The entire police department was now in high alert as reports of a terrorist attack in downtown New York flooded in. Without wasting a moment, the SWAT team was dispatched to neutralize the threat and contain the situation. The streets were cordoned off and helicopters roared overhead as the law enforcement officials moved in with their weapons drawn, ready to face whatever awaited them. It was a race against time, and the fate of the city hung in the balance.


The helicopter blades sliced through the air as the SWAT team prepared to land and confront the terrorists. But before they could even touch down, a deafening explosion rocked the skies, sending shockwaves through the streets below.

Booooooooom !!!

The helicopter had been hit by a rocket launcher, sending flames and debris raining down upon the city. The attackers were not just seeking to harm Nathan , they were determined to create chaos and challenge the very foundations of the City. Their message was clear: no one could stop them, and they're here to wreck havock

The group was well-organized and heavily armed, their tactics and equipment suggesting a level of expertise that hinted at something much more sinister. This was no longer a matter of rescuing a single person; the entire city was in danger, and the stakes were higher than ever.

Wayne Tower -

"What is happening down there?" Jonathan asked, his voice was calm despite the emergency.

"The Black Wager Mercenaries had infiltrated our building," Joe Rayman replied with a frustrated face. He was Jonathan's head of security, a well-built man with brown hair and an ex mercenary. He knew their tactics and uniforms all too well.

ραпdα nᴏνɐ| сom On the CCTV footage of Wayne Tower, multiple armed men had infiltrated the building and started shooting everyone in sight. They were highly trained, as evidenced by how quickly they took down the guards on the first floor. Joe knew that this was no random attack. The Black Wager Mercenaries had a vendetta against them, and they were playing for blood.


Jonathan slammed his fist on the table, his eyes blazing with frustration .The Wager Mercenaries had been a constant nuisance to him for years, and he was fed up with their antics.

"They kidnapped my son first, and now they're bluntly attacking us "  He sighed.

He then slumped back into his chair, his face etched with worry."What are we going to do now?"

Joe hesitated for a moment, his mind racing as he tried to formulate the best plan of actions. He was aware that the security guards stationed in Wayne Tower were no match for the highly trained mercenaries that he suspected were behind the attack.

"We need to act fast and call in reinforcements. We can't let them get away with this." Joe's expression was stoic, his brown eyes narrowed in determination.

"But who do we call? The police? The military?"

"I think we should reach out to our contacts in the  Department of Supernatural Affairs and Security. They have the abilities to take on the Wager Mercenaries ."

DSAS was the premier government agency responsible for handling supernatural cases within the United States. As the sole authority entrusted with issuing licenses for the use of supernatural abilities during missions, they possessed a level of power and influence unmatched by any other organization.

"I guess we have no choice, let's make the call. We're not going to let them win this time." Jonathan nodded, his fingers moved swiftly over his phone's screen as he dialed the special encrypted number of (DSAS). He held his breath, waiting for someone to answer on the other end.

The line rang for what felt like an eternity before a low, gravelly voice finally answered.

"We require your assistance," Jonathan said firmly, knowing that there was no time to waste.ραпdα `nᴏνɐ| сom

But the voice on the other end of the line spoke just one thing - "100 million USD."

Jonathan sighed heavily, his mind racing with the enormity of the sum. Though he was a billionaire, the amount was still significant. But he knew he had no choice.

"I agree," he said, his tone resolute.

"Very well, we will dispatch a team immediately."




Department of Supernatural Affairs and Security (DSAS) HQ - Newyork

The building's exterior was unassuming, a mere five stories of concrete and glass that could have been mistaken for a modest condominium complex. But beneath its unremarkable surface lay the true heart of DSAS - a sprawling underground base spanning twelve floors, a labyrinth of high-tech equipment and clandestine operations that few were privy to. The unassuming facade was merely a front, concealing the covert activities taking place beneath the earth.

Inside this place was a sleek office that boasted a contemporary design, with minimalist furniture and cutting-edge technology.

Seated behind a glass desk was a distinguished man in his 60s, his white hair and wrinkles a testament to a lifetime of service. But despite his age, the Head Chief of the Department of Supernatural Affairs and Security exuded a commanding presence, his confidence unwavering as he navigated the complexities of his role.

William leaned back in his leather chair, his eyes scanning the screens in front of him as he considered his options. They needed someone to lead the team for Wayne Industry.

"Get a team of five together and put Denise in charge," William's voice was hushed as he spoke, conveying the seriousness of the situation.

"Denise is on a mission, Sir" James informed him

"She hasn't finished yet?"William frowned.

"There were some complications, but she should be done by the end of the week."

"Send the new guy, then."William sighed.

"Sir, are you sure about that?" James raised an eyebrow. "He just joined a few days ago."

"He passed all our tests with flying colors," William reminded him. "And he has a personal connection to our client. Besides, I want him to familiarize himself with the agency as soon as possible."

"Understood, sir." James nodded, and left the room. He was hesitant to send the new guy on a mission but he has no choice on the matter.

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