( Felix Aurelius's POV ) 

Felix much like Lucius barely cleared the riddle stage with his life. 

All four of his companions died within the riddle stage and he barely escaped with his life because of the life-saving treasures he had on his body given by Regus. 

" This is it, this is as far as I go in this dungeon. 

I've cleared two stages and got two tier8 shards alongside some other loot. 

If I'm struggling so much, there is no way Lucius is going to fare any better. 

I'm not going to risk it anymore, I'm out " Felix said as he thought carefully about his decision and then headed back towards the cleared stages to look for his way back out instead of heading further into the dungeon. 

He understood that his father's orders were to try and see if they could kill Max Rajput within the dungeon, but Felix could not get a hold on that man. 

Had he been at full strength with all five of his companions alive, he would have waited near the dungeon entrance for Max to come back and exit, however, he did not have the confidence to engage against him in one vs one combat. 

Since there was no point in him dallying around anymore, he decided to call quits on this year's dungeon run and pull out while he was still alive. 

It wasn't just him who decided this, as not a single team apart from Max's was able to proceed past stage 2 in the dungeon. 

Of the 7 teams that did manage to clear stage1, five were wiped out completely in stage2, while Felix and the Titus clan general decided to head back after claiming the rewards for completing stage2. 

Like every year, the dungeon proved to be too much to handle for everyone this year as well with most clans choosing to quit with the gains they made so far. 


( Meanwhile Max ) 

After fleeing Lucius, Max and company proceeded to stage 4 of the dungeon, and just as they had expected, it was a stage that was even more dangerous than the one that they had just cleared. 

Stage 4 saw them walk into a grand colosseum, where Titan sized colossal statues numbering 12 stood at a 30° interval like a clock, spanning a full 360°. 

[ Colossal Golems ] ( Tier 6 ) - colossal golems made from the souls of a thousand dead giants each. 

Crafted from some of the strongest materials in the universe and tempered straight in the heat of an active volcano, these structures can take down entire cities in a matter of minutes. 

It is the peak of arcane architecture. 

" Wow, I'd love to get my hands on the blueprints of these things" Lucius commented as he gazed at the glorious creations, not expecting them to come alive as soon as the group had walked half-way into the colosseum. 

" OH HELL NO! " Sebastian cursed as he and Max instantly cast a wind barrier spell around the group before 12 giant weapons collided against that wind barrier, cracking the very ground they stood on. 


Thankfully the wind barrier held strong, and the group got an extra moment to gather their senses. 

" These are tier6 figures, it's impossible for us to defeat them! " Lucius commented as Max completely ignored his cowardly comment. 

" Sebastian, provide protection to everyone. 

Anna, Severus, Sorrow, pick one target and focus on taking it down. 

Lucius, try and stay alive, I'll try deal with the rest " Max commanded in a clear voice as he immediately used the skill 

[ Perfect Cloning ] to summon his clone. I think you should take a look at ραΠdαsnovel.cοm

Immediately the team sprang into action much to Lucius's surprise as once Max relayed the orders the team did not have even a sliver of second doubts. 

Lucius watched incredulously as everyone but himself sprang into action, their movements completely in sync as they attacked the giant golems. 

Sebastian, using his wind-powers that seemed to be originating from an artefact, expertly deflected every incoming blow. 

DarkSorrow, using his swordsman skills attached the foot of the colossal golem while Anna, using a curved shot, hit the golem on the back of his head which when coupled with the leg attack brought it down on its face. 

Not missing a beat, Severus Anna and DarkSorrow attacked the Titan's neck causing significant damage to its internal machinery as the Titan was down and out for good. 

It all happened so fast and smoothly that Lucius was left speechless as if it were him he would never even dare fighting such a behemoth. 

However, the performance of the group paled in comparison to the performance of one Max Rajput alone. 

He had created a very powerful domain spell, under which even the Titan golems seemed immobilised as he systematically decimated about 6 of them at once. 

His clone, which could somehow replicate the same skill, took down 5 more as the group effectively cleared the stage in little more than 3 minutes when Lucius had deemed it to be impossible. 

" What the heck was that domain move? It's definitely not under tier5 capping, I felt divine essence reek out of it. 

What's going on in this dungeon? And why are you so unbelievably powerful? " Lucius questioned as he felt like a bitter thorn had been stuck in the back of his neck. 

Max's expertise within the dungeon was not quantifiable, it was clearly something deeper than his explanation of ' I have a connection with this place ' and Lucius wanted immediate explanation. 

He could dismiss the destruction of the ice dragon and ice warriors as water manipulation, that made sense, and he had believed that the reason Max was able to part the blood waterfall was because of the same principle, however, now he began doubting that as well. 

It was a well known fact that Max was rumoured to be a primordial vampire, someone with the ability to manipulate blood, however was that really the case? 

Was his father not wrong to imprison this guy? 

" I demand answers from you Lord Max, I demand them now! " Lucius said in a childish fit of rage as Max looked down on him with a confident smile on his face. 

" Oh yeah? You demand answers from me? Very well, make me then. 

Come, fight me if you dare and beat the answers you want out of me " Max said with a threatening edge to his voice as killing intent seeped out of his body. 

Instantly, all of his friends fell in line behind Max and drew their weapons at Lucius as the vampire prince was reminded of the grim reality that he was at their mercy here and wasn't in a position to demand anything. 

ραΠdαsΝοvel.cοm " I'm being kind to you my prince, but don't test my patience, you won't like the outcome " Max said as he dismissed Lucius's authority outright leaving the young prince in shambles. 

The exit door had opened for clearing the stage and Max and company were headed towards it. 

If Lucius chose to follow them, it would mean that he had to swallow the bitter pill and not ask any questions. 

However, if he did not, he would loose out on whatever treasure was on the other side. 

Since the treasure in the stage3 was so great, he could not even fathom what it would be after stage4. 

It was a clear internal struggle inside him on the decision of whether he should go or not go , however, in the end his greed got the best of him as he shut his mouth and followed Max like a pet dog wagging his tail. 


/// A/N - A character popularity event has started and round one lasts till 13th. 

If you can spare some points and vote for Max, I'd appreciate that a lot! /// 

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