152 Convincing the Devil

“This concert needs to go ahead. Can’t you find it in your kind heart to convince EROS to do it? The people watching will be the poor children and other people in need who would normally never get a chance to attend any of EROS’s normal concerts, you know...” Mark desperately pleaded his case.

I cursed myself and my luck silently inside my head. Of all the people, I had no idea why Mark seemed to believe that I could convince EROS.

“You’re his manager so why can’t you do anything about it...” I muttered darkly.

“You’re right. I’m his manager but EROS isn’t like any other artists contracted here under our agency. He just...does whatever he wants to and nothing else...” Mark complained as his eyes pleaded for me to have mercy on him.

I rolled my eyes at him openly. This was such a mess. Even I didn’t know if I could convince EROS or not, and even if I could, I knew that it wouldn’t come without any conditions or trades. EROS wasn’t the type to concede anything for free. He’s very calculating too...

“I don’t know...” I murmured hesitantly.

“Oh, please. Please help us out. Think of the fans and think of everyone else on the team,” Mark continued to plead with me.

At that fateful moment, as if on cue, the door opened with a bang and EROS strode into the room. My eyes immediately went to him while I wondered if he overheard my conversation with Mark just now. He probably did although he didn’t show it as if it didn’t have anything to do with him. Mark glared at me to signal that I should talk to EROS about that concert. I gulped as I tried to come up with the right words to start the conversation with EROS. Talking to EROS wasn’t exactly the easiest thing in the world especially if you wanted to convince him to do something against his will.

“Umm...EROS can we talk for a moment?” I asked in a small voice.


His golden eyes narrowed at me immediately and I began regretting my words. Instead of ignoring me or brushing me off as I had expected, EROS’s lips curved into a smile before he wrapped his arm around my waist. My body tensed when I felt the pressure of his hand pressing against the small of my back although he was smiling so sweetly down at me. Mark probably wondered why EROS seemed so friendly when he was with me. The truth was probably a little way far from it.

“We’ll be right back,” EROS told Mark as he semi-led me out of the room.

“Take your time...” Mark replied cheerfully.

I wanted to smack the guy. He’s definitely not doing his job as EROS’s manager properly. Clearly, he didn’t have EROS under his control and that was starting to impact the company’s work. I let EROS lead me out of the room although I had no idea where he was going to take me.

“Should we go to the meeting room over there?” EROS whispered softly very closer to my ear.

I could feel his presence close behind me. He was so close that I could feel the light touch of his body against my back.

“Sure, let’s go...” I replied before walking towards the room that he mentioned.

EROS chuckled from behind me, and I began to wonder why he seemed to be in such a good mood. I entered the meeting room with EROS following close after me. He closed the door and locked it just as I had expected.

“What did you want to talk to me about?” EROS asked as he plopped himself down onto the black leather sofa.

He waved me over to his side with his hand before opening up his arms as if to receive me. I shook my head and sighed before sitting down next to him next to the sofa. EROS had his arms around me at once before his face started nuzzling the side of my neck. It felt strange and for a moment, he reminded me of a large dog like a golden retriever or something of the like.

“EROS...” I murmured his name as I tried to push his head away from me.

“I really wanted to see you. Where did you go off to for so many days?” EROS asked as his arms tightened around my body and began pulling me closer to him.

With the way things were going, I’m not going to get to talk to him about the concert if I don’t get my words out now. I didn’t think that it would be a good idea to tell him that I had been busy dealing with my other clients either.

“Listen, about the charity concert. Can’t you please just do it?” I asked bluntly.

I felt EROS stiffen and then his arms loosened slightly from me as he lifted his face away from the side of my neck. He gave me a look that told me that he didn’t like what he had just heard. Although he was displeased, he didn’t seem at all surprised. He probably saw this coming from miles away.

“I see. So, Mark ran out of options and sent you to convince me,” EROS said with clear understanding of the situation.

“Well, yes. Pretty much...” I admitted bluntly.

“Well, go ahead...” EROS muttered with complete disinterest.

“Go ahead...what?” I asked suspiciously.

“Convince me. That’s what you’re here to do, right?” he said with a mischievous smirk.

“EROS...” I said his name disapprovingly.

Why does he always like to play games with me? Can’t he just do what he’s supposed to do? This is his job...

“Convince me,” he demanded.

“EROS, this is your job...” I pointed out as I tried to be logical with him.

“Sure, and this is your job,” he retorted.

Hell, he was somehow right about that too.

“What is it that you want?” I asked without beating around the bush although I had a pretty good idea of what he had in mind.

–To be continued...

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