The light faded, and the healing was complete. Daniel quickly retreated to the other side of the room, fearing that he would lose his self-control.

A few moments later, he heard the sound of cloth rustling and magic materializing.

"Thank you, my lord. You can turn back now," Michaela's voice sounded out behind him.

Daniel breathed a sigh of relief, but deep down, he felt somewhat regretful as he turned towards Michaela.

She had already changed into her casual clothing, which she wore before the bomb fell. She donned a sleeveless white dress with a denim jacket over it, her face slightly blushing with a hint of shyness in her expression.

Seeing her like this, Daniel didn't know how to react or where to look. After the previous heart-racing moment, he felt that Michaela was becoming more and more irresistible.

The two stared at each other in an awkward silence. The moment lasted for a good five minutes before Daniel couldn't bear the tension anymore and quickly stood up. 

Besides, he needed to act like a normal survivor in case the rescue team came. He couldn't just drill his way out and accidentally run into other people. If that were to happen, it would be very troublesome. So he decided to wait outside for rescue like any other survivor.

"Er…Michaela, you should rest here first. I need to go out and wait for rescue," said Daniel.

Hearing that, Michaela looked towards the window to observe the outside situation. Seeing that it was already late, she suggested.

"My lord, it's very late. Why don't you rest here first? I'll wake you up once it's morning."

Daniel smiled and exited the room. As he stepped out, he was greeted by a cacophony of shouting and the sound of vehicles and machinery in motion. It was clear that the rescue operation had begun.

He searched for a comfortable spot to rest his head and decided to take a nap while waiting for the rescue.


In the morning, Daniel was awoken by the repetitive ringing sound of his smartphone. He looked around and saw that some light was shining through the gap in the debris above him, illuminating the area enough for him to see his surroundings.

Daniel reached for his smartphone in his pocket and checked why it was still ringing. He saw that it was a message from an unknown number.

"Huh?" Daniel opened the messaging app to read the message.

"Danny! Are you ok!? Answer me!" read the message from the unknown number.

Daniel was momentarily stunned, realizing that the only person who would call him "Danny" is his girlfriend Koyuki, and this smartphone was given by Wrath.

"Should I call you Wrath, or should I call you Koyuki? Stubborn girl," Daniel typed in response.

He waited for a moment before Wrath replied.

"Thank god you're okay! Wait, when did you know it was me?" Wrath asked in rapid succession.

"Since I heard your voice at Murphy's shack, and I confirmed it after you visited me. You didn't even bother to change your standing or walking posture from back then," Daniel replied through the messaging app.

The message stopped for a moment, then resumed.

"You're not angry at me? From back then, that I…" Wrath didn't continue to type and left the rest for Daniel's imagination.

Daniel let out a sigh. Of course, he was angry. He was angry at her for not telling him the truth or sharing her problem with him. He also felt betrayed. But after he was resurrected, received help from her, and gained this power, he wasn't as angry or betrayed anymore.

"Yes, I'm angry. I'm angry at your stubbornness. You always want to shoulder your problems alone without receiving help from anyone. Back then, if you had told me what you had gotten yourself into, I would have found a way for both of us," Daniel replied, feeling a little sore in his heart.

There was no reply from the other side, so Daniel decided to add more.

"But I didn't blame you or hold any grudges. It's clear that you didn't want the things we experienced to happen either, and you also tried to help me as best you could. Everyone deserves a second chance," Daniel sent, then added, "If I'm not afraid of being found out that I'm a mage, I would have blasted a hole out to meet you... Also, if we had a chance, we should have a date just like old times."

"Thank you… Danny, this means a lot to me. I thought that you would hate me," Wrath replied.I think you should take a look at ραΠdαsnovel.cοm

"Hate you? I might get angry at you from time to time for your stubbornness, but hate you? I would never do that," Daniel replied with a smile.

"Thank you... Love you…" Wrath sent back, but this time, she opened the camera for Daniel to see her face.

Daniel saw a tear roll from Wrath's eyes. Her face fully displayed the tears of happiness and relief. Daniel also opened the camera for Wrath to see him, that he was safe and sound.

After chatting with Wrath, Daniel's phone battery had depleted, so he put it away and received supplies from the rescue team sent down through the hole in the ceiling. Suddenly, he smelled gas. He realized that he hadn't smelled it last night or this morning. Did the rescue team hit a gas pipe while clearing the rubble?

ραndαsnοvεl.cοm Luckily, an oxygen mask was included with the supplies, so he put it on and didn't worry too much. Since it would take the rescue team many hours to clear the rubble, he decided to wait inside the shelter room for now. He summoned the door and entered.

Within the shelter room, Daniel noticed that Michaela was still watching TV, munching on popcorn and sipping her cola while engrossed in a K-Drama on the screen. As he took in the scene, he couldn't help but smile.

But his amusement was short-lived as the room shook violently with a loud explosion. Rushing to the observation window, Daniel saw the destruction left behind by the gas explosion. The rubble had collapsed, blocking the entrance and the window.

"Shit…" Daniel muttered in dismay. With no way out, he realized he might have to spend a considerable amount of time here with Michaela. His heart raced as he glanced at her side profile, mesmerized by her beauty.

He had always known Michaela was beautiful, but seeing her in this light made him realize just how stunning she was. Her silver hair framed her delicate features perfectly, and her skin seemed to glow in the dim light.

As he struggled to regain his composure, Michaela turned towards him and spoke. 

"My lord, it seems that we need to stay here longer than we expected."

"Yeah…" Daniel replied with a twitching smile, feeling a bit awkward around Michaela, unsure of how to proceed without embarrassing himself or doing something stupid in front of the beautiful woman beside him.

He turned his attention back to the observation window, taking in the devastating scene of debris and rubble that now blocked the entrance.

He knew that it was impossible to venture outside anytime soon, so he decided to stay put and go with the flow. He charged his phone but soon discovered that it was unable to connect to the outside world.

However, when he checked the PC in the room, he noticed that it was able to connect to the outside world, as was the TV.

Daniel checked the news about the outside world and discovered that it was Victor who had caused the gas explosion. Apparently, he had thrown a flaming match onto the rubble where the gas had been leaking.

Daniel couldn't shake off the thought of Victor's possible intentions. He knew that Victor was arrogant and a bastard, but he didn't think he would do something so reckless and dangerous. Was it just a coincidence, or was it planned?

He let out a sigh and shook his head, deciding to put it at the back of his mind for the time being. 

"Maybe I'm just being too paranoid," he thought to himself. "Let's just take a shower and try to relax."

With that, he gathered some clean clothes and headed toward the shower room. As he took a hot shower, he tried to distract himself from the recent events and think of other things. Maybe he could use this time to catch up on some reading or watch some TV with Michaela.

Eventually, Daniel stepped out of the shower feeling refreshed and ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.


– 5 Days pass, ground zero - 12.00 AM –

The scene at ground zero was haunting. The area had been cleared of debris, but the remnants of the bomb were still visible. The charred buildings and rubble created an eerie atmosphere that sent shivers down the spines of those who dared to enter.

In the midst of the destruction, people gathered to search for their loved ones who had gone missing during the blast. They looked through photographs of the missing, hoping to catch a glimpse of their faces in the crowds. Tears streamed down their faces as they realized the enormity of the tragedy that had befallen them.

The stillness of the night was only broken by the occasional sound of someone shouting a name or the whirring of a drone surveying the area. It was a temporarily frozen moment, a time when the world seemed to stand still as people tried to make sense of the chaos that had engulfed them.

The door appeared in a desolate section deep within the ground zero, far away from any visible signs of life. A man dressed in a luxurious black suit stepped out, followed by a silver-haired beauty in a white suit. She wore pants and black Oxford shoes for ease of movement.

It was, of course, Daniel and Michaela who emerged from the door, having made sure that no one was around to witness their appearance.

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