Master of Lust

Chapter 38 Lisa and the Experiment [1]

38 Lisa and the Experiment [1]

<nullb>Chapter - 38

Rick entered the wine bar, his gaze immediately looking around to find Nurse Lisa.

It was an elegant and luxurious wine bar that oozed with sophistication without a hint of pretentiousness. The dimly lit space was adorned with plush velvet couches and glistening chandeliers, creating an ambiance that whispered exclusivity. The bar itself, a sleek marble masterpiece, showcased an impressive collection of fine wines from around the world, and soft jazz notes filled the air as you savor each sip.

Soon, Rick's gaze was drawn to Nurse Lisa sitting at the bar, sipping on her drink. But she was not alone. Instead, she was engrossed in a lively conversation with a guy next to her. The playful glint in her eyes and the way she laughed made it evident that she was in her element, enjoying some flirtatious banter.

Rick couldn't help but smirk as he leaned against a nearby pillar, watching her antics with a mix of amusement and intrigue. He decided to bide his time, curious to see how things would unfold between her and the guy she was talking to. The man could help him later.

"So, Lisa, what brings you here tonight?" the guy asked, leaning in a bit closer.

"Oh, just looking for some fun and relaxation after a long day at the hospital," Lisa replied, her voice laced with a hint of playfulness.

"Doctor?" The guy asked raising his eyebrow.

"No, I am a nurse. What? Disappointed?" Lisa asked teasingly.

"Ah, a nurse, huh? Taking care of people's hearts by day and breaking them by night," the guy grinned, accompanied by a wink.

Lisa chuckled, raising her drink. "Well, you know what they say, life's all about balance."

Rick found himself captivated. Not by Lisa, but by the guy instead. By the way he effortlessly navigated the conversation, his words a perfect blend of charm and wit. Rick couldn't help but want to take lessons from him.

"You know, Lisa, I can tell you're not just any regular nurse," the guy said, his tone smug.

"Oh really? And how's that?" Lisa quirked an eyebrow, a mischievous smile playing on her lips.

The guy leaned in conspiratorially as if sharing a secret. "Because you've got that sparkle in your eyes, the kind that's seen a fair share of adventure."

Lisa burst into laughter, her eyes twinkling as she leaned back in her seat. "You've definitely got an interesting way of looking at things."

'Well, I think this should be enough,' Rick thought as he watched Lisa and the other guy chat happily, almost too intimately, 'How would I even check my hypothesis if they keep flirting like that?'

Rick sauntered forward and stood sneakily behind Lisa without making any sound. Clearing his throat, Rick flashed a grin and leaned against the bar. "Hey beautiful, is this seat taken?" Rick spoke from behind.

Listening to him, the guy shot Rick a disinterested look, clearly not thrilled by the interruption. "Yeah, it is."

Rick raised an eyebrow, unfazed by the less-than-friendly response. "You sure about that, buddy?"

The guy's irritation was evident as he waved his hand dismissively. "Yeah, man, I'm sure. Now, if you don't mind, we were having a conversation."

Rick's smile remained intact as he pretended to contemplate, "Hmm, okay. But are you really, really sure?"

The guy's patience was wearing thin. "Dude, I said it's taken. You deaf or something?"

Rick's grin widened, and he turned his attention toward Lisa, the mischievous glint in his eyes daring her to play along. "Well, Lisa, it looks like we're out of luck. Maybe we should go find somewhere else to sit."

Lisa tried her best to suppress her amusement, covering her mouth with her hand to hide her smile. She glanced at the guy, then back at Rick. "Yeah, you're right. Let's go find another spot."

The guy looked taken aback, clearly not expecting Rick to be someone Lisa would know, "Wait, hold on a second. I didn't mean—"

Rick cut him off with a nonchalant wave of his hand. "Nah, it's all good. We don't want to intrude on your conversation. Have a great night!"

As Rick and Lisa turned to walk away, the guy seemed both surprised and slightly flustered. "No, wait! I didn't say you had to leave."

The guy was left depressed. Just a moment ago, he was all set to score a girl and bring her back to his apartment for the night. The conversation was going smooth and everything was on the right track. Well, until Rick showed up. Rick showed up and with a snap of his finger and walked away with Lisa, leaving him empty handed, with his balls loaded.

As they moved away, Lisa couldn't hold back her laughter any longer, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "You're impossible, Rick."

Rick shrugged a playful glint in his eyes. "Hey, if someone wants to be possessive over a seat, who am I to argue?"

Lisa chuckled, shaking her head. "Well, I appreciate the effort, even if it was just to mess with him."

Rick's lips curved into a smirk. "Hey, anything for a good laugh."

They found another spot at the bar and settled in.

Rick and Lisa settled into a cozy corner of the bar, their drinks in hand. The soft ambiance provided the perfect backdrop for their conversation.


<nullb>1. Let Lisa take the lead. Wait for her to start the conversation (Temptation -10)

<nullb>2. Start your conversation with something nonsensical and amusing (Temptation +5)


'Cringe? So that is your taste?' Rick smirked as he looked at the notification.

"So, Lisa," Rick began with a mischievous glint in his eyes, "You ever wonder if the stars are just little holes in the curtain of the universe, letting the light shine through?"

Lisa chuckled, clearly intrigued by Rick's offbeat question. "Well, I've heard some theories, but I don't think I've come across that one before."

Rick grinned, as he checked the menu, "Ah, see, that's the thing about the universe—it's full of surprises."

"It will indeed be a surprise if it were true," Lisa smiled, as if agreeing with him.


<nullb>1. Compliment Lisa (Temptation +10) <nullb>2. Change the direction of the conversation. Ask her how her day was (Temptation +5)


Rick leaned back, his gaze locked on Lisa's face. "You know, your smile could probably light up a blackout."

Lisa's cheeks turned a shade pinker, but she played along. "Well, I'll make sure to keep smiling, just in case we ever run into a power outage."

Rick chuckled, delighted by her response. "Smart thinking. And who knows, maybe our combined smiles could power a small town."

Lisa laughed, her eyes dancing. "Now that's a renewable energy source I can get behind."

At the same time, a waiter walked at their table to take their order.

"The lady first," Rick said gesturing towards Lisa.

"Umm... Give me a moment. I want to try something different today," Lisa said as she looked at Rick with the side of her eyes.

"Take your time," Rick smiled as he looked at Lisa. It looked like he was lovingly staring at Lisa, but in reality, he was looking at her information.


<nullb>Age: 28 years

<nullb>Carnal Calibrator: 70/100 (She is feeling something)

<nullb>Romance Radar: 00/10


"I will take a Raspberry mojito," Lisa finally decided upon something.


<nullb>Quest: Flirt with Lisa over her drink choice <nullb>Time duration: 15 minutes

<nullb>Rewards: Temptation: +10; Cash: $1,000


Rick raised an eyebrow as he glanced at Lisa's drink. "Raspberry mojito, huh? Going for that sweet and sassy combo? Looks like you like adventure." Rick said as he mouthed the waiter to make it two.

Lisa smirked, playfully leaning back, "Well, a girl's got to balance out the chaos somehow."

"So, Lisa," Rick began, his tone suddenly more curious, "If you could have any adventure in the world, what would it be?"

Lisa leaned back, clearly pondering the question. "Hmm, that's a tough one to answer. But for now, I would like to explore everything you have to offer," Lisa smirked, sizing up Rick.

Rick was intrigued, "Isn't that a little too straight-forward? I feel a bit shy," As Rick said that, he pulled his jacket and tried to cover him.

"Oh my!" Lisa's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm, "Looks like I will have some chatting with you tonight." She felt warm in her navel, something ticklish.

By this tine, the waiter had already placed their drinks on their table. Rick took a sip of his drink and leaned towards Lisa.

Rick leaned in, his voice lowering conspiratorially. "Well, will it be my apartment? Or yours?"

Lisa burst into laughter, clearly amused. "Well, that's a secret. I am sure you will find out soon."


<nullb>1. Shrug and lean back (Temptation +0)

<nullb>2. Say you don't like surprises (Temptation -5)

<nullb>3. Suggest you don't like it here (Temptation +10)


"You know, I heard after drink you crave snacks," Rick told Lisa.

"Oh, I make some decent noddles," Lisa playfully suggested.

"Are you suggesting we make a move to your house?" Rick asked raising his eyebrow.

"Maybe... Maybe not." Lisa played with her words, saying in a sultry whisper.

"Well," he replied, a playful grin tugging at his lips, "I suppose your apartment has the advantage of not having nosy bar patrons eavesdropping on our conversations."

Lisa chuckled softly, her gaze locked onto his. "That's definitely a plus. Plus, I've got some amazing tunes and a cozy couch waiting."

'Couch... I am actually liking that idea,' Rick thought, as he looked Lisa from top to bottom. She was actually a beauty. She may not be on par with Amanda, but a beauty nonetheless. But he quickly threw that idea, 'I need to focus.'

He looked at Lisa, his eyes filled with a mixture of excitement and anticipation. "You know what? Your apartment sounds like the perfect place to continue 'our little adventure'."

Lisa's lips curled into a seductive smile, her eyes darkening with, "I thought you might say that. Shall we make a move?"

"Just give me a second," Rick smiled, "I need to empty my tanks."


<nullb>Target Information

<nullb>Name: Lisa Thomas

<nullb>Age: 28 years

<nullb>Carnal Calibrator: 90/100 (She is horny ;) ;) )

<nullb>Romance Radar: 00/10


* * * * *

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