"That was absolutely insane!" Nathan exclaimed as he climbed down from the tree.

Vincent turned to face him, a satisfied smile curving his lips as he patted his jacket, checking for any stain of blood. To his relief, there were none.

"Glad you enjoyed the show," he said, his voice filled with a mix of amusement and humor "But don't you feel anything after seeing all this blood?" 

Nathan paused, his gaze sweeping over the mangled corpses surrounding them. A touch of shock  washed over him, but to his surprise, he found himself strangely unaffected by the gruesome sight. The memories that Denise had once erased from his mind seemed to have left an permanent mark on his psyche, bestowing upon him an unusually high tolerance for such gruesome scenes.

As he processed the horrifying reality before him, Nathan couldn't help but wonder if this newfound apathetic side was a blessing or a curse.

"Surprisingly , No" he shook his head.

"Then it's all good," Vincent replied, not dwelling on it too much.

"Forget about that ,I mean, seriously, buddy!" Nathan shift the conversation, unable to contain his enthusiasm. "You were like a superhero out there. It was like watching that red streak of lightning in action!"

"That's not even my full speed ," Vincent winked at him.

Nathan's eyes widened in surprise.

"Wait, there's more? I can't even imagine what your full speed looks like!"

"Well, you can't even see me at full speed, so don't even bother," he teased.

"You're bragging now. I also want a superpower," Nathan acted like he was hurt by his joked.

"By the way, didn't you undergo some tests to figure out which supernatural DNA you were more attuned to?" Vincent asked.

"Yeah, they conducted various test, trying to merge my blood with vampire, werewolf, and other supernatural DNA. But every time they attempted it, my blood became poisoned." Nathan's face fell as he replied, 

"That's strange," Vincent mused, furrowing his brow. "Considering you were able to unlock your Adrenaline Manipulation so fast, I assumed you had some supernatural DNA within you."

"Well, according to Master William, people who have a high affinity for controlling their adrenaline tend to have a lower chance of turning supernatural. It's like a trade-off, I suppose."

"Is that so? " Vincent's mind raced with thoughts, contemplating the possibilities. He had always wondered why William, a close friend of Evangeline, was never turned into a vampire despite his aging body. Perhaps it was not a matter of choice but rather something deeper. 

But that was a concern for another time. Right now, he knew he needed to lift Nathan's spirits. He placed a hand on Nathan's shoulder and offered him a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry. Even without supernatural abilities, you possess incredible strength and skill with your Adrenaline Manipulation. And with modern technology advancing at an astonishing pace, who knows what possibilities lie ahead? We'll find a way to make you even stronger."

Nathan's face lit up with anticipation, a glimmer of hope reflecting in his eyes. "You really think so, buddy ?"

"Of course," Vincent responded, his voice brimming with confidence. "Worst case scenario, I'll just find a way to get you enrolled in a magic academy for wizards."

"Wait, wizards? Like, with wands and broomsticks? They're real?" Nathan's jaw dropped in disbelief.

"Oh, they're very real. In fact, I even had a little encounter with a wizard once. Let's just say I left him with missing a hand." Vincent chuckled, his tone tinged with amusement. 

Nathan raised an eyebrow, a mixture of awe and concern in his expression.

"You ripped off a wizard's hand? buddy, you sound like a villain straight out of a dark novel."

"I..." Vincent's eyes widened , he realized that Larry hadn't done anything wrong to him in Puerto Rico, and yet he had stolen his item and even torn off his hands.

"You know what, you're right. That does sound pretty evil. But in my defense, I was moving so fast, and things got a bit... messy."

| Nathan couldn't help but burst into laughter, the tension dissipating from his features.

"Alright, I'll give you a pass on that one. But let's try to keep the unintentional dismemberment to a minimum, okay?"

"Deal. No more wizard hand-ripping, unless absolutely necessary."

As their playful banter came to an end, a sense of peace settled between the two of them. And with determined expressions, they made their way towards the big cottage to finished the job.

Approaching the cottage, they exchanged a brief nod, silently communicating their readiness to confront the remaining cannibals. 

Vincent took the lead, his eyes piercing through the place as he pushed open the creaking door.

His instincts proved correct as another one lunged at them the moment he opened the door, its creepy face souring the ambience of the place.

"I'll take this one " Without hesitation, Nathan sprang into action, his well-honed skills coming into play. With a swift and precise movement, he deflected the attack, then he countered, his knife finding its mark and carving a deep wound across the assailant's face.

"Ahhhhhh" Blood spilled from the wound, staining the wooden floor. The attacker staggered back, its eyes filled with a mix of surprise and pain. 

But despite the wound ,it refused to surrender, its twisted mind urging it forward. Nathan, unafraid , swiftly followed up with a series of  strikes, exploiting the opening he had created. Each blow landed with precision, weakening it with every wounds.


Finally, it crumbled to the ground, defeated and lifeless. Nathan stood tall, his breath ragged yet his face was filled with courage. 

As he surveyed the surroundings, the sight of the  bloodied corpse no longer sent chills down his spine. Instead, he maintained a strong resolve, accepting the grim reality of their situation.

"Good job," Vincent acknowledged, giving him a reassuring tap on the shoulder. "

"I told you that you could count on me." Nathan forced a smile.

Together, they continued to navigate the placed. Multiple enemies, including women and young individuals, emerged to strike them down. However, Nathan did not hold back. He recognized that these people were no longer human. They had devolved into abominations.

In his mind, he drew a stark distinction between these aberrations and supernatural beings. Supernatural beings, driven by their inherent nature and needs, may resort to killing, but there is a certain level of necessity in their actions. However, these people-turned-abominations feast in the act of consuming others for their own sadistic pleasure.

With an unwavering resolve, he unleashed his pent-up fury upon the cannibals that stood before him. With every enemy he eliminated, a sense of justice and protection welled up within him. He knew that allowing these cannibals to roam free would only lead to more innocent lives being 

His mission was clear: to put an end to the bloodline of these despicable cannibals. 




In the heat of battle, Nathan's senses sharpened, his reflexes honed by the urgency of the situation. He anticipated their every move, countering their attacks with precision and agility. His fighting skills, coupled with his Adrenaline Manipulation, made him a formidable force against the cannibals.

As he continued to fight and display his growing strength, even Vincent couldn't help but question whether his friend was truly a normal human. Doubts crept into his mind as he witnessed the astounding improvement that Nathan exhibited.

Regardless , he felt a sense of satisfaction as he observed his growth. He had a vision for his friend, one that extended beyond just being a sidekick. Evangeline, with her wisdom, had advised him to build his own circle of trusted allies, and he knew that Nathan was the ideal candidate to be his right-hand man.

He also recognized the importance of self-reliance and empowerment. As much as he could be a formidable force, he understood that he couldn't be everywhere at once. It was crucial for Nathan to develop his strength and abilities for his own protection.

As they went deeper into the cottage, they eventually reached the basement.


Opening the door, they were met with a chilling sight that sent shivers down their spines. The basement was a gruesome chamber, filled with human remains suspended like cuts of meat in a butcher's shop. The stench of decay lingered in the air, a haunting reminder of the horrors that had unfolded within these walls.

"Please... kill me," a bloodied woman weakly pleaded as she hung naked in the air, her voice barely audible. Vincent immediately noticed the severity of her injuries, realizing that she was on the brink of death.

"Let's save her!" Nathan exclaimed, ready to rush to the woman's aid. But Vincent quickly grabbed his shoulder, holding him back.

"It's too late, she's already dying," Vincent spoke, his voice filled with a tinge of sadness. He could sense the life force fading from the woman's body, leaving her beyond saving.

"Vincent!, we can't just stand here and do nothing!" Nathan pleaded, his eyes filled with a mix of compassion and frustration. He wanted to rush to the woman's aid, to offer any assistance he could.

Vincent understood his sentiment, but he also knew that the woman's injuries were beyond saving. He gently tightened his grip on Nathan's shoulder, urging him to understand the harsh reality of the situation.

"It's a painful truth, Nathan," Vincent said, his voice filled with empathy. "Her wounds are too severe, and her life is already slipping away. We can't save everyone, no matter how much we want to."

Nathan's gaze dropped to the floor, a mix of frustration and sadness crossing his features. He understood Vincent's words intellectually, but emotionally, he couldn't help but feel the weight of his powerlessness. The desire to save every innocent life clashed with the harsh reality of their world, where not every life could be spared.

Vincent took a step closer to Nathan, placing a comforting hand on his back. "I know it's hard," he said softly. "But we already brought justice to her by killing those bastards."

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