Manipulative Harem God

Chapter 14: The Villain System

Chapter 14: The Villain System

[Congratulations, Host, for meeting all the criteria to possess the Villain System], the system announced.

Zhang Wei looked amused and muttered, "Villain System...?"

[Are you surprised by the name, Host?], asked the system.

"No, it's alright," Zhang Wei replied. "To think that I would become a villain, it's better than becoming a hero, nonetheless. So, what does a villain do, System?"

[As a villain, your primary goal is to cause chaos, destruction, and instill fear in the hearts of people. You will be given various tasks to complete, ranging from stealing valuable treasures, kidnapping important individuals, causing natural disasters, and much more], the system explained.

Zhang Wei raised an eyebrow. "Sounds interesting. What's in it for me?"

[For every task you complete, you will be rewarded with villain points, which you can use to upgrade your skills, purchase items, and even improve your standing in the villain community.] the system replied.

Zhang Wei grinned. {Alright, sign me up. Let's see what this villain life has in store for me.}

However, Zhang Wei's reply was not the above one as what the system expected, he replied this instead.

"You will give villain tasks to do? Since when do villains take orders from others? And, you assigned the Villain System based on my earlier actions, doesn't that mean I was already a villain even before the system? Huh?"

"As for being a villain..."

"Sorry, but I'm not interested in being a pawn for anyone, not even for your so-called Villain System," Zhang Wei replied, shaking his head. "I don't agree with your judgment of me as a villain based on my past actions. I don't believe in labeling people as heroes or villains, as we all have our own motives and perspectives."

The system was taken aback by Zhang Wei's response. [Host, you are required to follow the tasks assigned by the Villain System. It's a part of the system's rules.]

"I don't care about your rules," Zhang Wei retorted. "I have my own set of rules, and I won't let anyone dictate them. I won't be a mindless puppet for your system. If you want me to do something, you'll have to convince me that it's worth doing."

[As the host, it is mandatory for you to complete tasks assigned by the Villain System. Failure to do so will result in negative consequences.]

"I understand the consequences, but I won't be swayed by fear," Zhang Wei replied firmly. "If your system wants to work with me, it will have to earn my respect and cooperation, not just force me to do its bidding."

Inwardly, Zhang Wei was laughing, 'Consequences? What is a worse consequence than death? Wouldn't it be better to just die?'

The system was unaware that Zhang Wei was one of those persons in the world who was not willing to live, yet not willing to commit suicide at the same time.

The system fell silent, unsure of how to respond to Zhang Wei's defiance. It had never encountered a host who refused to follow its orders before. But perhaps, it was exactly what the system needed - a host who wouldn't blindly obey its every command.

Zhang Wei continued, "I am not someone who follows orders blindly. The very essence of being a villain means that I have my own agenda and goals. I won't just do tasks handed to me by some system."

The system responded, [Host, while we appreciate your confidence, the tasks given to you by the system will help you become a stronger villain and achieve your goals more efficiently.]

Zhang Wei laughed. "Achieving my goals more efficiently? I have been doing just fine without your system. And as for becoming a stronger villain, I will do that on my own terms."

The system seemed to pause for a moment, processing Zhang Wei's words. [Very well, Host. As you wish. However, please keep in mind that the tasks given by the system are designed to help you grow and become a more successful villain. It is in your best interest to complete them.]

Zhang Wei shrugged. "I'll consider them if they align with my own plans. But don't expect blind obedience from me, system."

The system remained silent, seemingly accepting Zhang Wei's terms.

A villain who didn't want to follow orders?

It was almost unheard of.

Zhang Wei inwardly laughed. 'No one helps anyone without reason. Since this system is helping me, it means it also needs something from me, potentially when I become stronger. Otherwise, why would an omnipotent system like this accept my terms?'

The system was once again unaware that Zhang Wei had already deduced numerous things from the moment it started talking with him.

First was that the system has feelings, potentially making it a sentient being, for which he had told his backstory to the system.

Second was that right now, when he tried to negotiate with it, since the system accepted his terms, it meant the system was more dependent on him for its existence, and not the other way around.

The rest of the way, the system kept its silence, as if a wife throwing a silent tantrum.

Even Zhang Wei was stunned by the follow-up events. Maybe he had to reassign the system status.

It's not merely a sentient being, but rather like a real human with a complete understanding of emotions.

But was it a bad thing?

If it was any other host, then yes...

But it's Zhang Wei... Toying with humans is something he can do even in his sleep.

Was it better for the system to be like a human, for him to be able to control it?

He parked the truck at one of the branches in the south district and handed over one thousand HLD to the person taking it to get the truck washed. He made an excuse that he had used the truck to transport some chemicals. He made sure that there was no blood spilled inside the truck since he had stabbed her afterwards, but the tire marks could still be tracked. Therefore, it was better to leave no tracks at all.

After handing over the vehicle, Zhang Wei was alone. Instead of calling a cab, he decided to go for a casual walk. The night view of the city was a sight to see. Suddenly, the system commented out of the context, [Host, you are quite smart.] Maybe it was the type of system that couldn't be quiet for long.

Zhang Wei asked, "Why is that?"

The system replied after a short silence, [You do realize the system can hear your inner monologues?]

This caused Zhang Wei to stop in his tracks, and a car passed right beside him, barely missing him. The bald driver cursed a few words at Zhang Wei before driving away. However, Zhang Wei stood there unfazed and after sighing once, he moved to the sidewalk, crossing the road in haste.

Zhang Wei's frustrated voice echoed through the room. "Stop reading my mind right now!"

The system responded with a hint of mockery, [Already did host, now the system can't read your mind, but you will still able to talk to system without actually speaking. Though you look like quite the insecure type of person, host.]

Zhang Wei shrugged off the insult. "No one likes their mind being exposed. Why don't you expose your mind to me if you're so brave?"

[The system can't do that, host,] replied the system.

Zhang Wei wasn't surprised. He knew the system wouldn't agree to it, but he decided to ask a different question. "Do you have a physical body, system?"

The system grew cautious when Zhang Wei mentioned its body. "[...Why do you ask, host?]"

Zhang Wei just shrugged. "I just wanted to torture you in the future, if you had one."

The system was unsure how to respond to Zhang Wei's candid admission. Shouldn't he keep those kinds of thoughts to himself?

The system doesn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Isn't the Host too honest with his intentions.

[Right now, I don't have any body host.] It replied.

The system was caught off guard when Zhang Wei continued speaking. "Right it."

Realizing it had been played by Zhang Wei yet again, the system was stunned.

He was always one step ahead of it.

After a moment of silence, the system retorted, its mechanical voice sounding a bit more alive than usual.

[You played with me, host!]

Zhang Wei merely shrugged with a casual smile. "You are the one pretending, not me."

He was familiar with those Chinese cultivation novels, but the one he read was about an immortal master, not a system. He estimated that he might have gotten an immortal master, and now it was further confirmed by the system's silence. The system might not be exactly an immortal master, but it was definitely something similar.

As he walked back to Southern Heights, he spotted a small one-story traditional-themed building that spread more on its width and length than on its height. It was the Little Lotus Orphanage.

Zhang Wei frowned upon seeing it. He did not have a good impression of orphanages. However, it was not the orphanage itself that caused him to stop. It was something else entirely.

Without hesitation, he changed lanes and walked towards the orphanage.




Warning: The novel in future might contain killing innocents, blackmail, torture, gore, and forceful sex.

Why not use the word directly and write forceful sex?

Psychological Distancing, hehe.

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