Chapter 71: Bite

Jiang Yang who suddenly ran out of the infusion clinic was reprimanded by a nurse not to run in a hospital. Jiang Yang, with his face still flushed with embarrassment, felt guilty and immediately slowed down his pace into a fast walk but he still couldn’t ignore the burning gaze that followed him from behind.

He stayed outside for a long time to allow himself to calm his emotions back down and restore a look of calmness.

Perhaps it was fortunate that his temper isn’t great and that he had grown accustomed to maintaining a taunt face, so he didn’t feel that he had embarrassed himself too much earlier.

He found a water dispenser and proceeded to fill up two cups. Both times, he drank it all in one gulp and he was finally able to quench his dry throat. When he felt that he had finally calmed down, he thought that it might seem too suspicious running out so suddenly, so he filled another cup of water and walked back to the infusion clinic with it in his hand.

Jiang Yang walked back coldly and calmly, and handed the water over to Qin Xu, “For your medicine.”

It seemingly explained why he had suddenly run out.

Qin Xu laughed while receiving the cup of water from Jiang Yang. He obediently took his medicine but, because he only had one hand, it was inconvenient for him, so Jiang Yang naturally lent a hand.

Qin Xu picked up the tablet from Jiang Yang’s hand with his warm fingertips brushed against Jiang Yang’s palm. After swallowing it, he turned to Jiang Yang and revealed a brilliant smile.

Jiang Yang suddenly felt very uncomfortable. He turned away and tried to look for something to do. He looked up and proceeded to start watching the TV with a look of great interest.

Unfortunate, what was playing on TV just happened to be Peppa Pig.

Jiang Yang initially felt his body stiffen but after watching for a while, he found it surprisingly interesting. Even the people around him who weren’t playing on their phones were watching with great interest, no matter their gender or age.

Qin Xu stared at Jiang Yang’s side profile for a while but seemingly realised that his stare could make the other person feel pressured, so he slowly moved it over to the TV.

After the infusion was done, they left the hospital. The hospital wasn’t far from the school, so it wouldn’t take much time for them to walk back. Neither of them suggested calling for a taxi and they just proceeded to walk down the path side by side. Despite the silence, the atmosphere wasn’t bad. In fact, it was actually quite good.

Halfway there, perhaps because the vague moonlight illuminating their heads looked quite beautiful, perhaps because it the dark night made people more impulsive, or perhaps Qin Xu’s eyes were too bright and the kiss in his palm was too hot............Because of many, many reasons, Jiang Yang felt a moment of impulsiveness. The moment he said it, he felt very relieved.

He looked at the road ahead of them and suddenly spoke up: “Qin Xu, I think I probably like you.”

At that moment, Qin Xu’s mind went blank. It was as if all the surrounding sounds suddenly disappeared and everything had slowed down considerably into a scene like those of a slow-motion film.

“......What did you say?” Qin Xu didn’t dare believe what he had just heard. He even suspected that it was something that he had imagined because he had desperately wanted to hear him say those words.

Jiang Yang was stared at by him as if he had been completely locked on. The stare was so fierce that, although he had said the words first, he’s suddenly a little panicked?

Under that strong gaze, Jiang Yang subconsciously took a step back. He keenly sensed that danger and instinctively wanted to run.

Qin Xu however didn’t hesitate. He grabbed Jiang Yang’s hand and, because he was too excited, he didn’t control his strength well. He grabbed so tightly that Jiang Yang’s fingers twisted around in his grip in pain. He asked again: “You just said that you liked me a lot, right?”

Jiang Yang originally wanted to complain about the pain and pull back his hands but the moment he heard those words, he couldn’t help but want to laugh. This guy actually arbitrarily changed someone else’s words. He even removed the speculative adjective and added a quantitative adjective in its place. If he did this in the exam, he would definitely lose marks.

At this moment, Jiang Yang couldn’t help but admire his own ability to diss him while associating it to their studies.

Qin Xu naturally noticed him being distracted and pulled at his hand with some dissatisfaction to attract his attention. He again asked: “Right?”

Jiang Yang looked at his handsome face that appeared very gentle as it is illuminated by the pale moonlight. It was like there was a soft layer of silk over him. Although he was still pale from his illness, he couldn’t help but admit that he looked good. His personality also wasn’t that bad; just a little annoying, and they also had very similar interests. Things like food they liked to eat and games they liked to play, they were able to get along very well.

Yeah, isn’t this pretty good?

This time Jiang Yang didn’t act proud and deny defensively. Instead, he calmly faced him and nodded: “Yes, I like you.”

Qin Xu was instantly in a very good mood. He took a step forward to reduce the distance between the two. With a pair of burning eyes, “Then we’re a couple. Together. No backing out now.”

Jiang Yang couldn’t help but lick his slightly dry lips before curving his lips up into a smile.

The atmosphere now is very good. It was like they had exchanged tokens of love under the soft moonlit grove but the next second several children ran past them waving light sticks while yelling out, “Together! Together!”

In an instant, things turned awkward.

They had just happened to pass a nearby park. At night, grandpas and grandmas would come out to dance and some would take their grandchildren out for a walk.

Qin Xu glared irately at the children that had ruined the atmosphere. That act of his was a little immature, but he was in a good mood, so he was too lazy to be too concerned about the kids. He pulled Jiang Yang’s hand and started walking.

Jiang Yang and Qin Xu walked side by side chatting and laughing but Jiang Yang kept his hand to one side not allowing Qin Xu to hold it. As Qin Xu walked, he would reach out from time to time, but Jiang Yang would avoid it every time with a smile on his face. The two were as childish as ever and bickered around like tiger cubs play fighting.

When they returned to school, it wasn’t considered very late. After all, the self-study class goes until ten in the evening and it is only a little past eight now.

Jiang Yang and Qin Xu entered their classroom through the back door and quietly returned to their seats. The other students heard their movements and subconsciously looked over. Those who paid attention realised very quickly that the two had once again reconciled. After all, they had returned together, and Qin Xu also had an uncontrollable smile on his face. It wasn’t hard to tell that he was in a good mood.

They had missed more than half the time they were given to self-study, so they naturally had to quickly finish their homework during the remaining time.

Jiang Yang looked down and pulled out the homework that needed to be handed in first thing in the morning tomorrow. He immediately opened the book and started to write but before he could write a few sentences, he couldn’t help but be distracted by the burning gaze coming from the person next to him.

After holding himself back for a long time, he could no longer restrain himself and he proceeded to turn to look at Qin Xu’s pair of burning and bright eyes.

Qin Xu made an innocent expression: Did I disturb you?”

Jiang Yang remained silent. He looked away while supporting his chin in his hand that conveniently covered his slightly burning ears, “......Yeah.”

Qin Xu continued looking innocent and harmless but those bright eyes of his betrayed his inner thoughts. No matter what he tried to do, he couldn’t hide the excitement inside that was about to overflow, “I’m your boyfriend? It feels unreal.”

Jiang Yang didn’t expect him to say this but after thinking about it seriously, it indeed felt a little unreal. We just suddenly got together? Do I like him that much? But I guess, yeah, that must be it.

Jiang Yang nodded his head. Qin Xu looked down while smiling goofily and promised with a small voice, “I won’t disturb you.”

Then he also looked down and started working on his homework. At first, it was difficult for him to calm down and he was still very jittery but when he finally became immersed with solving the question, he became very focussed. His pair of eyes stared at the textbook with great concentration and the pen in his hand moved around very quickly as he solved the problem.

Jiang Yang finished one subject and subconsciously looked over at him. He found him immersed with solving the problems with a look of seriousness that was completely different from his usual clingy puppy-like demeanour. He thought of Qin Xu’s cheeky and playful side then looked at the person sitting next to him and couldn’t help but smile.

Unsure if it was just his imagination but he suddenly felt stimulated and energised, and he seemingly completed the questions very quickly. The homework that he had originally thought he wouldn’t be able to finish was completed before class even ended.

When class ended, Huang Shao came over to find Jiang Yang to play. He asked him where he went earlier and why he didn’t bring him along.

He asked this very energetically. Qin Xu who sat on the side was in a bad mood. He felt that this guy was a huge third wheel. Homework had already prevented him from being intimate with Jiang Yang and now Huang Shao ran over to interrupt him.

If the thick Huang Shao knew about the relationship between the two, he would definitely feel very wronged and fake cry while complaining that they two had completely changed. He would then call the Animal Protection Association to tell them that they are abusing dogs. Clearly, he had acted as the wingman for them and yet they treat him like this?!

If it was just Huang Shao, Qin Xu could just think of something and send him away but less than two minutes later, a female classmate also walked over. She was even a language class representative and looked pretty and lovely while asking Jiang Yang about a math problem!

Helping classmates out with questions was something that was pretty normal. If Jiang Yang was free, he would always help briefly explain things for the others. In the past, Qin Xu would feel unhappy, but he would endure it or just find another way to carry out childish harassment to attract Jiang Yang’s attention and start a bickering fight.

But things are different now. Qin Xu is officially his boyfriend!

Qin Xu didn’t worry about anything else and very straightforwardly expressed his thoughts. He took the girls workbook over and said: “Which question can’t you do? I can help you.”

The female classmate was stunned for a moment. She turned to look at Qin Xu while sneakily glancing at Jiang Yang before saying in a small voice: “No need. Jiang Yang is already teaching me. Thanks.”

Qin Xu however forcefully pulled Jiang Yang into his arms and pressed down his head. He patted the top of his head, “But he needs to sleep.”

Jiang Yang was a little surprised. He remained dazed in Qin Xu’s arms and wasn’t able to react.

The female classmate was also surprised. Huang Shao happily watched the show and came over to finish it off. Although he may be thick-headed, he could still differentiate between ordinary classmates and those who had good feelings towards Jiang Yang. He understood that Jiang Yang didn’t want to let the others get false hope and would sometimes step out to help like now.

Huang Shao said to the girl: “Xiao Yang Yang caught Xu brother’s cold. If you have any questions, you can ask me. I’m not bad at math.”

The female classmate smiled and went with Huang Shao to his seat to talk about the question. As she walked over, Huang Shao used the opportunity when she is distracted to look back at Qin Xu and send him a wink while also blowing his own horn. Huang Shao thought that he was just helping a brother out by blocking potential pursuers, but he didn’t know that he had actually helped wing anning the two. He not only helped Jiang Yang, he also helped Qin Xu get rid of a love rival.

If this was a game, Huang Shao would probably get a notification from the system —- “Jiang Yang’s good impression of you +5, Qin Xu’s good impression of you +5.”

He guided away the girl that made Qin Xu jealous and unhappy leaving Qin Xu still holding Jiang Yang in his embrace. Jiang Yang was forced into his arms and wanted to sit back up but the grip around him tightened and he was once again pressed back down.

They were after all still in class and around them were classmates who they were quite familiar with. Jiang Yang could hear the familiar chatter and laughter from the students around him and couldn’t help but feel his face flush red as he is held in Qin Xu’s embrace. Seventy percent was because of embarrassment and thirty percent was due to anger.

“Let go!”

“Not letting go.”

Qin Xu’s voice that could be heard above his head had a hint of laughter. He even dragged the last sound out and made it sound very irritating. Clearly, he was asking for a beating.

Jiang Yang didn’t know what he was thinking but seeing a firm piece of meat before his eyes, he impulsively bit down onto it.

Almost at the same time, there was small grunt coming from above him.

Qin Xu however wasn’t angry. The arms around Jiang Yang’s waist only tightened a little before soon loosening up.

Jiang Yang naturally used this opportunity to sit back up. When he looked up, he was met with Qin Xu’s deep, dark eyes that stared intently at him. It made him feel like a prey that had been locked onto by a beast and he instantly felt a strong sense of danger.

He subconsciously looked down and saw that on Qin Xu’s clavicle, there was a clear bite mark.

Jiang Yang: “........” Is it too late to apologise now?

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