" Max, how much is your satiety value? " Asiva asked as the two crashed on their beds

" 72 ". Max replied

" How much was it in the morning? I remember asking you to go over 95% " Asiva asked

" 96 " Max replied

" You burnt through 24% Satiety in a single day ? ". Asiva asked, completely shocked

She waited for 30 seconds but there was no reply from Max's side

" Max? ". Asiva asked again

Since Max did not reply Asiva had to get up and check on him in his room only to find Max to be soundly asleep.

The training had taken a heavy toll on Max's body, and he was asleep as soon as he hit the bed.

Asiva's concern grew over Max's condition, he was burning through Satiety three times as fast as a normal vampire and was undoubtedly pushing himself beyond his limits.

While it was a noble effort which Asiva supported, with Max not fully understanding his new race and limits, she was worried that one day of negligence in feeding Max could see Max's satiety drop below 60 and him losing control all over again.

Not disturbing Max in his sleep, Asiva made a mental note to talk to Severus about securing more supplies for feeding Max, while also making a note to make sure Max got his Satiety above 95% every single morning before training started.


( The next day )

Max was back to his happy self in the morning, his body was sore all over with last days training, however there was a big smile on his face when he checked his stat panel and saw the progress.

Somehow Asiva had turned into his mother in the morning, forcing him to drink blood until his Satiety went above 95% before setting out in the morning towards uni.

Asiva observed Max's fighting style in the morning, and while it had reverted to his original way of fighting, it still had some traces of him entering power saving mode as he got rid of a lot of unnecessary movements that he used to make in battle, apparently saving his energy for the brutal training that was to come later on.

The duo reached uni, they parted for lectures and Max went to the strength training hall straight after lecture, as today was going to be strength training.

Unlike the gravity hall, the strength training hall had countless instructors all around, supervising one's training with weights, on dummies and through vigorous exercise.

Max paid the fee for using it for ten hours, as the instructor inside asked him what weapon he preferred in combat, and after hearing Max's answer he handed him a heavy 25 kg sword.

" For 2.5 hours you do overhead slash, For next 2.5 hours you do cross slash, Then 2.5 hours you thrust, and last 2.5 hours you do hip slash ". The instructor instructed Max and demonstrated the moves once.

" If you do it correctly, you will hear a varsity Notification, if you don't you won't" the instructor said as he left Max after patting him on his shoulder.

The 25 kg sword felt incredibly heavy to Max, the sword he used currently was 5kgs in weight at maximum and he was used to its nimble feel in his hand, which was very different from the coarse and heavy feel of the sword in his hand.

" You're late, partner ". Max heard someone say from his left, as he saw Sebastian slashing a dummy with overhead slashes with a 30 kg sword.

Max nodded at him, before taking his stance as he started to perform overhead slashes as shown by the instructor.

' Wrong ' Drax said as Max performed his first slash and just like he said, he heard no varsity notification.

' You need to have equilibrium when you swing the sword, your slash is inclined when it hits the target, it's because your body muscles are not in equilibrium, your right muscles are stronger than left ones causing this tilt. Actively focus on correcting this and you will eventually get both muscles to reach an equilibrium '. Grandpa Drax instructed Max

Max followed what Drax taught him, and although it took him 20 minutes to hear his first varsity notification for a correct slash, he started getting 1/10 notifications very soon after that.

The training was much milder when compared to the gravity chamber, but instead of his lungs feeling like they were made of lead, it was his arms which felt like they were made of lead today as about an hour into the training the 25kg sword started to feel like 250 kg to Max, who did not have the necessary strength in his body to continue swinging his arms anymore.

' Imagine it's Sophie Max, imagine it's that lying, cheating b**** '. Drax the hype man started to pump up Max the moment he started to slow down, as it was another big day at work for the old A.I.


( Meanwhile on Earth )

" Goddamn it he did not enrol! ". Benedict cursed out loud when he saw the final list of the ' Earth's strongest ' tournament come out.

The earth's strongest was a tournament organised by Rudra himself where young talent from all across the planet would be given a platform to fight in a martial arts style tournament with the winner in each category having a chance to win 200,000 gold or ask for a special wish to be fulfilled.

After the humiliation he suffered under Max's hands in the recent times, Benedict viewed this tournament as his opportunity to redeem himself as not only did he desperately needed the money, but also a platform that would help him face-slap Max.

The tournament was broken into two slots which was the under 19 and the open category and while the open category was a far-fetched dream for a weakling like Benedict to win with strong elite warriors taking part there, since he was only 18, the under 19 category was still available for him and he felt he had a good chance of winning.

Benedict was sure that Max would also enrol into the tournament, seeing the hype and the prize, however he was disappointed to see that Max did not.

' Even if you don't want to fight Max, you will end up fighting me, as I will use my wish after winning to challenge you to one more fight! '. Benedict resolved in his heart as he looked at the date of the tournament which was two months later and resolved to get much stronger by then.


/// A/N - Bonus chapter for the super gift by OscarPill please thank him in the comments for this one. ///

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