"Hyson seems very serious," commented Xiang Wai when she saw the way Hyson picked up Yue Yue and left. "He even left his breakfast."

"Our little prince is a caring person," said Grandfather Xiang. "He might be careless at times but he is never careless with people he really cares about. And Yue Yue is his bottom line."

"He must be mad," Mu Chenyan pursed her lips. "Yue told me not to tell him about her illness and I listened to her. He is mad at Yue now and later, I'll also get a lecture."

Xiang Wai chuckled, "Aunt, are you scared?"

Mu Chenyan sighed sadly, "You don't understand, my dear niece. Hyson is scary sometimes."

"Even to you?" Xiang Wai was shocked. "I thought you weren't scared of anything or anyone."

"How is that possible? When you have feelings, you eventually have a weakness too. As a human, we are all vulnerable at one point in life and it can't be changed. Since I love Hyson, I obviously care about his emotions and his anger too." Mu Chenyan put down the knife and fork in her hand. "I should go and check up on what's going on. Even if I am gonna get an earful, I still can't avoid this situation."

Xia Zhao had already left the table to find some medicine for Yue Yue. On the other hand, Xiang Wai took a moment to think about it before sneakily going to Yue Yue's room to eavesdrop. She didn't believe that her mighty aunt would really be scared of Hyson.

"What is Wai trying to do?" asked Grandfather Xiang.

"She didn't believe that Yanyan was actually scared of Hyson's anger," answered Raelle. "But don't worry. Seeing is believing. She'll soon believe it all."

Shui Xian also nodded in agreement as he thought his wife was right. Seeing is indeed believing. He also felt like following them but not to see Mu Chenyan's joke. He didn't dare have that intention. He just wanted to see how Mu Chenyan's image in Xiang Wai's head was about to subvert.

Xiang Wai needed to change her perspective to understand some things. She'll learn this lesson from this family as he did.

When Xiang Wai reached the door of Yue Yue's bedroom, she couldn't hear anything. She showed a look of relief. She also thought she was thinking too much, how could her brave aunt be scared of a kid? That was impossible!

She was about to leave but decided to check Yue Yue's condition for a minute before leaving. She was already here and she had to show some concern to her second aunt. She opened the door slowly but paused when she saw the situation inside.

Mu Chenyan stood aside with Hyson staring at her as if throwing daggers her way but Mu Chenyan did not resist or confront. She accepted it all with a guilty look.

Only after Xia Zhao was done helping Yue Yue with her condition did Hyson speak to Mu Chenyan.

"You assured me that you will take care of her," started Hyson. "Okay, I understand that a person can fall ill anytime and we can't really predict such a situation. I am also not saying that you didn't take good care of her. But why not tell me about it?"

Mu Chenyan pointed at Yue Yue and said in a low voice, "She told me to keep it a secret from you. Or else, would I do it? How can I hide anything from my little Fai? You have to believe me that it was not my own intention."

Hyson believed what she said completely because he knew Mu Chenyan and he knew his own mother too. Between the two of them, only Yue Yue would ignore his words while Mu Chenyan would never do it. Yue Yue liked hiding things from him but Mu Chenyan would never do it intentionally. But Mu Chenyan's biggest problem was that she listened to her best friend too much. She'll always do what Yue Yue tells her even if it goes against her principles, she'll do it just like she did this time.

"She'll tell you to jump from the cliff, will you do it?"

Mu Chenyan looked toward Yue Yue who pretended to sleep now. She could not look into her best friend's eyes. She was the one who asked her best friend to do bad things and didn't think that it was wrong at that time. Who knew her son would be so tough about this?

"I can do it," answered Mu Chenyan tentatively.

But she instantly regretted it because she realized that once these words were uttered, she realized that she seemed to have made Hyson angrier. Mu Chenyan bit her tongue for speaking so hastily. She should have considered the situation before saying anything. "I mean to say that... if Yue asked me to jump then she must have had some reasons to do so or else why would she say that," Mu Chenyan laughed awkwardly.

Seeing Hyson's lips twitching, she almost slapped herself.

What the hell was wrong with her here?

She really couldn't think straight with Hyson looking at her with such intense gaze. She was used to seeing his cute puppy eyes and the way he always clung to her. When he changed his face like this with her, she felt really uncomfortable. She felt like she had committed a sin or something.

"I'm talking nonsense now."

"No," said Hyson. "You're speaking what you really think and I know that too. And that makes it worse. A clear-headed woman like you can also be so confused but not because of her love for a man but because of her love for her best friend. I have no words for you."

"Love can fade, friendship is forever!"

"Ahem!" Mu Chenyan pursed her lips and looked toward Xia Zhao who was giving her a strange smile now because of her words. What the hell! Why was she stuck here? She shouldn't even be here! She should be looking for that cliff to really jump down right now.

"Yanyan," called out Hyson. "I am so disappointed in you right now." After saying that, Hyson didn't wait for her and left the room. "So am I," said Xia Zhao as he also left the room.

Mu Chenyan was left scratching her head. She seemed to have made the matters worse for herself. She only had to deal with Hyson but she also made Xia Zhao upset. What was she thinking? Oh yes, she didn't think before speaking at all.

She looked toward Yue Yue who opened her eyes and gave her an apologetic smile before she mouthed, 'You are in big trouble.'

"I can tell that I'm in big trouble!" Mu Chenyan felt like crying without any tears right now.

Outside the room when Hyson walked out, he ran into Xiang Wai who was sneaking around but he didn't stop. He didn't even look at or find faults with her like he usually did. He just ignored her like she wasn't even there.

Behind him Xia Zhao only nodded at Xiang Wai and he also left leaving Xiang Wai to digest what just conspired. Her world view was shifting gears in her mind right now and it was a painful process. Her aunt seemed to be really scared of Hyson. It seems that emotions can really become your weakness at times.

Raelle waited with Xiang Weimin and Shui Xian for Hyson to come back. She had calculated the time very well. Hyson came back right on the dot. Anyway, Yue Yue wasn't sick, she was just feeling uncomfortable after the long journey. And no matter how worried Hyson was, he won't sit beside Yue Yue's bedside all the time as it would only make Yue Yue feel bad for him. "How is it?" inquired Raelle as soon as she saw Hyson coming back.

"She seems to be okay," answered Hyson. Then he narrowed his eyes at her suspiciously.

Raelle understood the question he didn't even ask with words and chose to answer, "I didn't know about Yue Yue's illness. If I did, do you think I'd keep it from you?"

Hyson relaxed when he heard that, he had this much trust in his best friend too. But he still wanted to strike as he said, "How would I know if you are still the same as before? You might also bend your principles like Yanyan."

"I might do something against my principles but that won't involve you. I don't have a habit of keeping things from you."

Hyson nodded and took her explanation to heart. He looked at her sadly and said, "Ellie, am I really that unreliable?"

"How is that possible?" retorted Raelle. She patted his head saying, "Now, don't try to gain my sympathy by acting pitiful. I understand you very well. Come with me. Let's go see your princess. It's been a while, no?" nσvel.cѳyson was still feeling a little down but he still agreed with Raelle. It had really been too long since he came here. He should go to see his princess. He looked at the attitude of the servants around them and then said to Shui Xian, "It seems like Xian Ge, you got approval from the crowd."

Shui Xian raised his brow at Hyson. "Why do you think so?"

"What else? Everyone is respecting you genuinely. It seems unreal to me. You know it took me a while to gain the trust of the people in this castle who seemed to be engraved with the idea of loyalty and protection of Ellie. I have no idea how Yanyan did it but she did it. She managed to make everyone care about Raelle's wellbeing." Hyson gave him a thumbs up, "You got their approval fast enough. I'm impressed."

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