Puerto Rico Airport

"Man, looks like we've got some big spenders coming in today," said the airport ramp agent in his blue bomber jacket, glancing up at the radar screen. "Four private planes requesting landing. And by the looks of it, we're talking A-list VIPs here."

A buzz of excitement rippled through the crew, but before anyone could get too carried away, the head officer interjected.

"Alright, alright, let's not get starstruck just yet. We've got a job to do, people. Let's stay focused and make sure those planes get in safely."

The ramp agents nodded, returning their attention to the screen with a sense of determination. Sure, it was always exciting to see rich people come through, but at the end of the day, safety was their top priority.

Inside a white Cessna CitationJet/M2

"Sister Angelie, we've received intel about those planes. They're from the Ministry of Magica, DSAS, and Oracle," a man in a priest's robe spoke with a firm tone. They were sent by the Vatican to investigate the sudden increase in supernatural energy in Puerto Rico.

"Don't mind those degenerates . I'm pretty sure they're here for the same reason as us - to get their hands on that S-Rank Supernatural Being," Angelie replied with an annoyed voice. She was forced to come on this island because everyone was busy dealing with a man who called himself "Lucifer". 

"I will make sure to get that S-Rank no matter what and proved myself " she muttered under hear breath.

S-Rank Supernatural were few and far between in this world, and their power was unmatched. Organizations from all over the globe were constantly vying for control of one, as they could provide unparalleled firepower to any group. Even the Vatican had a keen interest in finding an S-Rank, but only if it wasn't inherently evil.

If it is deemed too dangerous or evil, they would rather eliminate it before it has the chance to fully mature and wreak havoc. The Vatican, in particular, is known to be ruthless in their approach towards dealing with supernatural beings that can be used by other organizations to empower themselves. 


As soon as the planes touched down, their engines were silenced and the doors swung open. One by one, the passengers emerged onto the tarmac, each one bearing an air of importance and power.

But Angelie's face twisted with annoyance when she saw the people from the Department of Supernatural Affairs and Securities .

"It's an honor to see the DSAS Trio in person," Angelie spoke with a heavy dose of sarcasm.

"Oh, we are more honored to see the Iron Maiden of the Vatican." Denise responded with a snide remark.

The tension between the two women instantly made the whole atmosphere awkward and it was further fueled  when a man in the priest robe quickly to jumped to Angelie's defense.

"How dare you call Sister Angelie like that!"He berated Denise.

But Denise brushed him off with a wave of her hand. She did not even look at him , like he was nothing but air in her eyes.

"Tell your dog to stay put, or I might accidentally send him to your god."

Angelie's eyes narrowed after hearing Denise's ruded remarks. The tension between the two women was surging, like a volcano ready to erupted anytime. Using her "God" was a low blow, something she could not tolerate. She gritted her teeth and clenched her fists, wanting nothing more than to slice Denise's tongue out.

"You're just acting tough because we're on US ground," she spoke with a hint of killing intent .

"Do you want to test me then?" Denise sneered in contempt .She  did not back down, her gaze fierce and unwavering. It was clear that she had some issues with the Vatican, given their history of hunting witches and burning their bodies for practicing the dark arts.

On the sideline.

"I really think you should stop them, Lyka." Enferno's voice was barely audible as he spoke up.

Lyka gave a dismissive eye roll. Enferno was known for his gentleness, a stark contrast to his immense power. But he seemed to shrink even more when he wasn't in the heat of a fight.

"You know we're talking about Denise here, right? Do you really think she's going to listen?" Lyka said, her tone tinged with frustration.

She was no stranger to conflict, having been entrenched in the supernatural world for years. She knew Denise was unpredictable and impulsive, a wild card in every sense of the word. She just hoped that they don't go overboard .

Fortunately ,amid the rising tension, a man with a charming British accent interjected them.

"The Vatican and DSAS quarreling? , we should mind our actions in public." he spoke with gentle voice.

Angelie turned her attention to the newcomer, shooting him a sharp glare. "And the Ministry of Magica still acts high and mighty." 

The man paused for a moment, clearly taken a back , but he did not let her words affected him for too long.

"And for that, I apologize. My name is Larry. I've heard a lot about you two." He flashed them a charming smile. As he introduced himself, his voice was smooth and cultured, each syllable rolling off his tongue like silk. His charming smile seemed to have a hypnotic effect on everyone present, except for the powerful Supernaturals who have some kind of immunity to it.

His timely interjections seemed to work as the two women paused their heated arguments. 

"I don't have time to play with you people," Denise declared, striding away with Lyka and Enferno following closely behind her.

"What a  Bitch!" The words escaped Angelie's lips before she could even think to stop them. She shot a glance at Larry, hoping he didn't hear her. However, the look on his face told her otherwise. He was clearly taken aback by her sudden outburst, especially because she was from the Vatican.

Without another word, she turned on her heels and made her way out of the airport, leaving him standing there in confusion. She knew she shouldn't have let Denise's behavior get to her, but it was hard not to be affected by the woman's callous attitude.

  "So, what's our next plan, Larry?" A woman with wavy brown hair and alabaster skin approached him after seeing his puzzled look.

"Let's just wait and see, Mione," he replied. He had been tasked with capturing the creature that had just turned S-Rank using a special artifact, and he felt confident about his abilities at first.

However, the other supernaturals vying for the same artifact were incredibly powerful. He knew he couldn't take them down in an actual combat, especially not Denise. They came here without enough fire power because the Ministry of Magica was just recovering from a war that almost destroyed it .

"We need to get that S-Rank .It would greatly help us recover from the war " Mione spoke firmly. 

"You're right , but we also need to be smart about it " He took a deep breath and surveyed the area, his mind racing with possibilities. The DSAS and Vatican representatives had already made their way out of the airport, but the Oracle was still lagging behind. 

"Looks like the people from the Oracle are running a little late," Larry said, breaking the silence. "I wonder what's keeping them."

"Who knows? Maybe they're just slow. Or maybe they just want to avoid other organizations." Mione shrugged

  "Knowing the Oracle, it's probably the latter." he chuckled.

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