Lust Knight

Chapter 688 Kings Doesn’t Hide Behind Armies

Chapter 688 Kings Doesn't Hide Behind Armies

Tyrion's most formidable servants tumble one after the other, their downfall unfurling before his disbelieving eyes.

He harbored an unwavering faith that his ten Naga Elders were invincible against most of Immortal Realm's people, save for Nea and Maya, the first because her power emanated from her exceptional Bloodline and the latter wielded formidable fire mana.

Yet, against his predictions of a meager two or three losses, all ten meet their end at the hands of an eclectic assortment of extraordinary women.

Adding to the shocking turn of events, the first Naga Elder to meet his doom is not the one engaged in combat with Nea and Saria, but rather the adversary of the formidable vampire mother-daughter duo.

Despite not seeking to outdo their sisters due to trivial reasons, the potent acid magic woven by Daisy proves highly efficient in dismantling her opponent's dark armor and swiftly bringing about his demise.

Witnessing his meticulously crafted armors being obliterated ignites fury within Tyrion. He had expended significant time and effort to fortify his ten most devoted servants against easy defeat in battle.

Yet, once stripped of their protective shell, they become tantalizing targets for Lucien's wives.

Though individually, none of them possess the might to confront such formidable enemies, their collective efforts, coupled with the strategic use of external resources, pave the way to a resounding victory for each one.

Defying not only Tyrion's expectations but also surprising Nea, Daisy and Rose's triumphant victory is swiftly followed by Marie's team overcoming their adversary. This precedes the Mermaid Queen's victory, earning the endearing trio, along with the vampire duo, thunderous applause from thousands of mermaids.

After Nea and Saria's successful vanquishing of their opponent, Lucien's other wives follow suit, etching their names into the annals of Blue Star history as enduring legends, forever ensconced by Lucien's side.

Tyrion's grand strategy hinged on leveraging this battle to fracture the Mermaid Race's collective confidence and, undoubtedly, to claim some of Lucien's captivating wives as a twisted form of retribution.

However, his formidable minions met their downfall so abruptly that he scarcely had a moment to consider intervening in the skirmish. Naturally, any such attempt could incite Maya into action.

Despite the great power of Nea, Tyrion possesses high confidence in defeating her in single combat. But Tanu had forewarned him about Maya's potent, pure flames—potentially a lethal threat to his dark servants.

Now, Tyrion's concerns are not limited to those opponents but extend to Lucien and his wives' formidable power.

"My King, My King!!!" Tanu struggles to pierce through Tyrion's introspective state as he stares, absorbed in the spectacle of his minions being struck down by those radiant warriors.

His hunger for power has always been insatiable, yet now he stands witness to the embodiment of true power—not an enormous horde of trembling soldiers, but an elite cadre of the fiercest and most awe-inspiring women he has ever encountered.

His envy of Lucien swells, festering into an even more potent cocktail of resentment and ire.

"My King!?" Tanu steps forward, breaking Tyrion's line of sight to capture his attention.

She fears their impending defeat, despite possessing an army tenfold larger, particularly when the enemy troops are in such dire straits.

"Tanu..." Tyrion's voice trails off, his self-assurance waning in the wake of numerous failed stratagems. "I can't believe those worms failed..."

"It's not over yet." Tanu hastens to rally his spirits, knowing her fate is inextricably linked to his. "His women are wounded and weary, he is vulnerable, his troops are feeble!"

"Yes..." Tyrion observes the injuries sustained by many of Lucien's wives while the primary Mermaid forces are still recuperating from the Krakens' onslaught.

The factors that emboldened them previously remain unchanged, and so Tyrion endeavors to resuscitate his dwindling confidence.

However, the very plan intended to dishearten Lucien and the Mermaids ironically amplifies the Naga troops' despondency.

Despite outnumbering the Mermaids by a ratio of ten to one, the hundreds of thousands of Naga soldiers are loath to confront Lucien's wives on the battlefield.

The indelible image of Oya rending the heart from the Naga Elder with her razor-sharp fangs and Lena's ice dragon's primal roar will forever be etched in their memory.

The Naga troops are engulfed in trepidation, yet they also perceive the Mermaid forces' reluctance to engage in combat. The entire war seems senseless.

Many harbor desires to desert, but the knowledge of their King's ruthlessness, coupled with stories of traitors being consigned to pitch-dark prisons deep within the ocean's abyss, is as terrifying as squaring off against Lucien's wives.

Tyrion, keen not to provide his troops with an opportunity to desert, raises his grandiose dark trident, his malignant aura sweeping across the front lines.

"Prepare for battle! We will seize the Blue Star for ourselves and expel these weaklings from our realm!!" He proclaims with ferocious resolve.

Although Tyrion is not favored by a large fraction of the Naga race, many align with his expansionist ideologies. Regardless of their place in the universe, there are always those who believe that sheer strength can guide them toward grandeur.

Those Nagas, corrupted by Tyrion's blind greed, take their positions at the front, primed to assault the Mermaids and claim everything they possess.

Nea struggles to contain her concern, while Mira is consumed by a profound sadness, realizing that a significant portion of her people is beyond salvation.

Mira understands that even if the gentle and peaceful Mermaids were to extend their forgiveness towards these Nagas, Lucien would not. By showcasing blatant hostility against the Mermaids, these thousands of Naga soldiers have found their way onto his blacklist.

Mira harbors little sympathy for those aligned with Tyrion; her sole hope rests on the survival of some remnant of her race once the dust of the war settles.

But the situation is far from ideal for her and the others. Indeed, the skirmish against the ten Naga Elders was so rapid that Lucien hardly had sufficient time to recuperate adequately.

Throughout this period, he has been channeling all the energy he could muster into reinforcing the Mermaid army with the sinful aura.

Not just him, but also his sisters and the Sins, who now watch as the Naga army gears up for their onslaught.

"We don't have much time left, Luci..." Eve voices her concern, striving to conserve her own dwindling strength.

Despite the limited time they had, the amalgamation of the seven demonic energies has crafted an incredible sinful aura. This aura cannot be visually discerned, yet a purple luminescence gleams in the eyes of hundreds of thousands of Mermaids stationed before Crystal City, bracing for combat.

"It's still not enough..." Lucien is no stronger than he was when he expended all his energy to conjure the barrier encircling the city.

Nevertheless, he yearns to endow the Mermaids with more power, enabling them to battle the Nagas in optimal condition.

His sisters and the Sins all wear expressions of shared concern, barring Pride. Her expectations for Lucien surpass those she has for her own host, and she eagerly anticipates witnessing Lucien at his most glorious.

Nobody wishes to advise Lucien to conserve his strength, but it is Sloth who steps forward as the voice of reason within the group. "Let Nea spearhead the defense, we can sustain the sinful aura from here."

"No." Pride retorts before Lucien can. "If he aspires to lead this people, he must do so unreservedly."

"But he can't confront them head-on in his current state!"

"He can't face Tyrion without sufficient energy!"

"He'll meet his end in this state!!"

Lucien's sisters strive to deter him from barreling headfirst into the enemy lines, but his resolve has already hardened, influenced not by Pride's words but by his own indomitable spirit.

"I won't cower in the shadows, urging others to fight my battles." He states, a determined glint in his eyes.

Sophia and Amelia are reluctant to release Lucien's arms, but they understand that constraining him in a scenario of this magnitude is not feasible.

"Then we'll stand and fight at your side!" Amelia declares, her fists clenched tightly.

"Yes, we shall face this together!" Sophia seconds.

The other sisters voice their agreement as well, even Eve and the Sins have no choice but to back their hosts.

"And how do you propose to fight in your current state??" Envy complains. "Damn, you've expended all your energy amplifying the sinful aura!"

Lucien's response is his customary playful smile. "Then let's generate more as we fight... together."

"It's not the most sound plan..." Pride mirrors his smile. "But it will suffice."


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