Magic Sect of Beauties: The Strongest Mage is in a Cultivation World

Chapter 32: The Cunning Weasel’s Price for Spirit Stones.

Chapter 32: The Cunning Weasel's Price for Spirit Stones.

The notorious weasel, Wu Fengtian, strolled down the road, casually tossing a pouch filled with low-grade spirit stones into the air, catching it with a grin.

Each time he caught it, he weighed the pouch, his joy escalating with its increasing heft—more weight meant more wealth.

Tossing it one final time, he caught it and burst into laughter.

"I, Wu Fengtian, am a true genius.."

His cackle didn't stop even after praising himself.

"I can't believe Young Master fell for it," he chuckled, shaking his head. "That idiot prefers my words over his so-called friend, Huo Zhenwei. That four-eyed idiot is probably getting the beating he deserves!"

Wu Fengtian was obviously amused by his own cleverness.

He continued walking, earning disgusted stares from disciples who knew of his unsavory associations and questionable character.

Some looked at him as if he'd gone mad, but he paid them no mind, lost in his self-congratulatory chatter.

"With these spirit stones, I can snag new cultivation manuals and pills, maybe even hit the third level of the Mortal Realm before the month's end!"

He was already imagining all the things he'd enjoy from spending the spirit stones Jin Tianyu had gifted him for his... good deeds.

Originally planning to visit someone, he paused, tying the pouch to his cloth belt.

"Maybe I should check on the Young Master and see the show Huo Zhenwei's putting on. He might finally get kicked out of the group. Then... there'd be no one left to get in my way of becoming the Young Master's right hand man."

Grinning, he skipped off, a spring in his step, on the lookout for the Young Master and his cohorts, blissfully unaware of the disdain his presence left.

Wu Fengtian bounced over to where Jin Tianyu and his cohorts were.

The unmistakable sounds of a beating in progress easily reached his ears.

A mischievous snicker escaped him as he covered his mouth, whispering to himself that, "Good! I'm sure that bastard Huo Zhenwei is getting the beating of a lifetime."

Joining the scene, he approached Jin Tianyu, bowing his head.

"Good day, Young Master," Wu Fengtian greeted.

Jin Tianyu unfurled his folding fan, fanning himself leisurely.

"Oh? Brother Wu, I thought I wouldn't see you until later today," Jin Tianyu calmly remarked with his usual self-approving smile. "I hope you're enjoying those spirit stones I gave you. Use them well."

Wu Fengtian scratched the back of his head awkwardly.

"Yes, Young Master, I'll do that."

Pausing his fan dance, Jin Tianyu placed it against his chest.

"Honestly, I thought you were lying about Huo Zhenwei. I found it hard to believe he'd dare cross that disrespectful junior's courtyard and even go as far as rubbing shoulders with the enemy. However, I unfortunately confirmed it from some disciples who live in that sector—it's true."

Closing his eyes, Wu Fengtian placed a hand on his chest in a pledge.

"Young Master, I'd never lie or give you wrong info. I only have your best interests at heart."

His mind however, thought different things.

I got lucky paying some disciples in that sector to keep an eye on the junior's courtyard for me. Otherwise, I wouldn't have known that Huo Zhenwei had a hearty night meal with that junior. Still, it doesn't add up. I know Huo Zhenwei can be an asshole who loves messing up my plans, but usually, it's for the Young Master's sake. So, was there a real reason he went there that wasn't about teaming up with the junior or becoming buddies? Could it be he did something solely for the Young Master's benefit?

The deeper he thought, the more his usual carefree demeanor faded, and his slightly more crafty and cunning facial expression appeared.

Proudly fanning himself again, Jin Tianyu nodded. "Good. Don't you dare betray me," he warned, fixing a sharp glare on Wu Fengtian. "Or else..."

The moment Wu Fengtian caught the glare from Jin Tianyu, he swiftly shifted his expression from slightly cunning to the fake, angelic, and ignorant smile that always made him seem clueless.

It was the same facade that painted him as if he had no intellect, as if his knowledge extended only to what the Young Master instructed.

Given Jin Tianyu's recent demeanor, Wu Fengtian understood that the Young Master favored someone who kept their opinions hidden, someone nodding to his every word.

An obedient dog.

If only Huo Zhenwei had adopted that submissive demeanor, their camaraderie might have mirrored their earlier relationship before migrating to the Mashyan World.

Wu Fengtian let his bottom lip quiver and eased the firmness of his eyebrows, aiming for a more submissive appearance. Fidgeting, he took a step back, deliberately stuttering as he addressed the Young Master.

"H... I'd never dare betray you, th... Everything I am is because of you," he stammered.

Jin Tianyu, his usual humpty-dumpty self, smiled proudly and assured Wu Fengtian, "Good. Act like a good dog, do everything I say, and you'll enjoy being associated with someone as wealthy as I am."

Wu Fengtian smiled, bowing his head even lower.

Without a glance, Jin Tianyu tossed a pouch of 400 low-grade spirit stones over his shoulder.

Wu Fengtian caught it and an evil grin spread across his face like some sort of madman.

A pouch of spirit stones?! This one's way heavier than the one he gave me last time!

Pretending ignorance, Wu Fengtian questioned, "W... What's this, Young Master?"

Jin Tianyu grinned, fanning himself casually. "Over 400 low-grade spirit stones," he clarified for this "ignorant" cohort of his. "Get yourself better weapons and talismans, as well as slightly more advanced cultivation manuals."

Wu Fengtian, smiling, dropped to his knees, exclaiming, "Thank you, Young Master!"

For being so easy to please...!

A small chuckle slipped out of Wu Fengtian's lips. Jin Tianyu dismissed the gratitude with a wave of his hand.

"No need for that, Junior Brother. You're the reason we found out about Huo Zhenwei's betrayal. How about we sit back and enjoy the show as he learns a lesson in loyalty?"

"Of course!" Wu Fengtian exclaimed excitedly, rushing to join the Young Master in order to witness the punishment.

However, the sight left him shocked. Huo Zhenwei bore countless bruises and blood covered his face and body. The relentless beating had transformed him into an unrecognizable figure; so much blood in fact, that he couldn't see Huo Zhenwei's face anymore—ruthless and severe, using heavy punches, kicks, knee and elbow jabs, even strikes with long wooden sticks.

But Huo Zhenwei looked as though he was impervious to the pain.

He made no sounds; not a cough, scream or grunt.

This only stood as proof of the prolonged nature of his beating. He'd been beaten to the point where the pain no longer held any discomfort.

Unable to find words, Wu Fengtian stood in stunned silence.

Jin Tianyu chuckled, continuing to fan himself, relishing in the punishment. "Don't you just love it when disloyal allies get what's coming to them?" he said.

Still shaken, Wu Fengtian offered no response.

No... I never wanted this. This... This is just absolutely cruel. He doesn't deserve this sort of treatment, I know the Young Master has little to no self-control these days, but this... It's just unnecessary.

Jin Tianyu prodded, "Brother Wu, didn't you hear me?"

Wu Fengtian, finally finding his voice, asked, "Isn't this a little too much, Young Master?"

Jin Tianyu raised an eyebrow, growing slightly irked.

"You were the one who reported his actions to me first. I assumed this was what you'd be interested in seeing— the aftermath."

Wu Fengtian hesitated before responding, "It's not that I don't want Brother Huo to learn his lesson about betraying the Young Master, but isn't the Young Master taking this a bit too far?"

The Young Master immediately shot him a glare.

"Getting a weak stomach already? You dare?" he scoffed. "I thought you were someone I could depend on to stay strong and loyal with no questions asked."

Wu Fengtian forcefully swallowed, nodding.

"Yes, I am. That's me."

The Young Master's glare eased into a mild smile. "Good," he said. "Better, because tonight, we'll be killing that useless, arrogant junior."

Wu Fengtian, shocked, stammered, "Wait... What...?"

Yang Wei was their next target.

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