Chapter 193

Jun Zishu was never good at speaking honeyed words in the past. She wasn’t very good at it now, either. However, at certain times, she would always be able to say words that were very moving and heart-warming.

Meanwhile, now was one of those times.

Yue Mingsheng found this situation heartbreaking, upsetting, and funny, all at the same time. Then, without hesitation, she gently kissed Jun Zishu’s shoulder before planting another kiss on Jun Zishu’s lips.

Jun Zishu might look calm on the surface, but she couldn’t help but feel guilty toward Yue Mingsheng on the inside. This was because she had deliberately let herself get hurt. She needed to let some people know that the assassination attempt had failed.

Of course, Jun Zishu wouldn’t dare tell this to Yue Mingsheng. Yue Mingsheng would definitely get very angry at her and scold her for not taking care of herself.

In Jun Zishu’s opinion, she had simply paid an inconsequential price to exchange for something she wanted.

Thus, it was best if she kept this matter from her lover.

Jun Zishu had no trouble moving her other arm, so she hooked it around Yue Mingsheng’s head and pulled Yue Mingsheng into her embrace.

Jun Zishu didn’t look to be in a very good state right now. Her clothes covered only half of her upper body, and her bandaged right shoulder remained exposed. Even so, she sat calmly on her bed, her appearance, posture, and expression giving her a domineering and bandit-like demeanor.

Meanwhile, Yue Mingsheng carefully leaned against Jun Zishu’s left shoulder, making sure to avoid touching Jun Zishu’s wound.

“I’ve begun closing the net,” Jun Zishu said, the vibrations from her chest transmitted to Yue Mingsheng’s right ear.

Yue Mingsheng hummed a response. She wasn’t in the mood to consider those annoying matters. Right now, all she wanted to do was think of Jun Zishu and lean on Jun Zishu. Everything else could wait.

Of course, Yue Mingsheng didn’t cling to Jun Zishu for too long. Fearing that she would stress her lover’s body, Yue Mingsheng got up after a few minutes and left to deal with the assassination attempt.

While walking out of the bedchamber, Yue Mingsheng wore a grim look on her face, and she swore that she would personally kill Chu Meng with her hands one day. She also hoped that he could live a little longer, preferably until she could wrap her hands around his neck.

Cold winds swept the earth on the northwestern border as Chu Ying discussed tactics with his father in a tent.

Chu Ying had changed a lot during the past month of constant fighting and bloodshed. His skin had darkened, and his personality had become fiercer and calmer. He was completely different from the princeling he was before he left the imperial capital.

Chu Ying did not behave arrogantly simply because he had been appointed vice commander and his father was commander of the army. He didn’t even participate in the commanding of the army initially. Instead, he worked his way up from a foot soldier, and he fought and killed the enemy more fiercely than anyone else. Because of his heroic actions, he quickly built up prestige among the soldiers, so much so that even Chu Meng couldn’t help but be proud of him.

While the two were discussing, Chu Meng suddenly felt a pain in his shoulder. Then, blood began spreading from his clothes.

“Who is it?!”

Chu Meng was startled, and he promptly stood up to look for attackers.

Chu Ying, however, had a sinking feeling in his heart as he remembered the servant bug inside his body.

Meanwhile, after Chu Meng went outside to look around, he returned to the tent with a frown and asked, “I didn’t find anyone nearby. Did you get hit by a concealed weapon?”

Chu Ying didn’t say anything. Instead, he moved aside his lapel and saw a stab wound on his shoulder.

The wound looked like it resulted from someone stabbing him with a sword.

“Isn’t this…a sword wound?”

Chu Meng sensed that something was amiss after seeing the wound on his son’s shoulder. His son had been talking to him normally just a moment ago. Yet, now, not only did his son get injured, but the wound even looked like it was made by a sword instead of a concealed weapon.

“What’s going on?”

When Chu Meng saw that Chu Ying didn’t seem surprised by what had just happened, he knew that Chu Ying might know something about this situation.

“Before, Her Majesty planted a type of bug in my body. She has the master bug in her body, while the servant bug is in my body. So long as she gets injured, I will suffer the same injuries. She can also have me dead with just a thought if she wants to,” Chu Ying calmly explained as he wiped away the blood dripping from his shoulder.

“Why didn’t you tell me about it before?”

Chu Meng smacked the table, looking very annoyed.

“I already sought help. It’s useless; the bug can’t be removed.”

“You should’ve still told me about it!”

Chu Meng was furious, and he had the urge to sweep everything on the table to the ground. However, he held back his anger.

“You’ll be hurt wherever she is hurt. Is that right?”


Chu Meng’s face sank in realization.

“Did you send someone to assassinate the empress, Father?”

“I spent a lot of money to hire twenty assassins, yet those useless bunch only managed to injure her shoulder.”

Chu Ying’s heart grew cold when he heard his father’s words. Even the pain coming from his shoulder had vanished from his mind momentarily.

“Now that you know about the bug, do you still intend on assassinating her, Father?”

“Since she has done such a thing, it’s all the more reason for us to rebel. Once I capture the capital, I’ll take control of her and remove that bug for you.”

“What if she notices and decides to kill me before then? Will you stop, Father?”

“Those who aim to achieve great things cannot stop for small matters. How can I stop a rebellion after starting it myself? Ying’er, you need to know that this doesn’t just involve our family. It also involves tens of thousands of soldiers and allies.”

“I understand, Father.”

“I will find someone to take care of this matter for you. It would be best if we could remove the bug. When did she put it in you?”

“Shortly after I entered the palace. I wasn’t cooperating at the time, so she used this bug on me to prevent me from hurting her,” Chu Ying calmly said, secretly adjusting the timeline.

“Did she threaten you or anything?”


Jun Zishu did threaten him, but it wasn’t a straightforward threat. Instead, she had forced him to think for himself.

Regardless, Chu Ying now knew his father’s choice.

Honestly, when he put himself in his father’s shoes, he could understand why his father would make such a decision. However, as the person who was getting abandoned, there was no way he could agree to it on an emotional level.

“Quickly go and put medicine on the wound, then.”


When Chu Ying saw the pondering look on his father’s face, he couldn’t help but sigh inwardly.

He wasn’t sure if his father would continue with the assassination attempts or stop out of concern for his life. However, he was certain that he wouldn’t ever become a hindrance to his father’s ambitions because when necessary, his father might not even hesitate to abandon him.

Jun Zishu watched the entire conversation between father and son through Little Fairy’s broadcast, so she knew she had already achieved her goal.

At this point, the Chu father and son have almost separated at heart already. She didn’t even need to send any messages to Chu Ying to have him do anything. All she needed was to make sure that Chu Ying wasn’t standing on the same line as Chu Meng.

Before spring even arrived, Chu Meng started his rebellion.

An uproar occurred in court when news reached the capital. Even so, the situation over at the northwestern border was still going strong.

After the first failed attempt at Jun Zishu’s life, Chu Meng continued sending assassins after Jun Zishu time and again, showing no regard whatsoever for Chu Ying’s life. Jun Zishu had naturally conveyed this information to Chu Ying via a letter. Although she didn’t receive any replies from the boy, she could see Chu Ying’s reactions through Little Fairy.

Chu Meng started his rebellion claiming that Jun Zishu was a despotic ruler. Aside from saying that a woman would never be ordained by heaven, he also claimed that Jun Zishu was a tyrant and that she had hurt his child.

At the core of things, though, the rebellion claimed that a woman wasn’t suited to be a ruler. The rebel leaders stated that even if Jun Zishu gave birth to a son, the child’s bloodline wouldn’t be pure.

Chu Meng’s ruthlessness went beyond Jun Zishu’s expectations. Although she knew that Chu Meng would give up on Chu Ying, even a vicious tiger wouldn’t eat its cubs. Yet, Chu Meng had controlled his son’s movements after listening to his advisors.

Although Chu Ying wasn’t killed or harmed, he was still put under house arrest.

On the outside, though, Chu Meng claimed that Chu Ying was seriously injured because of Jun Zishu and that his life was in danger.

“The situation is still under control, but some people in court have already started to show strange movements. Chu Meng might still have some agents in court,” Yue Mingsheng analyzed while leaning against Jun Zishu.

“It seems Chu Meng has made many promises for this rebellion,” Jun Zishu commented. There was no reason court officials would side with Chu Meng unless they were offered lavish promises.

“All of them will regret their decisions,” Yue Mingsheng said in a vicious tone.

“A message has come from the shadow guards. It seems Chu Ying is in a precarious situation.”

“Do you plan on saving him, Big Sister?”

“Yes. Since Chu Meng says that I injured his son, I’ll just have his son go and meet him in person.”

“Even if the father and son have turned against each other, I do not think Chu Ying can bear to strike down his father.”

“I do not need him to strike down Chu Meng. It is plenty exciting to see father and son standing against each other.”

“Chu Meng will definitely put Chu Ying under close watch. It might not be easy to rescue him.”

“I will send a few more shadow guards and a small team of soldiers to take care of it.”

“I’ll go, Big Sister.”

“No need.”

“I want to do more for you, Big Sister. You know my skill in martial arts. It will be the safest if I go. I’ll make sure to bring him back safely,” Yue Mingsheng said as she rubbed her head fawningly against Jun Zishu’s shoulder. She knew that Chu Ying was integral in Jun Zishu’s plans. If they failed to secure Chu Ying, they would have to suffer unnecessary losses to defeat the rebellion.

“Do you really want to go?”

Jun Zishu couldn’t help but feel helpless when she saw the insistence in Yue Mingsheng’s eyes. This little girl was always looking to take on some of her burdens to lighten her load. However, it was also true the other way around. Jun Zishu didn’t wish for Yue Mingsheng to tire herself. She only wanted Yue Mingsheng to enjoy her life.

“I want to,” Yue Mingsheng said determinedly.

“Then, remember that he isn’t the most important to me; you are.”


“Don’t let yourself get hurt. I’ll be heartbroken if you do.”


Yue Mingsheng felt her heart warm up. Every concern this person showed her would fill her heart with sweet feelings.

The wound on Jun Zishu’s shoulder had healed already. However, it had left a shallow scar, and Yue Mingsheng would often kiss that spot, giving Jun Zishu a ticklish feeling.

On the night before Yue Mingsheng was scheduled to set out, she embraced Jun Zishu and asked for kisses. However, Jun Zishu rejected her, saying, “You need to rest well tonight. You’ll be traveling for many days starting tomorrow.”

“It’s because I’ll be gone for many days that I want it now,” Yue Mingsheng said as she rubbed her face against Jun Zishu’s breasts coquettishly.

Just the time it would take her to travel to the northwestern border and back would take at least ten days. After reaching the border, she would also have to plan the rescue operation, and who knew how long that would take?

When Yue Mingsheng thought about how she wouldn’t be able to enjoy Jun Zishu’s embrace for so many days, she couldn’t help but feel gloomy.

Meanwhile, Jun Zishu decided to go with Yue Mingsheng’s wishes after thinking it over.

Whispers made under the covers were the most moving. Yue Mingsheng and Jun Zishu kissed each other softly and passionately as they rubbed their bodies against each other.

“I love you, Big Sister.”

Yue Mingsheng was never an introverted person. If she had an urge to express her love verbally, she would simply do so without restraint. As a result, Jun Zishu had to listen to the girl’s sincere and loving words at least a few times each day. Of course, she was more than delighted to hear them.

Yue Mingsheng had once apprehensively asked if Jun Zishu would grow tired or bored of her behavior. However, Jun Zishu decisively shook her head and said she would not.

If their hearts were truly connected, there was no way she would grow tired of hearing such loving words.

No matter how many times Yue Mingsheng voiced her love for her, Jun Zishu wouldn’t grow tired of hearing it.

Jun Zishu would only smile and respond in kind.

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