Lunar Supremacy: The Original Alpha

Chapter 269 Bloodied Cross Incident.

Elizabeth's attack had not unleashed a normal devastation or explosion.

Instead, it spread like a virus, infiltrating every nook and cranny. 

At first glance, some believed it was a mere shower of crimson rain, an eerie phenomenon that painted the skies with an unsettling hue.

People curiously stepped outside, raising their faces towards the sky, perhaps hoping to catch a glimpse of a rare celestial event. 

But, the moment the first droplets touched their skin, they realized the horrifying truth. It was no ordinary rain—it was a corrosive liquid that acted like acid, reducing their flesh to liquid horror upon contact.

Voices, young and old, reverberated in an eerie chorus of agony:


"It hurts!!" 

"My skin is melting !"

"Please save us !"

Terror-stricken screams pierced the air as the initial sense of wonder was replaced by sheer panic. 

Fear and death spread like wildfire through the streets as people desperately sought shelter, scrambling to escape the devastating touch of the red rain. 

In their haste, they slipped and collided with one another, adding chaos to an already terrifying scene.

Buildings that had once provided solace became traps, as the acid-like rain slowly ate away at walls and foundations, leaving behind a trail of destruction. 

The once-clear streets were soon awash in a gruesome mixture of dissolved flesh and red liquid, transforming the environment into a hellish field. 

The realization that salvation was out of reach drove some to the brink of madness, their anguished cries blending with the ceaseless pattering of the deadly rain.

The surviving members of the Vatican, driven by their determination to mount a proper defense, found themselves ensnared in a dire predicament. 

Their collective focus was centered on protecting the revered St. Peter's Basilica, using every ounce of their holy power to shield it from the ceaseless downpour of blood. Their efforts were fervent, an attempt to safeguard the heart of their faith from the relentless onslaught.

But even as their resolve burned strong, their abilities were not strong enough.

The Artificial angels they dispatched to survey the outside quickly discovered the gravity of the situation, and their divine strength could only stave off the corrosive rain for a fleeting few minutes. 

The Artificial angels, emissaries of hope and power, were themselves rendered vulnerable in the face of this abominable phenomenon.




Within the basilica's sacred halls.

"We need to channel all our power to summon it," Saint Uldrick's voice resonated with authority, rallying the other Rank S and Rank SSS members attention.

"Is the enemy truly that formidable, Your Excellency?" one of the Archbishops inquired, a mixture of concern and uncertainty etched across his

"Our adversary is not alone. I can't sense the depths of their power, and I am afraid that victory can only be achieved by revealing our ultimate trump card."

"Is there truly no other option?" one of the archbishops questioned, a note of desperation in his voice. 

"We are faced with an adversary unlike any we've encountered before," Saint Uldrick continued, his voice unwavering. 

"Our barriers have proven futile; even our attempts to use the Vatican Portals have been stopped within the confines of this blood-soaked dome. Our enemy's power seems to have distorted the very fabric of space."

He paused, allowing his words to sink in, the weight of their situation pressing upon each of them.

"I know that summoning the Legendary Angel is not a decision to be taken lightly," he emphasized, his eyes meeting each member's gaze with seriousness and urgency. 

"I am are aware of the cost— our life. But consider the alternative: the annihilation of everything we hold dear, the fall of our faith, and the triumph of these malevolent forces. Our world will be plunged into darkness, and our deaths will be in vain."

His words hung in the air, a testament to the direness of their circumstance. The choice was agonizing, but it was also clear.

"Let us stand together, as we always have," his voice resonated with conviction, rallying the group's spirits. 

"The strength of our unity, and our unbreakable faith will fuel this summoning. It is a sacrifice, yes, but it is also a beacon of hope that we must kindle in the face of despair. Together, we shall summon the Legendary Angel to vanquish this darkness and save our world." He declared with conviction.

Nods of agreement rippled through the assembly, their faces a mosaic of determination. They knew the odds were against them, yet they also understood that their unity and their willingness to make such a monumental sacrifice could tip the scales in their favor.

"For God!"

  "For the Almighty!"

  "For the Father!"

Their united cries reverberated through the grand hall, carrying the weight of their unshakeable faith and unwavering dedication. The air itself seemed to vibrate with their fervor, as if their voices were shaping the very atmosphere around them.

With a collective breath, the Vatican's most esteemed members knelt upon the hallowed ground, their gestures marked by solemnity and reverence. The dim light of the chamber seemed to bow to their faith, casting flickering shadows that danced in harmony with the cadence of their breaths.

Silence enveloped the room, save for the hushed whispers of fervent prayers, each offered with a heart heavy with determination. Their voices intermingled, a tone of faith that rose to the heavens like a beacon of light amid encroaching evil that surrounded them.

The words they spoke were more than mere pleas; they were a testament to their unwavering resolve, a declaration of their unity against insurmountable odds.

With closed eyes and hearts opened wide, they imagined the presence of the Legendary Angel—a celestial being of unmatched power and grace, a warrior of light forged to combat the very embodiment of darkness. Their prayers were infused with the essence of their sacrifice, the promise of their own life force offered as a plea for deliverance.

And in the midst of their devotion, a shimmering light began to materialize—a radiant, celestial presence that gradually took form before their closed eyes. The Legendary Angel, stirred by the strength of their sacrifice, manifested as a symbol of hope and salvation in the face of overwhelming evil.

This entity wasn't an artificial angel; it was a genuine celestial being, a seraphim, adorned with six pairs of majestic wings.

"I have returned to Earth?" Archangel Michael surveyed his surroundings, a sense of familiarity washing over him. It had been an ages since he last set foot in this world.

As he extended his hands, he could sense a significant decreased in his power. But, even with this diminished strength, his capabilities remained formidable, aligning with the maximum power attainable in this world, much like Elizabeth and Geju. 

Observing the individuals who had called upon his presence, Archangel Michael sensed the urgency in their prayers and recognized the tenuous thread that bound them to life. Their time was fleeting, and he was their last hope. 

"I will take it from here ," With a compassionate smile, he underwent a graceful transformation, his luminous form transitioning seamlessly into a radiant light. 

Without hesitation, he crossed the threshold of the Basilica's barrier. As he emerged into the tumultuous world beyond, a malevolent storm of blood surrounded him. Its deadly nature was clear, but its effects were nullified in his presence. 

Wasting no precious moments, he ascended swiftly, soaring upwards to confront the individuals behind the devastating carnage. 

"Elizabeth and The Traveler," Archangel Michael's voice carried a hint of familiarity as he recognized the individuals behind the turmoil. However, his attention was drawn to the presence of a third person, a figure unfamiliar to him. 

While unfamiliar with her, Michael couldn't deny the strength emanating from the third figure. Her power felt on par with that of Elizabeth and Geju, if not even greater. 

"So, they've summoned you here, Michael," Elizabeth responded with an air of confidence, displaying no trace of fear. While Michael was an Archangel, his powers were also constrained when on Earth, much like their own. 

"Why are you doing this?" Archangel Michael's voice carried an air of curiosity as he confronted the figures responsible for this devastation. "Fenrir is already dead. Is this your revenge against us? Against humanity? Against Fate?" 

"Revenge? You misunderstand, Michael. This is nothing more than a necessary sacrifice."  She replied.

"Killing innocent people is necessary?" 

"This pales in comparison to the deeds of your kind, so spare us your sanctimonious act," she retorted with a sneer of contempt, her disdain for the angelic being evident.

"Those actions were different, undertaken for the greater good," Michael responded, his tone unwavering. 

"I'm well aware that trying to reason with you angels is futile. Just as the Vatican is Fate's dogs on Earth, so too is Heaven,"

"We are not pawns of Fate. We uphold its directives because it serves the greater good," Michael retorted, conviction underlining his words. 

"Continue to delude yourself." She sneered.

"Let's bring this to an end. We don't have time for idle conversation with a mere avatar," Elizabeth stated firmly, her demeanor unyielding.

"Deliver this message to your faked creator: We'll pay a visit to your realm one day. When that time comes, he can either surrender to us or face his own downfall," she warned.

"How dare you insult the Creator!" Michael's gaze turned icy, his tone sharp. Speaking ill of their Creator was a grave taboo.

"Light of Judgment!" His voice thundered as he summoned his holy power.

"Blood Fall!" Elizabeth's responded with her own attack, her power surging like an endless torrent.

"Dragon's Breath!" Long Mu, hovering behind Elizabeth, added her strength to inevitable clash of power.


The trio's powers collided, creating a scene of massive explosion in the skies. 

The clash unleashed chaotic energy, tearing through the air and leaving a trail of devastation in its wake. The sky itself seemed to crack and fracture under the immense force of their conflict. 

It was as if the very forces of nature were at war, each trying to overpower the other .

This day would forever be etched in history as the "Bloodied Cross Incident."  The start of the Chaotic Era.

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