Max celebrated his promotion with his three friends in a rare small party inside the dorm canteen, as the four of them sat around a table and enjoyed juicy steaks of meat as Max paid for the meal.

Sebastian and Asiva ate voraciously, gobbling down 600 gold coin premium alien meat steaks like they were eating a vine of grapes, eating 20-25 plates each as Max felt his stomach turn, calculating the expense every time they ordered a repeat.

Asiva was very happy, as she let out a rare smile shocking everyone on the table, in response to a lame sweeper joke made by Max.

Sebastian was acting weird as he started to speak in third person from time to time and his accent and choice of weird words sounded like he was born in the olden times, as he referred to the girls as 'Madams ' and Max as ' Monsieur '.

Anna was much more reserved, slowly eating thin slices of meat as she mixed it with some mashed potatoes and french beans to eat a balanced diet, completing only one plate after a full 1.5 hour.

However, she was undoubtedly the most pleasant one to talk to, patient and a good listener, balancing out the wild energy of the other three.

Max also ate a bit, but felt his appetite die after Sebastian and Asiva moved past the 12th plate where Max understood that he would go broke if he ate anymore.

It was a fun night, and while Max did not share much details of what exactly his class was or how well his test went, everyone could make out that he was happy and it must have gone extremely well.

Soon alcohol was ordered alongside the food and it started to be chugged down instead of water, with the complete single day meal costing Max a whopping 470,000 gold coins that he paid through his seven galaxies bank card, hoping to gain some transaction points at least from his major spending.

The four parted ways late at around 2 am, as Max carried a slightly drunk Asiva over his back as he headed to their dorms.

" You have nice muscular arms " Asiva said as she gripped Max's arms tight, her long nails digging into Max's flesh, drawing a little blood.

Although Max was in pain, he did not make a single sound as he calmly placed Asiva on her bed and placed a blanket over her half sleepy body.

" If the cat-girl ever touches your arms,I will bury my nails inside her like this Max, stay away from this arm you cat bitch ". Asiva mumbled as Max did not know whether to laugh or cry at her antics as the one she was clawing into was not the cat-girl but Max.

Managing to wriggle free with a lot of hard work, Max crashed on his bed, as he prepared to head back home the first thing next morning.

He had been away from Earth for a long time and aside from the house visit he also had a fight scheduled against Benedict in the evening.

As Max closed his eyes, he slept with a calm expression on his face having full confidence in himself to give earthlings a good show the following day.


( The next morning )

The next morning, as Asiva and the others went to the fighting arena, Max headed out to the safe-zone, the tier 1 'Dewstar planet' before he was able to log out of Sigma, as he was teleported back to earth by the universal queen.

[ System Notification - You have entered the ' Battle-Zone ' planet #H2047 ]

Max was teleported back inside his room, at the exact spot from where he logged into Sigma months ago, as he felt nostalgic looking at his room and chuckled as he headed downstairs.

It was only 6 am, and the Rajput mansion was already in a hustle bustle, the twin kids were in their baby carts looking extremely plump and round and cute as they sucked on their pacifiers looking at their mother making breakfast for their father.

Max's modified heart skipped a beat for the first time since his transformation as he stared at his vibrant and full of life sister in law, as a borderline tear formed in his eye to see her happy and healthy.

" I'm home .. " Max murmured softly as Naomi turned and squirmed in shock, letting out a slight scream.

" Aghhh, intruder ".

Max instantly became alert as he looked left and right, his first instinct being to protect the kids who started to cry violently when they heard their mothers panicked voice.

Naomi threw a knife straight at Max who dodged it easily, as it impaled the TV behind him, and the roof opened up above him as Rudra blasted down the floor, in nothing but his underpants standing between Naomi and Max as he looked around and said " Intruder where? " .

Naomi pointed at Max, as Rudra and Max finally understood the situation, as while Rudra had seen Max after his transformation and had been the one to hand Max the concealer Mask, Naomi had not yet seen Max with red eyes and a mask as she quite legitimately mistook him for an intruder.

" Oh honey, it's our Max". Rudra said calming Naomi down, whose jaw dropped looking at the 6 foot three man who was taller than Rudra and looked extremely buff and mean with murderous red eyes.

" There there there ". Rudra said as he picked the baby that was dressed in pink and tried to calm her down, while leaving the one in blue by himself to cry.

" The blue one is Amy today honey ". Naomi said with a slight giggle as Rudra instantly put Jake in Max's arms and picked up Amy calming her down.

" I've told her a million times, Max, that since the kids are twins, she should always dress Amy in pink and the brat in blue. But she always plays a prank on me". Rudra said as he complained to his brother who was lovingly tickling his nephew's nose.

" Gaugha hah huff, chu chu Achu ". Jake laughed and then sneezed a few times as Max laughed looking at him.

Apparently Jake was not affected by Max's red eyes at all, as he stared lovingly into them without any fear.

Max looked around the broken living room as he felt his heart warm up looking at his family.

In the background he could hear his brother and sister in law have a couple's fight as Rudra refused to let go of Amy and argued over the breakfast menu with Naomi.

" No we are not eating pancakes today, give Amy to me and go and put some clothes on". Naomi retaliated as she stared daggers into Rudra's eyes, forcing the mighty God to surrender to his wife's will without a second word.

Max's heart melted to see that his brother was happy, his sister in law was alive and his nephew and niece were in the most adorable phase of their life, looking extremely plump and cute.

" I'm home … " Max said once more, this time with a bright smile on his face as he put the concealer mask away, back into his inventory, showing his teeth to his family, not worrying if they would misunderstand the fangs.


/// A/N - This bonus chapter has been sponsored by Cervantez91, thank him in the comments for this one ///

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