Over the next 5 days, Max trained like an absolute beast. He gained merit points all night and spent 13 hours of the university time all inside training chambers trying to maximize his training time, cutting back even on lectures.

He pushed his body to the absolute limit inside the gravity chamber, training under 12G, even though his body could only handle 9G environment barely for the full 10 hours, pushing himself through sheer grit and tenacity so that he may see some small gains faster.

He asked the medical nurses to mutilated his body till the very limit and to make the stinging healing water even more potent, as he did not care about the pain, and only wanted the results.

The reason why Max pushed so hard was because he knew perfectly well which tournament his brother talked about.

In his past life, it was just before this tournament that he had worked hard to be promoted to tier1 and while the entire Earth awaited his promotion result with bated breaths his assessment came back to be the worst possible assessment out there, with the class being assigned to him being a ' F ' rated class.

He was mocked, he was laughed at, and he was called a disgrace, but despite his weak class he tried his best in the tournament, because he knew he could redeem his pride should he win in the tournament.

It was hard, but he did manage to crawl his way into the top 8, before his dreams were crushed and he was defeated in the quarters.

Even in his past life, Benedict went onto become the champion defeating even the guy who defeated Max in the semi's, so if Max managed to defeat Benedict this time around it would prove that Max had indeed changed his life around, however, only humiliation awaited him if he was to be defeated even in this life.

It was a gamble, since Max did not actually know his ceiling but after hitting +41 points in constitution and a whopping +44 in agility, Max finally reached the apex of tier0.

' Good job boy, but there is no time to celebrate, you completing the path of the perfect warrior for this tier means you will have a busy day tomorrow with the tier 1 promotion test.

Stop the training for today, go out and book the tier promotion test inside the university for tomorrow and then take a good night's rest after taking a long hot bath.

By god you smell like horse shit, the only women you are attracting with this stench is the bearbeast women '. Drax instructed Max, who wobbled his way out of the gravity chamber, for the first time before closing time, which was 45 minutes later.

The manager outside the chamber raised an eyebrow when he saw that Max had left the training grounds early, but seeing the stupid smile on Max's face he knew that he had probably reached maximization.

" You did it? ". He asked in a curious voice

" I did it! " Max replied with a smile

Although Max's legs did not work for a while after coming out of the gravity chamber, he crawled with his arms, dragging his body on the floor as Severus frowned deeply walking beside him.

" You look like an absolute buffoon ". Severus said

" I don't care ". Max replied

" But I care! Your sweat is dripping all over the floor, then people complain there are germs on the ground. There are not! It's idiots like you! ". Severus said as he lifted Max over his shoulders, walking swiftly towards the tier 1 promotion centre.

Max wriggled a little in Severus's grip, getting his lower back to be over Severus's shoulder as he relaxed his body and let his joints click as he bounced up and down with every step that Severus took.

" Agh, that feels nice ". Max said as the students in the halls threw him and the sweeper weird glances, to which Max and Severus paid no heed.

Eventually, Severus placed Max in front of the registrar office, as Max walked lazily inside thanking Severus for his help.

While Max thought that Asiva was the only one who knew the exact numbers behind his racial limit, little did Max know that there were no secrets hidden from Severus, who noted every little behaviour and attribute of Max down in his notebook.

Being both proud of Max's commitment to training and wary of his monstrous racial cap which was higher than even the angel race.

One of the biggest benefits of the university was the private tier 1 promotion testing arena.

If one undertook a tier promotion test in a public arena, like one of the 17 testing arena's inside morning star planet or the one on earth, their result was declared publicly to the world with no attributes remaining hidden.

This was not only detrimental for confidentiality, but for Max who was destined for a low assessment, the tier 1 promotion test was an affair of great shame and embarrassment.

One of Max's biggest reasons to join the academy was that it provided a confidential tier 1 promotion test, with the results not known to anyone but the university records.

At Least this way, Max could walk out with his dignity intact.

Scheduling his test for the next day, Max waited for Asiva outside her class as she, Anna and Max then took off together to head back to the dorms, without Sebastian who had not been attending the university classes since the last 3 days, apparently busy with a project of his own.

Upon reaching the room, Max quickly took a shower after days and instantly his sore muscles felt much better after coming in contact with hot water.

The bath refreshed him and sleep found its way to him the moment he hit the bed.

Unfortunately for him however, Grandpa Drax was not going to allow him to sleep before doing a very important task with him first.

' Boy before you sleep, distribute all of your unassigned Attribute points at once.

Tomorrow after you tier up, all stats will double, and while it's good that you have saved all your attribute points uptil now, they won't double if you don't utilise them which will be a big waste.

So think hard as to how you want to distribute them, and do it today itself '.

Max groaned, but understood the importance of what Drax told him, so silently opened his stat panel and began distributing all the stat points that he had accumulated since level 5.


/// A/N - Bonus chapter for hitting the GT target.

Don't forget to check out the stat panel in the author notes with some special explanations.

Also there will be a fourth chapter today, since the story did not get to the point where I planned, and I need to give you all 24 hours to reply to the question. ///

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