blend of diplomacy, charm, and an offer so enticing they couldn't refuse.

However, Max was not one to back down from a challenge. Since the stakes were high, and the road ahead perilous, he needed to step up his own game to match the danger as he knew that with the right approach and a bit of luck, what seemed like an improbable dream might just become a reality.


( meanwhile Rudra )

Rudra inspected the new Rajput Capital with a soft smile on his face.

Lately his mood had been extremely irritated, however, today he felt more calm and balanced as he thoroughly enjoyed the fruits of his labor.

The word ' Grand ' would be an understatement to describe the Rajput Capital. I think you should take a look at

It was beyond grand, beyond common sense and almost ethereal as Rudra had spared no efforts in making it an iconic capital for generations of Rajput descendants to come.

Rudra drew his inspiration for the Rajput Capital from the tales of 'Asgard' that had captured his imagination as a child on Earth. He envisioned a city not just of gold, but of dreams, a place designed to house the mightiest gods and the bravest warriors of the universe.

As one entered the gates of the capital, they were greeted by streets lined with golden cobblestones, shimmering under the sun. Towering structures, each a masterpiece, rose majestically against the azure sky. These buildings were not mere constructs of brick and mortar, but embodiments of art and power, adorned with intricate carvings and precious stones that reflected a spectrum of colors.

Fountains of crystal-clear water added a melodious backdrop, their soothing sounds providing a tranquil harmony to the bustling city. The gardens were a visual feast, with flowers of every conceivable hue blooming in orchestrated chaos, and trees that seemed to touch the heavens.

In the heart of the city stood the grand palace, a beacon of strength and elegance. Its walls were encrusted with jewels, and its domes, plated with pure gold, glinted like a crown under the sun. Inside, the halls were vast and opulent, filled with treasures from distant lands, whispering tales of adventures and conquests.

But what truly set the Rajput Capital apart was not just its physical beauty, but the sheer amount of rare materials and treasures that Rudra had lined up in the open as if they were worthless.

There was a street called ' Sword Street ' where Rudra had encased in resin over 10 million swords that were epic grade and above whose collective value would easily be in hundreds of billions of gold coins.

Such extravagance was littered all around the Rajput capital, which apart from its general scenic beauty also had some of the universe's most important buildings such as the next council of monarchs monument and the physical location of the universal warehouse and the library of knowledge.

Just these three buildings alone, made the Rajput Capital, one of the most important buildings in the world, however, the free and unrestricted access of these buildings by all direct Rajput family members made it an important foundation for the clans future strength.

In this city of dreams, Rudra had not just built a capital; he had created a legacy, a testament to the power of imagination and the indomitable warrior spirit.

Whether the future generations of Rajput family praised or cursed Rudra for his endless pursuit of power, in his mind Rudra was sure that with the creation of the Rajput capital he had completely played his part in all that he could do for his children and grandchildren.

He could ascend to celestial hood tomorrow and the family would be in the queen's safe hands, however, he wanted to wait until he was ready to face the perfect warrior and until Max was ready to take his mantle as the next Supreme Lord before ascending.


/// A/N - Thankyou for all your GT support to the book in the month of October.

Unfortunately, we could not make it to the top10 rankings and were ranked 12 at the end of it.

Nonetheless, I'm sure we can bounce back and reclaim our top 10 spot in November and I shall be counting for your support for the same ///


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