Alonzo's plea reverberated through the room, causing a ripple of uncertainty among the gathered Betas.

As an Alpha, Alonzo was expected to embody unwavering strength and resolve, always projecting an image of power. However, the sheer magnitude of the masked man's strength had overwhelmed him to such an extent that he no longer cared about maintaining his image.

The truth was, he knew that the person standing before him could kill him in an instant, way before he had a chance to transform. And even if he managed to undergo the transformation, he doubted he could last more than a minute against his formidable enemy.

In reality, he had only become an Alpha because he had received the blessing of the supreme leader, which allowed him to form his own pack. It was not his own power or bravery that had earned him this position; he was, in fact, the weakest among the Alphas of the Redfang. 

"What's happening to our boss? " Whispers filled the air as the Betas exchanged wary glances, questioning their leader's ability to maintain his position of authority. Doubts, like tendrils of darkness, began to snake their way into their minds. If Alonzo, their esteemed Alpha, displayed even a flicker of fear, what did that mean for the rest of them?

Alonzo's jaw tightened as he sensed the disquiet brewing within his ranks. He knew he had to regain control, to reaffirm his dominance and restore the confidence of his followers. With a subtle shift in his posture and a forced resolved in his eyes, he addressed the masked man once more.

"I understand the magnitude of your power," Alonzo began, his voice resonating with a newfound resolve. "But strength alone does not dictate loyalty. We have built our empire upon trust, allegiance, and the bonds we have forged. Our unity runs deep, and it will take more than a display of force to sway us."

His words hung in the air, a challenge cloaked with a hint defiance. Alonzo refused to bow before this newcomer, even in the face of overwhelming might. 

Vincent regarded Alonzo with a flicker of mockery in his gaze. The feigned audacity displayed by the leader of the Red Fang pack had piqued his interest. It was evident to him that this man was all talk and no bite, lacking the true strength to back up his bravado.

Evangeline had already informed him of the werewolves' nature, highlighting their susceptibility to the influence of a more powerful Alpha. Although he himself wasn't a traditional werewolf, his connection to Fenrir gave him the ability to dominate and establish his own pack if he desired. The only reason he doesn't have a pack yet was because he does not need it now. But Evangeline knew that the war will soon descend upon them, so they need to amass more forces before that happened. 

"Very well," he responded "Prove to me the strength of your unity, and we shall see if your words hold true."

Alonzo's frustration simmered beneath his composed facade. He had hoped to sway the masked man, to bend his iron will and steer him towards reason. Yet, it seemed that his efforts had been in vain. Vincent remained steadfast, unyielding in his demands.

"Damn it," Alonzo cursed inwardly, a tinge of irritation tainting his thoughts. He had underestimated the depth of Vincent's stubbornness, a trait that mirrored their own supreme leader. The clash of their wills created a tense standoff, where neither was willing to back down.

Gritting his teeth, he contemplated his next move. He needed to find a way to turn the tide in his favor, to ensure the survival and autonomy of his group. The path ahead was treacherous, but he would not allow his hard-earned empire to crumble under the weight of this newcomer's unreasonable demands.

"Let me talk first with our Supreme Leader about this " he stated, his words laced with caution. The Beta's under his command exchanged wary glances, silently acknowledging the unease that had settled upon their esteemed leader.

It was clear to them now that Alonzo was not equipped to handle the weight of their current predicament.

Vincent's piercing gaze bore into Alonzo, studying his demeanor for any signs of deceit or weakness. He was not an idiot and knew that Alonzo's request was just a ploy to buy time or gain an upper hand. Nevertheless, he decided to grant him a momentary chance, curious to see what course of action he would take. 

"Very well," Vincent replied, his voice laced with a hint of impatience.

"Consult with your Supreme Leader. I will come back later to get your answer. If I'm not satisfied, then I'm going to bury you with that leader of yours. " He warned, his voice filled with killing intent. 

Alonzo nodded, his gaze lowered, and defeated. The weight of his failure settled upon his shoulders, a burden that threatened to crush his resolve. He was able to buy time but at cost of his own imaged. 

Vincent rose from his seat ready to leave, his stance commanding and unwavering.

"Release the two Wayne siblings. I believe that is something within your power to do now," he stated with authority, leaving no room for refusal. His voice resonated with a sense of finality, as if the matter had already been decided.

The air grew heavy with anticipation as Alonzo contemplated his response. He understood the weight of Vincent's words, knowing that refusing this request could lead to dire consequences.

With a flicker of hesitation, he glanced at his fellow Red Fang members, gauging their reactions. He knew that releasing the Wayne siblings would be a symbolic gesture, a show of good faith to appease the formidable masked man before him.

| "I can release them," Alonzo gritted his teeth, a sense of resignation and frustration was evident in his voice. "To be honest, I only kidnapped Nathalie Wayne to flush out their friend, Vincent Turner who .... had an entanglement with my wife, Vanessa"

"What? Wife? " Vincent's exclaimed internally, his act of indifference almost cracked, revealing a flicker of surprise that danced in his eyes. Alonzo's revelation had caught him off guard, a twist in the intricate web of his tangled affairs. The accusation rang familiar, but Vanessa only mentioned that she has a boyfriend and not a husband.

A pang of guilt coursed through his veins as he recalled the night of passion shared with her. In the depths of his desires, he had succumbed to the allure of the forbidden pleasure, blinded by his own uncontrolled lust. But now, having experienced a lot of things, he realized that he has no genuine nor long lasting feelings for her, it was all just for sex and nothing more. 

But all of that was in the past, he pushed aside the memories of his entanglement with her, focusing instead on the present situation at hand. He knew that dwelling on it would serve no purpose in his current mission. Vanessa's freedom would be addressed in due time, once he had secured his position within the organization.

"Release them, I don't care about your personal problems." 

"Very well," Alonzo finally conceded. 

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