MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Vampire God

Chapter 799 Time-Skip (7) Dracula The Mad Tyrant

( Dracula, the mad tyrant during the past 12 years )

Dracula had spent the last 12 years of his life indulging in every pent up desire that he had been unable to fulfil during his imprisonment.

Whether it was eating delicious foods, to drinking blood of various species and even alive prey, Dracula indulged in them all to his heart's content.

He would impregnate several dozen women a day, mostly modern vampires that were captured by his subordinates in an attempt to bring back the primordial vampires to the universe, a cause that saw him bringing 150,000 babies to the universe in the span of a decade.

With the oldest of them having the opportunity to reach their sexual prime in a few years, the population was sure to expand even further as Dracula had indoctrinated within his children the importance of preserving the bloodline and keeping their race alive.

However, just eating and reproducing like a beast in heat wasn't enough for Dracula as for him it was important to hit the trifecta and act like a madman as every 3 months he would pick a planet to destroy or a rampage to undergo and cause significant damage to vampire or kingdom of life territories.

Having destroyed close to 50 planets in the past 12 years, Dracula re-established his fame as the destroyer of worlds and his fear reached an all-time high within the universe.

Not only did the werewolf army under him steadily expand the lands they controlled, by strategically liberating previous dark faction lands like those under the Savage King or those that the Kingdom of life took over, Dracula won over the commoners by offering them war and anarchy once more and recruited millions to his effort.

In 12 short years he had a chain of 120 planets under his control having established a sort of monarchy of his own and the succession effort so far could only be described as a breeze.

Both the vampires and the cowardly paladins of the kingdom seemed to be withholding their best warriors and not sending them to the front lines as they tried to improve the quality of their armies and ramp up war supplies, preparing for a big pushback once they were ready.

However, none of this deterred the mad king, as Dracula pretty much waltzed into any planet that he wished and destroyed it with ease with neither Regus Aurelius nor Beniogre capable of harming a hair on him.

He did have secret diplomatic visits from several monarch figures including from Augustus Won Knight, but despite meeting some of the universe's best, none seemed to have the spark that would send shivers down Dracula's spine.

Although Dracula had no intent of provoking them at the moment, he was also not afraid to declare a war on their lands if they decided to mess with him.

Dracula's ultimate goal was universal domination, and he was sure that given enough time he could conquer it all. However, his misconception regarding his strength was broken the day he set his sights on the Bloodfall fiefdom.

A few years after obtaining his freedom, Dracula sent an emissary to Bloodfall clan to try and convince Max Rajput to join him of his own free will.

Dracula valued his talent and his skills and wanted to groom him as his disciple, however, Max Rajput arrogantly refused the offer and called him offensive names.

Enraged, Dracula decided to teach the boy a lesson by destroying dombivli, however, as he reached the outer periphery of the planet, an incident occurred.

In a set of blurry movements, a spacial portal opened behind Dracula and by the time he turned to face the opponent he felt a deep ' X ' shaped gash open up his chest as he lost close to 40% of his HP in that single attack.

At that moment the heavens started to open up and the universal queen began to physically manifest herself, as for the first time since being released Dracula felt the pressure of being face to face with a warrior that could end his life with ease.

As he stared into the Omniscient blue eyes of Rudra Rajput, he felt like he was staring down his father's eyes all over again as although the man spoke no words, his message was loud and clear-

" Mess with my brother and you won't see tomorrow "

Chuckling, Dracula was forced to back-off as he learnt his lesson that Dombivli was off- limits.

Not only did this incident remind him that there was still one warrior stronger than him in the universe, but it also reminded him that there was still room for improvement regarding his own power.

The ease with which Rudra chopped him down was a new point of obsession for Dracula as he made it his mission to improve his reflexes and detection techniques to never be humiliated like this ever again.

6 years passed since that fateful incident, yet the nightmares still bothered Dracula till date.

The common vampire's now believed Dombivli to be a safe haven that Dracula did not dare attack, and although not a single soul in the universe knew what exactly transpired that day, their own assumptions were not far from truth either.

Despite being absent from the active politics of the universe, Shakuni remained the one individual that commoners and monarchs revered as a true 'King of God's'

At first Dracula did not fully believe in his hype, however, that one incident proved him that Shakuni was every bit as powerful as the rumours suggested, if not even more.

Although this led to Dracula leaving Dombivli alone for now, he wasn't willing to let the matter slide forever as apart from Universal domination, his second goal was to become the strongest individual by one day defeating Shakuni The Terrifying in battle.


( Present day, Dracula )

" My lord, today's the scheduled day for your quarterly devastation…. May I have the pleasure of knowing which planet are you going to attack today? " Ulrich said as he reminded Dracula that today was the day he was supposed to spread terror.

" Whatever planet that bitch Beniogre is residing on " Dracula replied with a cunning smile as Ulrich immediately began laughing heartily.

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