" Hahahahahaha, HAHAHAHAHA " Will Kingsman bursted out laughing when he read the system contract sent by Jhonny through Sebastian as although he was laughing one could notice the underlying anger as his aura surged.

The entire Kingsman court was silent as while everyone knew that the young princes had to be saved, everyone knew that making the trade was not possible.

While nobody cared about handing over Severus Saint Maximus, the same could not be said for Asiva Paratus.

Although the rest of the vampire clans did not know about this yet, the top courtiers of Will Kingsman knew the true reason behind why the Kingsman clan attacked the land of Lord Cole Paratus.

It was not because they could bear the losses and do as they pleased with a weaker clan, but because they had been explicitly informed to do so by Marcus Aurelius, the 16 year old son of Vampire King Regus Aurelius who had his eyes set on conquering Asiva.

While Regus Aurelius was a noble ruler who did not indulge or support his son's debauchery, not many vampire lords had the guts to refuse his advances for their women or daughters, however, Cole Paratus was one such lord who when approached by Marcus regarding the matter of spending a night with his then 15 year old daughter, rejected the notion outright giving no face to the vampire prince.

Marcus had laid eyes on Asiva at the grand gala and something about her crimson eyes made his blood boil in excitement whenever he looked into them, as her boyish charms and fiery temperament ignited a flame of lust in the young man.

However, after the fall of the Paratus clan, Asiva managed to escape while the Assassin's sent to wipe her memories clean and bring her back as a slave were defeated as she got shelter within the maximus clan and was out of bounds for a while.

Fate convicted her as a criminal who tried to overthrow the Kingsman clan and she was captured by Will Kingsman as a bargain chip to get benefits from the young prince in return for Asiva's body.

The young prince visited Asiva in prison, but despite being chained and defenceless, her spirit remained intact as she spat in Marcus Aurelius's face and refused his sweet offers of pardoning her crimes if she willingly had sex with him.

Marcus was extremely angered and disappointed in Asiva's attitude, over his lifetime he had taken many women, old, young, even small children, however, none had shown the kind of distaste that Asiva had shown towards him.

He was handsome, charming, powerful and with status, he was the dream guy of many women and breeding with him was a glorious chance for clans to strengthen their bloodline with the powers of the Aurelius clan and while this temptation was enough for 99% women to succumb to his will, Asiva was different.

There had often been women who said ' No ' to his face but meaning ' Yes' internally as they got the satisfaction of playing the victim, but Asiva was not one of those people as well.

When she said ' Fuck off ' , it meant that she had no interest in the young vampire prince and no interest at all.

Marcus hated conquering women by force and he really wanted to conquer Asiva so to convince her he even went to the lengths of drafting a system contract that promised that Asiva would become his first wife when he turned of age and by extension the vampire princess if she submitted to him, but Asiva still denied the offer.

It was at this point that the thoughts of raping the naked chained Asiva entered Marcus's mind but eventually he decided that as a noble born prince he was above this level of scum.

Every woman he had ever had was through consent of the clan patriarch or her man himself and he had never forced himself on anyone even though he liked to flex his status to compel the other party into making a decision.

Deciding that time would break her willpower he ordered Will Kingsman to torture her without scratching her body and using psychological tactics to break her confidence.

The deal was for Will Kingsman to break Asiva mentally in the next two years and make her submit to Marcus Aurelius in return for a tier8 treasure that would take the Kingsman clan's offensive abilities through the roof.

But now that deal was in jeopardy as his idiot sons were kidnapped by a god and as a father it was his duty to save them.

" Why did I raise such useless brats? It must be their mothers genes, I always knew deep down I should have chosen a smarter woman as my wife, but I went for the one with bigger boobs ". Will Kingsman complained as he angrily glared at Sebastian.

" You, Dwarf ". *snap* *snap* Will Kingsman said as he snapped his fingers and made Sebastian kneel by suppressing him with his aura.

" You know where they are hiding, give up their location and I will reward you handsomely " Will Kingsman said as all eyes in the court now turned to Sebastian.

Sebastian was internally repulsed by his lowlife treatment and if he wanted to he could lash back at the courtiers by making a snarky comment but the Turtle Hermit rule number 6 said that - An angry coward was a dead coward, hence Sebastian controlled his anger and took a deep breath before beginning his performance.

" *Snivvel* *Snivvel* , My lords, t-the dwarf was abducted by evil men and forced to do this task under duress.

I know nothing, I see nothing, I was happily skipping through the streets trying to buy a nice red apple to reward myself after a hard day's work at the Smithy, but they snatched my apple and pulled me up by my beard and beat the shit out of me

I - *crying intensifies* I-m just a little cowardly dwarf, I can't fight 7 feet tall men, please save me ". Sebastian said as he forced his eyes to produce fake tears.

The pressure on was instinctively reduced by Will Kingsman, who felt a little bad for the dwarf.

Apparently the dwarf was a victim as well of the evil men who had abducted his children and did not deserve the harsh treatment he was prepared to give him.

If there was one thing about men, they had an inherent superiority complex over other men who cried and showed weakness. It made them lower their guard against the weak creature thinking that a creature who is so down and below can never possibly muster the courage to strike back at them.

This was a trick taught to Sebastian by Kremeth to exploit his status as a dwarf to the fullest.

" This is a headache, we cannot hand over Asiva Paratus, but we cannot let my son's stay in the hands of the maniac as well.

This system contract was crafted by a true master, it doesn't allow us to play dirty tricks to kill the enemy and seize Asiva back once the transfer is complete, and that is a problem ". Will Kingsman said as Sebastian carefully held his breath realising that sir Jhonny was much smarter than he showed and that his wisdom and reading of the situation was actually spot on.

" Sire, I know they are your children but handing over the girl is against national interest, we need to find some other way" a courtier said as murmurs began all around the courtroom as people silently supported the notion.

Judging the situation, Sebastian knew he had to sway the public opinion before it ever formed so he said " The tier 6 g-god …., Oh my Thor Odinson , I can't" Sebastian said as he pretended to tremble and disturbed as he tried to utter the next words as instantly the room was silenced and everyone was focused on him.

" Speak freely dwarf, no harm shall come to you in this courtroom " Will Kingsman said with confidence as he tried to give courage to the scared little man.

Pretending to struggle, Sebastian said " The god who captured your children, j-j-j-jhonny English, he said that you must know of his nickname the ' Ball Buster ' .

*Snivvel* *Gasping for air *

H-He said that he had already busted one of your each children's balls and that should you reject the contract it would be the end of the Kingsman line "

Listening to this Will Kingsman erupted in rage as he screamed " THAT MOTHER****** "

His voice made the pillars of the room tremble as each one of his courtiers were shook to their core, not having the spine to utter one more word.

Threatening a man's bloodline was the ultimate threat to his existence and Will Kingsman was not willing to take it lying down.

With a little push from Sebastian, his mind had been made up about saving his children, as dumb as they maybe, in the end they were his own flesh and blood


/// A/N - I will be back to business as usual from tomorrow, so let's start hitting those goals again for a terrific release rate once more ///

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