Chapter 267 A Paper

Ding Ning didn’t know what Zhao Jingjing had told Ling Yun. At first, Ding Ning thought she would never agree, but he didn’t expect that she would agree to sleep with Zhao Jingjing.

In fact, Ding Ning felt a little excited in his heart. “Every man is eager to sleep with more than one woman. Though Zhao Jingjing is a lesbian, she is still a feast for the eyes.”

“Regardless of the figure and judging only by the facial attractiveness, she is even more beautiful than Ling Yun. Perhaps, even the alluring demon can compare with her.”

“No, it is not right. The Female Buddha in my dream can also be a match for her. I didn’t know why I had that ridiculous dream.”

Although Ding Ning finally completed the dream of sleeping with more than one woman, all his sexual desires disappeared at the moment. “Are you kidding me? I cannot be so thick-skinned as to make love with Ling Yun in front of this lesbian.”

The three of them lay on the same big bed. Ling Yun was lying between them. All of them just woke up from drunkenness, so they basically had no feeling of sleepy and chatted from time to time.

It didn’t know how long the time had passed. Ling Yun was the first person who began to doze off. Ding Ning also felt quite sleepy, and his eyelids start drooping.

Holding Ling Yun, who had big breasts and uplifted butt, in her arms, Ding Ning took great perseverance to restrain his fancy ideas.

Just when he was half-sleep, suddenly a small hand quietly reached his body and sneaked into his underwear...

Ding Ning thought it was Ling Yun’s hand, so he didn’t care. He just let the hand hold his penis and fell sleep.

In the dark, Zhao Jingjing stared at the ceiling with his eyes wide open. Her blushing face was as red as a piece of red cloth, and her heart was beating wildly.

“God, how can his penis be so big? How can Ling Yun bear it?”

When Ding Ning woke up, he found that Zhao Jingjing had already left. Ling Yun still snored loudly in her sleep.

Ding Ning had restrained his desires for a whole night. The obtrusive lesbian left finally, and it was time for him to do some morning exercises now.

Ding Ning leaped for joy. In haste, he peeled off all Ling Yun’s clothes. Ling Yun now was like a sheep without its wool. Then, he put his c*ck between her legs and drove it straight into Ling Yun’s v*gina.

He waked Ling Yun up. Pretending to become angry, she beat Ding Ning a few times and quickly got into the right state.

Sweat pouring down from their faces, they were indulging in making love and didn’t notice that Zhao Jingjing, who had finished her breakfast, entered the room with the room card.

This girl was also a weirdo. She walked up to the sofa on tiptoes and sat down. Holding her chin, she watched them with great interest as if she were watching with a porno movie.


When Ding Ning turned over to change his position, Ling Yun found a pair of big round eyes looking directly at her. She was frightened and screamed.


Zhao Jingjing nearly scared the sh*t out of Ding Ning. Hurriedly, he pulled up the quilt and covered their bodies. He reproached her with anger. “Are you a ghost? You made no movement when you are walking.”

Ling Yun felt too ashamed to show her face. She covered herself under the quilt because she dare not see others.

Zhao Jingjing spread out his hands and said with a grin, “You are too preoccupied with each other. You can continue and consider that I don’t exist.”

At this time, Ding Ning even wanted to die. “The world view of lesbians is truly unusual, which is not what the average people could compare with.”

Now that he could neither go on nor give up, which made Ding Ning felt very uncomfortable. He cast a hateful glare at Zhao Jingjing, who had spoilt his great time. With resentment, he wrapped himself in a bath towel and went to bath.

“Sister Yun, how about it? Is it more comfortable when you make love with a man than with a woman?”

Just when Ding Ning entered the bathroom, Zhao Jingjing came to their bed. Being so eager to gossip, she asked with longing eyes.

Ling Yun flushed because she was too shy. Feeling annoyed, she blamed with a little hatred. “Why do you try to make love with a man? Then, you will know the answer.”

“Actually, I want to try. How about lending your husband to me to have a try?”

Zhao Jingjing suggested casually.

“Okay, if you change to the normal sexual orientation, then I will let him accept you. Will that be okay?”

Ling Yun thought she was joking, so she also laughed and made a joke with her.

“Great! You have promised. Don’t go back on your words!”

A nearly undetectable cunning flashed across the bottom of Zhao Jingjing’s eyes. And she said, half-jokingly and half-seriously.

“A promise cannot be taken back once it is made!”

Ling Yun then replied. Wrapping herself in a bath towel, she climbed up. “I also need to take a bath.”

“Hee hee, I think you are still not satisfied. Well, a gentleman is always ready to help bring a romance to a happy ending. I will not be an eyesore here. You two take your time to play.”

Zhao Jingjing waved her hand freely. She picked up her bag, pushed the door open, and left.

“This d*mned girl, why is she a lesbian? What a pity!”

Helplessly, Ling Yun shook her head and sighed. Barefooted, she walked into the bathroom. Suddenly, the two lovers started their romantic time together...

In the twinkling of an eye, ten days had passed. Ding Ning enjoyed this period of leisure time. Every day, he went to class and the library. At night, Ding Ning would go back to the dorm, chatting and bragging together with Zhang Haifeng. Then, he would practice. Or occasionally, he would go to spend the night with Ling Yun. Or sometimes, he would go back to the courtyard in the western suburbs to sort out his medicinal materials.

Ding Ning felt as if everything had gone back to the time when he was at the college such that he was relaxed and comfortable during this period. He thought that this kind of life was what he wanted the most.

During this period, the Axe Gang and the Seventh Lord’s Mansion finally began their war. Wang Zhihao originally intended to provoke a war between Hong Junyang and the Seventh Lord’s Mansion. Then, he could watch a fight from a distance and reaped advantages whichever side would win. However, Wang Zhihao had never expected one thing.

He didn’t expect that people from the Black Knife Camp would ambush a Hall Chief under his command and broke his two feet. This matter also forced Wang Zhihao to get involved in the war. If he chose not to join the war when others disabled his man, then who else would support him in the future?

Hong Junyang suffered one defeat after another. But his pressure suddenly reduced a lot after Wang Zhihao participated in the war. After that, he gathered the remnants of his defeated team and repelled the attack of the Seventh Lord’s Mansion in one vigorous effort.

But people in the Seventh Lord’s Mansion launched a counteroffensive in full fury. Hong Junyang and Wang Zhihao cooperated superficially. In fact, in their hearts, they couldn’t get along well. Hence, even if the two of them put down their grudges and joined their hands, they were no match for the Seventh Lord’s Mansion.

The Axe Gang was in jeopardy. Then, Wang Yuqiu, who had been conserving her strength and storing up energy, couldn’t bear the scene anymore and was about to provide her help. However, just at this time, the local force in Ninghai, which had always been exclusive, suddenly launched its attack.

Everyone knew that it was a secret attack of the Qin Family. As the king of the Ninghai’s underworld, the Qin Family would never watch the Seventh Lord’s Mansion which cast its covetous eyes on the established Axe Gang swallow up it.

The Qin Family secretly joined the war, which immediately stopped the Seventh Lord’s Mansion that was advancing in a fearless style. All the forces in the underworld sank into chaos. Fights with weapons happened every day in the streets and lanes.

As for the Green Cloud Gang, this small force that kept a low profile began to enlarge its power in the midst of the chaos. Ling Yun, she also showed her talent for doing business in the underworld. By fighting and threatening, she collected the Buddha Hall. Moreover, when the situation became critical, the Seventh Lord’s Mansion needed to draw in the forces under its command. Therefore, the Black Knife Camp also formally withdrew from the university town to participate in a war.

When the police raised the blockade to the Blessing Gathering Club, Ling Yun officially took it over and renamed it Green Cloud Club. She also exchanged some words with Wang Yuqiu, who wanted to take the Blessing Gathering Club back. The result of their conversation was as everyone had expected.

When the Axe Gang was beset by enemies from within and without, Wang Yuqiu had to give up her profitable business in the university town no matter how reluctant she felt.

After several treatments given by Ding Ning, Cheng Hu basically restored his health, and now he was undergoing the rehabilitation training.

The public security of Ninghai was now in utter confusion. Finally, the municipal leader became furious and pressured the police to stabilize the situation as soon as possible.

The police called the leaders of all the forces together and formally warned them. The police would crack down hard on whoever dared to make more trouble.

Usually, the gangs in the underworld were arrogant, but every one of them would keep quiet out of fear when the government treated them severely. The leaders of those gangs were finally willing to sit down and negotiate.

After reaching a truce agreement through a wrangling negotiation, they discovered that the Green Cloud Gang had already completely occupied their places in the university town. Now, the other forces couldn’t get involved anymore.

After the Green Cloud Gang occupied the university town, it immediately spread their messages in order to give peace to the people. People in the gang promised that they would never disturb the residents. Also, they would waive the protection fees which those vendors must pay in previous. Moreover, they would crack hard down on such social evils as pornography, gambling, and drug abuse.

Those were the promises the Green Cloud Gang made to the public. In private, they also had reached a consensus. Although they could not completely eradicate the business in the sex service industry, all people here should follow the freewill principle. They should eliminate the evil phenomenon such as raping by making use of the date rape drug, compelling a female to engage in prostitution, and so on.

The surrounding environment of the school had been purified. College students who went to bars, KTVs, and other entertainment venues no longer needed to worry about being beaten or being compelled.

Besides, there was no need for the vendors who carried on trade in the university town to pay the protection fee. Thus, many vendors rushed here one after another to do business, which promoted the commercial prosperity of the region.

No matter how the other forces in the underworld were jealous of the profit generated in the university town, none of them dared to act rashly when the government took severe measures against criminal activities. Therefore, the situation gave the Green Cloud Gang a valuable period of development.

But all of this had nothing to do with Ding Ning. He had already pushed Ling Yun to the leader position. It was all up to her whether she could run the gang went well. He would never make indiscreet remarks to interfere with her development.

What was more, he still had too many things to do. The courtyard in the western suburbs had already been completed, and the herb seeds also had been planted.

Ding Ning didn’t forget the promise he had made to Xiao Nuo. He specially occupied a yard to plant the Green Aloe and prepared to make a skin-beauty product for her.

The clinical trials of Mr. Zhang and Mr. Hu had been completed, and the results were unexpectedly good. They sent the result to the Food and Drug Administration to be reviewed. Only when they got the approval, they could officially put their products on the market.

The Ninghai Health Bureau took the lead to establish a training class on the Chinese medicine anesthesia. The disciples and followers of Mr. Zhang and Mr. Hu acted as the foundation in the training class. Only the person who had passed the strict examinations and got the Chinese Medicine Anesthesia Certificate could take up a post in the class.

Ding Ning logged on his microblog and published articles on it to publicize the Chinese medicine anesthesia. Almost immediately, it caused a heated discussion on the Internet. Numerous people commented to ask how to participate in the training class of the Chinese medicine anesthesia.

Ding Ning had no time to reply one by one. So he could only post a link to lead people to the Chinese medicine anesthesia training class. The web page explained the registration process in detail.

At the same time, Ding Ning calmed down and started to write the paper titled “The advantages and disadvantages of the Chinese medicine anesthesia and Western medicine anesthesia.”

In the paper, Ding Ning elaborately stated the principle of Chinese medicine anesthesia. He used a large number of real cases to prove that the meridians truly existed. By providing detailed data and cases, Ding Ning demonstrated his viewpoint. Meanwhile, he uploaded the video that showed the clinical effect of Chinese medicine anesthesia to the Internet and made it known to the public. He also contrasted its advantages and disadvantages with those of the Western medicine anesthesia.

The paper was published in the Guide of Shenzhou Medicine. The magazine was a national key academic periodical and also a national periodical in the charge of the Ministry of Health.

Once the paper was published, it caused a great uproar, which caused quite a stir in the entire medical community. Even the world-renowned medical magazine began to pay its attention to Ding Ning.

There was a growing heated discussion on the internet. Some people supported Ding Ning while some objected. Some persons looked at Ding Ning’s ideas with disdain, but others strongly supported those ideas. Beyond those, there were people who scolded that Ding Ning tries to please the public with claptrap, people who said that he talked such a load of piffle, and people who criticized that he was doing something superstitious...

In short, there were indeed various contentions from different people, especially those persons who studied western medicine. A microblog user named “World-renowned,” who had millions of fans even broke out into curses regardless of his image. He said that Ding Ning was a liar and what he wrote in his published paper were completely feudal superstition and false reasoning. Ding Ning deliberately diminished the anesthetic skills of western medicine. What was more, he strongly called for all the hospitals not to adopt the techniques of Chinese medicine anesthesia, which had great hidden dangers.

“World-renowned” was a doctor in a hospital in Yan Jing. He was a returnee who got the doctor’s degree in western medicine and had a high reputation. Under his call, countless people who learned the western medicine joined the army against Ding Ning, and all of them condemned him both in speech and in writing.

Their deeds and words bewitched many more netizens who were unaware of the truth, who then followed the trend brought by those people. For a time, the internet was full of endless abuses against Ding Ning.

Fans of Ding Ning’s fan club and some traditional Chinese medicine enthusiasts launched sharp counterattacks to defend Ding Ning.

But this time, “World-renowned” seemed to come well prepared such that a very large internet water army drowned the people who supported Ding Ning in a huge crowd.

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