The moment the professor said that a perfect warrior could combat a tier 4 warrior at tier 3 and even break the great chasm and fight a god as a peak tier 5 mortal, Max instantly thought of his brother and how he fit the description perfectly.

Everyone aspired to be such a type of warrior, one that was unparalleled within their own tier and could even fight higher tiered opponents.

Max wanted to walk on the path of the perfect warrior, however, the principal himself was stuck on perfecting the third tier for many years, this meant that the difficulty of maxing out stats in each tier increased exponentially with time.

This was a huge red flag for someone who was chasing great power and fast at that, however, to Max who did not have mana, and only relied on stats to improve as a warrior this sounded extremely appealing.

' This path your professor talks about, won't be easy to complete boy, but it will give you an unparalleled advantage regarding your foundational strength, because it will compound over time as you progress through tiers and make you a much more formidable warrior than an average fighter '. Grandpa Drax said as he encouraged Max to consider it seriously.

Max was lost in his thoughts, when the principal's voice echoed.

" For those of you, who might be thinking of following this path, let me tell you exactly how difficult your routine is going to be.

I am sure all of you know by now, that there are six basic attributes







To maximise each stat, you will need to undergo a particular training for that exact stat, but that will not be your own goal here.

You are in a university offering many valuable lectures on subjects that you would not wish to miss out on, so here is what your life will look like if you wish to undertake the path of the perfect warrior.

Morning - Wake up early, wash and get ready.

Go out - Fight your way through the forest, harvest some merit points, hone your fighting skills, reach University grounds.

Attend Lecture - Attend your chosen class, spend your merit points, learn something new.

Train- Depending on the day of the week, you train one attribute.

Monday is strength day, you go to the training arena and pay merit points to use it for 8-10 hours, train like a madman.

Tuesday is dexterity day, go to Blacksmithing hall or alchemy hall or whatever profession hall appeals to you, and craft objects to increase dexterity.

Wednesday is intelligence day, go to the library, read books and solve puzzles.

Thursday is agility training, you get to train your body inside a gravity chamber, if you push hard enough you might even increase endurance by a bit.

Friday is for constitution, you go to the medicinal hall and are poked with needles and soaked in medicinal water that will put your body through so much pain that you would wish to never have been born.

Saturday is for endurance, where you do endurance drills until your stamina hits 0, drink a potion and do it all over again.

After all this torture, you still have to make your way back to the dorms through the forest, earning much needed extra merit points to sustain your expenditure on the next day.

On an average you will need to earn 2000-2500 merit points a day.

If you somehow stick by this maddening training regime for just 9 months. I guarantee you will Max out your stats up till tier 1 by the time the end-semester season rolls around.

Alas, this is all just wishful thinking on my part, I will see thousands of you training out there tomorrow, a few hundred a month later. Not even 20, 3 months down the line and not a single person after 6 months ".

The principal observed the class's expression as he said this and saw many lose the shine they had in their eyes when he told them that a perfect warrior could fight higher tiered opponents easily.

Every year he made the same speech and every year turned out to be the same. Everyone wanted power, but no-one wanted to work hard for it.

The principal looked at his watch as he said " 5 minutes left, does anyone have any doubts? "

He waited for a few seconds, however he doubted if anyone was going to ask him anything, however, shockingly one hand was raised from the crowd.

The attention of the whole class fell on the boy who had raised his hand, he was sitting on the very first row, signifying that he must have reached the class extremely early.

The boy had blonde hair, chocolate brown skin and looked like a caucasian model. He was a human, but did not seem to be from Earth.

" Yes? ". The principal asked

" Sir, what is the best activity for Sunday…. You explained what to do for Monday through Saturday, but missed Sunday ".

The principal studied the boys expression for a while, and tried to see if he was kidding or just trying to act like a jester, but when he found him to have a straight face and no malicious intent, the principal smiled as he said.

" Sunday morning is practical combat class. Everyone who wishes to fight gets to fight in a supervised arena in the university, and get pointers on the fight by the various qualified professors.

Sunday evening i would suggest you go out from the University to either Morningstar or Dewstar planet wherever you are allowed to go.

Join a mercenary guild and focus on completing F and E ranked missions. One that doesn't take more than 2-5 hours.

Have a foot inside society and how the mercenary world works, it will help you a lot ".

" Okay thank you ". The boy said, as he bowed to the principal and took his seat.

It seemed like he was dead set on fulfilling the routine that the principal had suggested.

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