Max checked the top 10,000 rankings and saw himself at a very dicey 9201th spot.

Although he had some leeway between himself and the 10,000 th spot, the last day before the tournament was bound to be crazy with those around 10-12,000th ranks trying their best to somehow make it to top 10,000.

This meant that Max was left with a tricky situation where he could not take it easily, however, he could not even take any big risks as unlike his friends who were at least in a group of three when they went in the forest, Max was dead alone.

For Max the million points sent by the principal were a god-sent opportunity, because although he had accepted his fate of not being able to take part in the tournament, his heart would have undoubtedly ached when he supported his friends from the stands.

Max did not like being an observer, he had been an observer all his past life, hence now that the principal had given him an opportunity to get off from the sidelines and put on a worthy performance, Max swore to give it his all.

' Fuck it, if even after a million points I can't enter the tournament then I should take a cap full of water and drown my nose in it '. Max thought, as he decided to go out to the wild and get the points he needed to secure his spot.

Although it was risky, Max trusted his intuition and believed that he would be smart enough to avoid trouble.

Just as Max was lost in his thoughts, Severus sneaked up behind him and gave Max the scare of a lifetime

" Boo! "

" Fucking hell ". Max said, startled, as he swung his hands to attack the opponent behind, only for his hands to be caught by Severus.

" Tch, tch, such a scaredy cat ". Severus said, mocking Max who was clearly pissed at his antics.

" What the fuck Severus, one of these days I'm going to beat the living hell out of you ". Max said, with an annoyed tone

" Aww, I love you too ". Severus said, leaving Max speechless.

After an awkward silence of Max staring at Severus's white fangs, Max said " So… why are you here ".

" Yes, I'm here to deliver a very important message from the Saint Maximus clan.

The top brass says that you must not use your blood manipulation ability, or your sword Raveslasher during your upcoming tournament.

You are an absolute idiot to use that sword both in the university and back on Earth, as anyone with half a brain cell can easily discern that Ravan is Max and Max is Ravan if you do so.

Since you have already shown that bloody circle skill on earth, you can't use that either.

Other than that, the saint maximus clan will sponsor your tournament costs fully, and wishes you the best in all your future endeavours ". Severus said with a smile

Max's eyes twitched when he heard Severus's words as he asked " I literally entered the top 10,000 ranks not more than 20 minutes ago, how the fuck do you know about me participating in the tournament and how do you know about my fight on earth? ".

" Silly boy, why do you keep forgetting that I hear everything.

From every whisper in this university to the extremely loud and passionate talk between you and the principal to even the romantic nighttime talks between you and Asiva, I know everything ". Severus said, as Max felt an irresistible urge to punch his damn face.

" What do you mean passionate talk with the principal, stop making it sound so gay.

And what romantic talks with Asiva? If she ever heard you say this nonsense she will undoubtedly pierce every inch of your body with a dagger ". Max retorted as Severus winced thinking about Asiva's rage.

" Agh yes, let's not mention this to the mad woman ". Severus suggested.

Max thought for a while and then agreed to Severus's conditions as the latter guaranteed that the sword given to him by Saint Maximus clan would not be inferior to rave slasher anyways.

On a side-note Max was extremely impressed by Severus's information gathering system as he could see why the Saint Maximus clan was the 7th strongest despite being filled with a bunch of sweepers.


( A while later )

" Bad idea, bad idea , bad idea " Max screamed as he ran for his life through the woods at a very low orange HP bar.

' This idea to ambush a group of 4 alone was dumb Max, you are not Sebastian, now you will die and lose many merit points '. Drax said as Max weaved through trees with a tail of more than 200 people.

" I know it was a dumb idea grandpa Drax and you shouting that into my mind definitely doesnt help me at all in this situation".

Max was doing good in the forest for the last 2 hours, as he gained more than 25,000 merit points taking on isolated monsters and duo or trio squads.

His rank improved by 15 spaces and his morale was high, however, he then decided to bite more than he could chew and decided to take on a group of 4 alone, although given enough time he could have taken down that group, their slightly prolonged fighting attracted other third parties who surrounded Max like hounds because of his solo player status.

" Fucking third party squads, we should ban them! It's a cowardly tactic ". Max shouted to no avail as he deployed a flame wall behind him to slow down the pursuers who were gaining on him.

' The dorms are still 0.8 km away, although the hope is slim, you can try to squeeze in'. Drax suggested

Max instantly picked up speed and his gravity training finally started to show results as he effortlessly left his immediate attackers in the dust.

" Quick! He's running away! ". Shouted one of his pursuers, as he too accelerated without regard to his stamina bar behind Max.

Max knew that there was an enclosement of players about 200 metres ahead and if he wanted to somehow make it out of the forest alive, he needed to lose his pursuers and somehow needed to get past the encirclement to get out.

Seeing a large tree ahead, Max circled around it, but instead of running ahead he made a sudden stop as he silently climbed the tree branch and waited for his pursuers to reach there.

" Damn it! Where is he? " , Said a guy standing under Max as Max activated his ' Brainwashing ' skill to manipulate the guy under him.

Thankfully the guy had exactly half Max's Intelligence points and the brainwashing skill did not fail, as Max managed to take control of the guy.

" HE WENT LEFT! " Shouted the guy that Max was controlling as he started to run leftways leading the entire group of pursuers behind him to the left.

Max waited for about 20 seconds for them to get a bit ahead, before climbing down the tree and sprinting towards the right hard.

' I'm shocked, you actually know how to use your brain, ' Drax said as he complimented Max for his tactics.

Max grinned as he managed to get past the encirclement and reach the dorm area safely.

Bruised, battered and covered in sweat, Max hobbled back to his dorm as he could not wait to inform Asiva of his legendary feat of the day.

Unfortunately for him, Asiva was not inside the dorm room, and he needed to wait a bit longer to give her the good news.

Max crashed on the bed, he had done all that he could do to secure his spot in the tournament, now if he somehow lost his spot in the next few hours, he would have to go and battle it out once more, but according to his estimates he should be fine.


( Meanwhile Asiva )

Asiva was in the dorm's prayer room, as she held a wax candle and prayed to the dead spirit of her father.

" Dad, I promise to enter the top 16 of the tournament and get a spot for the dragon's paradise dungeon.

Although I'm not strong enough yet to avenge the Paratus clan. I will make a lot of money through the dungeon and hire mercenaries to make trouble for the Kingsmen.

As long as I'm alive, they will not live an easy life, that I swear".

Although Cole Paratus was dead for over 9 months now, in Asiva's mind the death was as fresh as yesterday.

The Kingsmen clan had to pay for their deeds and she was willing to go to any lengths to ensure that it happened.


( Meanwhile Sebastian)

Asmodeus grinned evilly, as he wrote a letter with his own blood to Thor Odinson

" Dear father,

I'm Sebastian Thorson, 18 years of age and your bastard.

Today I'm writing this letter to you, because I'm finally taking my first big step in life by entering the end of the year tournament in the university for Nourishment Of Young talents.

I have already unlocked my bloodline power of thunder and plan on bringing glory to your name using it.

Please give your blessings for the same.

Your loving son,

Sebastian ".

" Hahaha, stupid Thor ". Asmodeus grinned as he folded the letter and posted it knowing full well how Thor was going to react once opening the letter.

It was a dangerous game that the demon was playing, as it would end badly for him if he failed, but even worse for Thor should he succeed.

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