110 Regular Lovers

The way the orange light reflected in his grey eyes made my heart skip a beat in a very dangerous way. However, I didn’t need to feel nervous for long because Brandon got right to the point immediately.

“I want you to come see my parents with me at our vacation estate out of town,” he stated it like an order more than a request.

His parents?! Vacation estate?!

“Huh? Do I really have to go?” I asked after recovering from my initial shock.

“Of course, you do. Why else would I be telling you so?” Brandon said like it was supposed to be obvious.

Yes, he was telling me and not even asking me...

“Well, this is a really big deal, isn’t it?” I asked in surprise.

“We’re supposed to be engaged so isn’t it expected that I announce our engagement to my family?” Brandon asked a little sarcastically.

“I guess...” I mumbled, admitting that he was sort of right.


“Let’s go someday soon,” he said casually.

“What about your work?” I asked, bringing up the only excuse that I could think of.

“This is technically my work...” Brandon replied without a second thought.

“Oh...right...” I mumbled in complete defeat.

“Good. That’s settled,” Brandon declared with extreme satisfaction.

“No, wait! I haven’t agreed to anything,” I protested.

“After that ‘I am so in love with Brandon’ speech that you gave in front of the board members, you still think you can back out of this one?” Brandon asked as he arched a brow at me.

“That’s...” I murmured.

Shit, I really did say all that just to prove to him that I could be the perfect contract wife. It wasn’t like I regretted it, but he was right, I’ve come too far to back out now and if I did, what would happen to Brandon?

While I was hesitating, Brandon seemed to have his idea to ease me of my hesitation. There was a small thud on the table in between us and when I glanced up from where I was looking at my fidgeting hands under the table, I was shocked to see a very impressive diamond necklace with matching earrings.

“What do you say?” he said with a wicked smile.

“You’re bribing me?” I gasped as my eyes widened.

“Is it working?” Brandon joked with a small laugh.

“Of course, not...” I mumbled scornfully.

“No, I’m not bribing you. I’m just throwing in a little incentive...or you could call it a bonus,” Brandon said with a charming smile.

That smile had more impact on me than any magnificent diamond necklace ever would. Not that he needed to know that.

“Your parents...” I began saying.

“Great. It’s settled then. We’ll go see my parents tomorrow,” Brandon declared resolutely before I could even finish voicing my concern.

“Tomorrow?!” I exclaimed loudly.

Thankfully we had a private room because I was very loud just now as my shock took over me. It was bad enough that I had to see his parents but seeing them so suddenly was just on another level entirely.

“What’s so surprising? Better to get it done and over with, right?” Brandon said, sounding relaxed.

“Isn’t it a little too sudden?” I voiced my concern.

“Not at all...” he replied without hesitation.

“You said someday soon...” I countered. He did say ‘someday soon’ just now.

“Tomorrow is someday soon,” Brandon replied unfazed.

I stared at him completely speechless as Brandon smiled at me before he started laughing. My mouth was still hanging open from shock when Brandon got up from his seat and came over to my side. Slowly, he put his arms around my neck from behind and I realized that he was putting on the huge diamond necklace on me.

“It looks amazing on you. That’s no real surprise, though,” Brandon whispered gently into my ear after putting on the necklace for me.

“Brandon...I don’t think...” I began protesting softly.

For some reason, I didn’t feel like it was right for me to accept his gift. He was already paying me a massive amount for working for him and he had already started giving me back the bags, jewelry, and artwork from my personal collection. This seemed like a little too much of a bonus on top of everything else.

“You can sell it to repay your debt if you want. I don’t particularly mind so just accept it,” Brandon said.

“...ok...” I mumbled.

However, the thought of selling a present that I received from Brandon never entered my mind. It just felt impossible and ridiculous. Although I was sure that this gift was worth a fortune in its own right, it probably didn’t cost much in Brandon’s point of view. The necklace was large and felt slightly heavy on my neck. It was unfortunate that I didn’t have a mirror right in front of me right now.

“You look beautiful...” Brandon whispered seductively close to my ear.

“You mean the necklace?” I asked teasingly.

“I mean you,” he replied directly.

His warm breath tickled my ear for a moment before his hand traced along the side of my neck. My body stiffened at little at his seductive caress before relaxing. His hand slowly flipped away the hair that was covering my neck before he placed his warm and tender lips against my sensitive skin. He kissed my neck softly a couple of times before his tongue snaked out and started licking the side of my neck.

“Brandon...” I called his name sternly with a hint of disapproval.

“Hmm?” he made a questioning sound but didn’t stop licking and sucking on the side of my neck.

His arms hugged me from behind as he continued to pay loving attention to my neck. My body trembled slightly in his arms and his hug tightened around me. I soft moan escaped my lips as I closed my eyes in bliss.

“Did you think about it?” he asked in a low voice close to my ear.

“About what?” I questioned.

“Having regular sex with me...” he replied bluntly.

–To be continued...

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