161 Nightmare Come True

I entered the check-up room where the doctor was waiting for us. When the middle-aged woman smiled brightly at us before bidding us a warm welcome, I let out a silent sigh of relief. My thoughts were clearly haunting me unreasonably because for a moment I imagined what it would be like if the doctor waiting for us inside the check-up room turned out to be Adrian.

The doctor started asking me some questions regarding my overall health before narrowing it down to questions related to my feminine health such as did my period arrive on time at regular intervals.

“What about period pains? Anything worth noting?” the doctor asked patiently.

“Nothing, I guess. I think…I’m normal. Sometimes when I’m very stressed, my periods could skip for a few months…I know that that’s not good…” I replied before trailing off with a nervous laugh.

“I see. You’re right. Stress is definitely no good…” the doctor readily agreed.

After a few other questions along the same line, our conversation was interrupted when Brandon’s phone began vibrating.

“I’m sorry. I should take this. You two go ahead, I’ll be back soon,” Brandon said to excuse himself.

I nodded at him and then watched as he got up from his seat and left the room. After the door closed behind him, the doctor’s attention turned back to me and she bombarded me with some more questions.

“I guess you’re looking to have a baby sometime soon, right?” the doctor asked with a pleased smile.


Not really. I’m just doing this to check off the box for being Brandon’s fake fiancée. It was his parents’ crazy idea because they want me to pump out an heir so badly.

“I guess…” I replied without explaining any further.

I cursed Brandon internally in my head that he left me here to handle these awkward questions alone. Then again, things may get even more awkward for me if he was still sitting by my side. I wondered how he would have answered the question about our plans to have a baby. The doctor went on to describe the procedure of the tests while reassuring me that there is nothing to be afraid of.

“Well then, if you’re ready, I suggest that we proceed to the internal check-up. It won’t take long, please follow me this way. The check-up room is directly connected to this room,” the doctor said with a smile.

I hated these routine internal check-ups and couldn’t seem to get used to having a doctor feeling up my insides or scrutinizing my pussy. Just thinking of being on the examination bed with my legs spread widely open made my body shiver. I hated feeling so exposed to a stranger like that even if that person was an experienced doctor who probably did not think anything about seeing my naked pussy.

“Ok…” I replied softly and obediently because I didn’t have much of a choice.

The doctor got up from her seat and just when I was about to do the same, the door to the doctor’s office opened quite loudly. I turned around to face one of the biggest shocks of my life.

“You didn’t have to come greet me in person. You must be busy and all…” Brandon said casually.

“You’re one of our VVIP clients so it’s natural that I at least greet you. On top of that, it’s not like we’re strangers…” the voice that I least wanted to hear at that moment replied.

I bit on my lower lip to stop my mouth from hanging open as my eye bulged in shock.

This can’t be happening…

Why is Adrian here of all people?

These two know each other?!

My instincts immediately began connecting the dots. Don’t tell me that the person who just gave Brandon a call just now was Adrian?

To my surprise, Adrian turned and offered me a very kind smile which I thought was too radiant for the overall health of my heart as he stood right next to Brandon. For the life of me, I had no idea how I got stuck in this situation. Both men had their eyes on me and then Brandon approached my side and offered me his hand.

Confused and not knowing what else to do, I placed my hand into his and let him help me up from my seat. I was amazed that my legs still had the strength to support my own weight and that I could still stand given how shocked I was. My entire body stiffened as I forced my lips to curve into what I hoped was a polite-looking smile.

“Sorry for the late introductions. Adrian, this is Elena. She’s my fiancée. Elena, this is Adrian, he owns this hospital and is a friend of mine,” Brandon introduced me flawlessly.

Too flawlessly…

“It’s nice to meet you. I’m Adrian and I hope that you enjoy your experience at this hospital. If there’s anything that you want or need, please be sure to let me know,” he said before smiling at me.

The look in his green eyes felt so unreadable and I felt like a prey that was being cornered by a lion and a tiger at the same time. I continued smiling at him as I willed myself to speak before the silence became awkward.

“It’s nice to meet you…” I finally managed to say in a small voice.

“Are you feeling shy?” Brandon teased me before he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to his side.

I could feel him staring down at my face, but I couldn’t meet his gaze. On top of that, I was more than aware of Adrian’s gaze on me. It was clear that my luck had run out and that was probably why my worst nightmare came to life like it did. Brandon’s actions and how he was treating me so lovingly in front of Adrian made it worse. Although I knew that he was probably just acting this way because he had to fool his friend along with the rest of the world, it didn’t change the fact that it made matters worse for me.

–To be continued…

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