Martial God Conqueror

Chapter 25 Altered Blood, Flesh, and Bone

Altered Blood, Flesh, and Bone

Golden-colored blood flows out from the half broken bone into Du Shaofu, vaporize his blood. This gold-blood is too high-handed, simply refuses to blend with Du Shaofu’s blood.

Du Shaofu’s heart, blood vessels, meridians, flesh, and bone are unable to endure the overbearing power of the golden-colored blood thus slowly being consumed and eliminated. The barely conscious Du Shaofu can only endure silently the extreme pain, powerless to let out even a scream.

“I didn’t imagine you’ll be an ordinary person. Detestable human!”

Just when Du Shaofu feel his body is about to shatter into pieces from the extreme pain, a voice rang out sounding despaired and outraged, then flames of purple spread out wrapping around him, helping him to resist against the overbearing golden-colored blood.

As the purple flames wrap around Du Shaofu, instantly suppressing by half the overbearing violent golden-colored blood but the purple flame brings a different type of pain scorching his internal organs, flesh, and bones like being roasted on high heat, combined with the pain brought on by the golden-blood make Du Shaofu wondered if he had fallen to the deepest level of hell*.

Du Shaofu doesn’t know what exactly happened, from his vague and transient consciousness he faintly remembers the two demonic beasts exploding under the horrible energy hurricane a ball of purple flame pounced on him - at that point of time, he was powerless to struggle or move and under the scorching heat his conscious slipped away when pain took over his mind.

Under the extreme pain brought by both the flame and the blood, Du Shaofu fainted.

This time, in his confused state of mind Du Shaofu was able to feel the overbearing golden-colored blood started to blend with his body which is almost emptied of blood, with the help of the purple-colored flame. The golden-colored blood seems to fear the purple flame begins to circulate in Du Shaofu’s blood vessel, the mismatched bones fusing together as if of one origin...

No matter how overbearing and vicious the golden-colored blood is as it vaporizes Du Shaofu’s blood, there were traces of blood not destroyed by it however these traces is too weak thus hidden by the golden-colored blood.

Time passed slowly as the golden-colored blood continues to flow endlessly from the broken bone in his chest until there is only blood of pale gold circulates in Du Shaofu’s body, to the bones, meridians, muscles, organs, nourishing the whole body...

And all of these were aided by the purple flame; otherwise, there is no way for Du Shaofu to escape the fate of bursting into pieces just from the tyranny of the golden-colored blood.


Not knowing how long have passed, a sound came out from the broken bone in Du Shaofu’s chest, runes glowed from the broken bone’s surface and energy fluctuation as if it would rather explode rather than be fused with Du Shaofu.

With the runes fluctuations from the broken bone grows ever more violent, even the purple flame faces difficulty suppressing it, the pale gold blood churns and swirls - if the broken bone were to explode then Du Shaofu’s body turned into ashes.


At this moment, suddenly from Du Shaofu’s body a mysterious light bloom, these strands of lights some dim and some were bright, linking with the meridians and blood and ultimately combined forming a bright net with a terrifying aura falling on top of the broken bone.


The broken bone whined and shook aggressively being blanketed by the bright net, as the net shrinks and wraps over it tightly the broken bone trembled like it suffered the most horrible of oppression.

“Martial Pulse Spiritsignet, a martial pulse bearing spiritsignet, what kind of martial pulse is this! Obviously just a martial pulse below third grade how could a spiritsignet be condensed out, only the strongest of human experts will be able to do it. This human is too strange.”

The purple flame under the coverage of the bright net quickly backs away, showing extreme fear towards the bright net covering the broken bone.


Golden runes flickered intensely as the broken bone exert its strength for a final struggle, the runes suddenly shifts into a life-like image of a Golden-winged Garuda, flapping its wings wanting to break away from the bright net and soar to the sky.

The bright net indeed was torn by the Golden-winged Garuda however it instantly it wraps itself around the wings tightly, an austere majestic breath surged to suppress the life-like shadow of the Golden-winged Garuda.

In the end, all struggles of the Golden-winged Garuda were in vain, as the bright net dices through it instantly reverting it back to a line of runes streaming into Du Shaofu’s mind.

When all of this is happening, Du Shaofu feels like he’s dreaming a very strange dream. In the strange dream, he saw something unbelievable - in the vast galaxy where numerous stars look like drops over the moon, chaos at heaven’s horizon and in the midst of it all, a horrific Golden-winged Garuda, with one fold of its wings it rushes to seventh heaven and stars to burst one after, and another flap of its wings brings it hovering above the galaxy, a scream shakes the galaxy, extremely horrifying.

The gigantic Golden-winged Garuda then breaks down into numerous runes emerging in Du Shaofu’s mind. These runes were deeply profound and complicated, difficult to understand but strangely Du Shaofu was able to understand them, in that dreamy state he immersed in pondering....

This dream Du Shaofu seems to be having is very long, by the time he woke up his mind was still foggy and confused before a pain shot through his mind as if it wants to split his head apart like a watermelon. Even his body feels like falling apart for the pain have yet to recede.

“Can’t be, this is the Golden-winged Garuda’s exercise law.”

Du Shaofu opened his eyes, the runes and image of the Golden-winged Garuda in his dream were all part of the Golden-winged Garuda Clan’s cultivation law, divided into three parts - body refining, practicing qi and supernatural talent.

Subsequently, Du Shaofu noticed that he is in a strange cave, naked unaware when his clothes turned to ashes, his body aching all over Even though he still does not know what happened after the Golden-winged Garuda and Demonic Purpleflame Phoenix exploded, as long as he is alive then everything is good.

“Not only I did not die, but I got the Golden-winged Garuda’s Clan cultivation secret.”


A Chinese culture belief that there are eighteen levels of hell, each more horrifying as it goes deeper.

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