“I caught three but only got 1 quest item… 

In other words, the quest will be over once he caught at least 100 each. Leeha made a plan based on the hunting data from the previous day.

“I thought the crossbow pierced two bats… My musket is also able to pierce. It can even pierce the skin of a spider.”

He killed two spiders in one shot. It was a very thin area, and it meant that it would get pierced anyway.

“And this…”

Leeha looked around while holding his torch.

The forest had grown a little white. There were not enough passages and the passage for humans and spiders overlapped.

‘If there was a narrow path for monsters, how great would it be to gather them in one place and use an area of effect skill?’

It would be the best hunting ground.

‘I don’t have that kind of skill though… Wait a minute. Skill… Skill and what.’

Does a skill have to consume mana? Was it necessary to have a cool name for a skill? 

Leeha used a ‘skill’ to drive out the wolves at Candle Mountain.

‘Chasing them away with the smell of gunpowder.’

The same went for Biyemi. He used the hidden trait of his race and managed to overcome the obstacles brilliantly.

‘Right. It doesn’t need to be a learned skill. I can use the resources I have and the structure of this forest…!’

The corner of Leeha’s lips rose at the idea that suddenly crossed his mind.

He didn’t know when the monsters would respawn. Besides, it was his first time preparing for a real battle, so the risk was high.

‘But I can try, can’t I?’

He had to finish it quickly while no one was around. Leeha hastily moved.

“Okay. That’s it…”

He snuck behind the wooden post. It was pretty funny when he moved into a prone position as if he was stuck to the floor.

“Cough, cough. Is there anyone around! Are there any users nearby〜?”

Leeha raised his voice. It should be audible up to 50m away.

“If there are, answer me! Are there any users nearby?”

However, no one answered. Okay. There were a lot of campfires spread at the entrance of the forest. No madman entered the forest at night.

‘Still, I should be careful.’

He got up from his seat and looked around. He was proud of finishing his preparation without doing any testing, but he doubted whether it would work practically.

‘It’s theoretically perfect. It should be okay.’

Leeha walked forward and held up his torch.


“Yes, yes. Why don’t you come here? You  must have heard me too.”

Two spiders descended in response to Leeha’s torch. Leeha glanced back and quickly pulled the trigger.


As one spider collapsed to the floor with its crushed body, Leeha approached the remaining one.

Kii–! Kii–!

“Now, I didn’t do that for nothing! Bayonet charge!”

The descending spider’s front leg brushed past  Leeha’s cheek. At the same time as Leeha shouted his skill.

Leeha pointed his gun at the spider with a basketball-sized body.


He stabbed the spider’s stomach, but it didn’t die in a single blow. Although its blood spurted out, the spider still tried to bite Leeha.

The densely packed teeth aimed at the back of Leeha’s neck, but he also expected an attack from its front legs! Leeha’s mana bayonet caught its movement.

“I did not…”


Bayonet Charge-”.

“For nothing!” 때린다.

Leeha flipped the spider by hitting it with the musket’s butt and pinned it using the mana bayonet.

“Huuu. It would be good if I caught both of them instead of only one.”

Leeha finished pinning the spider down. The 

‘real’ hunt begins now.

-Duduk, pududuk, pududuk.

The sound of flapping wings could be heard from a distance.

‘More spiders!’

Leeha raised the torch to where the sound came from. The monsters found in the spider web above the tree started descending into the light.

‘So far, everything is going according to plan!’

He just needed to lead the spiders and bats in one direction! Leeha started running away quickly. No, he was going the other way.

Pududuk, pududuk.

‘Oh…? What’s this? In addition to my 12 o’clock position… there’s also from 3 no, 4 o’clock? No, 9 o’clock?’

The sound of flapping wings could be heard. Leeha tried to figure out where the sound was coming from but he couldn’t figure it out.

It was unavoidable.

‘No! It’s coming from three directions!’

I thought it would have been nice for a lot to come, but isn’t it too much? No, more importantly, it’s not just one direction.

‘Damn it!’

The mana vampire bats arrived in response to the mana bayonet! He expected it.

But he had no idea that they would come from all directions. If they did not come from the right direction, his plan might fail.

‘It’s not that bad.’

Leeha moved first.

And the spiders and bats started chasing 


“Haa, haa.”

Spider webs from trees stuck to Leeha’s face.

He continued to run, barely avoiding the monsters’ attacks.

‘I can’t stop.’

The rustling behind Leeha was almost like a storm. He had no way of knowing how many there were.

Leeha led the group of monsters and continued running.



He could feel some of the spider’s legs scratching his back.

If he didn’t have the Runner’s High, he would have been caught and killed sooner. The tree marked by Leeha came into view.

Two trees with large X marks on their bark. But the monsters were too close. More, more distance. He needed to widen their distance.


Leeha clenched his teeth and put strength into his thighs.

Pak, pak, he navigated through the dark forest 

without hesitation in order to widen the distance between him and the monsters.

Leeha leaped forward and turned around.

What caught his eyes was a swarm of nearly hundreds of bats and spiders.

But he had no time to be surprised. No time to 

be in awe.

‘I only have one chance, with the flint tied around the tree.’

A very small stone appeared for a moment and  disappeared again.

His body fell from mid-air. and the torch had also fallen to the ground, so it was natural that he could not see his target properly.

Calm Mind.’

But it did not bother Leeha. Once he saw his target, he never lost it.

Click, Leeha pulled the trigger. The musket’s sound was not very loud.

A small spark ignited when the iron bullet collided with the flint.


The sound made by the spark was loud enough to cover the musket’s sound, and made the whole ‘Lightless Forest’ tremble.

Of course, it was only natural that the hundreds of iron beads poured out along with the explosion ripped the monsters to pieces.


“Yes. To be exact, it was a ‘Claymore’ but…”


“The fragments attached to the explosive can be projected in a specific direction. It was made on the spot and it was crude, but… It was enough to project hundreds of Iron beads in one direction.’

In response to Leeha’s words, Browless nodded.

‘Even so, it was exhausting. I set it so that it would explode in one direction, but the wind came from all directions…’

Leeha remembered what happened and swallowed dry saliva.

Creating a weapon of mass destruction by appropriately utilizing the geographical features, gunpowder and ammunition was satisfactory but dangerous at the same time.

‘Actually, the result was too effective. Since it was weaker than a normal claymore, I thought 4 meters would have been enough.’

However, the resulting explosion reached 8 to 

9 meters from where his position is, which was almost as strong as a real claymore. If he jumped a little late, then his body would have been torn.

“Clay… more…”

Browless mouth was covered by a cup of coffee. It was because he did not want to show the corners of his lips that were constantly trying to rise.

“That’s interesting.”

“Thank you.”

“However, if that is true, then it would be close to a foul… I gave you that task in order for you to improve your musket skills. Because I gave you that task as the Director of the Musket Academy.”

“If that is the case, then it should be fine, I was still able to practice quite a bit.”

Leeha smiled and said.

Although Browless still had his expressionless facade, Leeha could sense the kindness hidden behind it

It was clear that his words carried a hint of compliment.

“Don’t get too cocky.”

“Yes! Of course.”

Leeha stood at attention. With a smile on his face, Browless spoke again.

“Do you know what a musketeer does?”

“If it’s a role… What  situation are you talking about?”

“Hmm… Right, let’s assume that it was a large-scale monster invasion 20 years ago.”

Browless stood up. He approached the window with the blinds lowered and opened it to let the light in. And looked outside.

In the meantime, Leeha recalled what Browless said.

The world of Middle Earth was constantly changing.

Regardless of the influence, the users have on the world or the flow of the world itself without taking the users into consideration.

However, if it was an event that happened 20 years ago, it meant that it was already fixed.

According to the Chinese official website, it 

was revealed that the biggest incident recorded in the history of Middle Earth was the monster invasion.

‘A war big enough to be called the 2nd Great Human-Demon War… It was said that the reason why the Fibiel Kingdom, which was a small country before that, became the strongest in the continent, was because of its activities in the Human-Demon War. The things that a musketeer can do in a large-scale war between monsters and humans.’

Every word Browless spoke was both a teaching and a test.

He thought that there must be an answer to that question, and there was one easy answer that came to Leeha’s mind.

An answer that musketeers who didn’t turn on the Combat Assistance System could never think of.

“I heard that the monsters also had commanders in the 1st and 2nd Human-Demon War. Aside from being called Demon King, there were also those that commanded and managed large, medium, and small monsters even in small-scale battles.”


Browless dimmed down the room by lowering the blinds and looked at Leeha. Even in the darkness, the Director’s eyes were bright.

“Then there’s only one thing a musketeer can do.”

“And that is?”



The area where Browless’s brows should have been, furrowed. 


It was absolutely impossible with a musket. 

Sniping with a gun that had 40m range? It would be better to use a longbow that has a 65m range.

But Leeha was certain.

It was partially because Leeha was able to hit a target 100m away, and it meant that it was possible for a musket.

“In the army, even if the commander is lost, there is a command system in place where the deputy can take over to continue the battle, however, monsters did not have that kind of knowledge and preparedness. In that case, it is judged that it is the most effective tactic to kill the commander and conduct a large-scale airstrike when the situation is chaotic.”

At least at this moment, the answer didn’t come from the stranger Ha Leeha. It was the Basic Doctrine of a Sniper.

It was the logical answer from the point of view of the Army Sniper, Sgt. Ha Leeha.

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