Chapter 65: Haunted House

In groups of two, the staff waited until the pair before them had disappeared into the building before waiting about three minutes and then letting the next pair in.

This time it was Xie Zhe and Xiao Yuxin. Honestly speaking, the timid class leader refused but, seeing the other students looking particularly eager, he didn’t want to ruin the atmosphere and didn’t want to appear too timid. In the end, he stiffened his body up and walked into the dark entrance of the haunted house with a look of seriousness.

Xiao Yuxin spoke sternly like he was attending a lecture: “It’s nothing. It is all just prop and staff dressed up as ghosts. They’re all fake. There’s nothing to be afraid of.”

Xie Zhe nodded his head with a hint of a smile on his face as he expressed his agreement.

At first, it seemed quite okay and they moved through without any problems. It was only until the first ghost jumped out in front of them.

Xiao Yuxin stood there unmoving with an expression free of any expression.

Xie Zhe had been secretly checking up on him and, seeing him look so calm, he was a little disappointed. Even he himself was a little surprised by the ghost earlier. It shouldn’t be like this. It’s too embarrassing.

When the ghost had left and the road ahead was no longer blocked, Xie Zhe pulled Xiao Yuxin’s hand and said: “Let’s go.”

Xiao Yuxin’s voice trembled, “O-Ok....”

Turns out he was scared stiff and was unable to move.

Xie Zhe was stunned for a moment. He turned his head slightly and tried to hold back the laughter that was about to escape his mouth.

Without Xie Zhe taking the initiative to hold onto him, Xiao Yuxin had already subconsciously grabbed firmly onto his hand. Like this, he felt a little better. Xie Zhe smiled and the slight fear inside him immediately dissipated. He could only feel the warmth in his palm.

After the ghostly fright from earlier, the two stuck closely together and shuffled down the narrow corridor. After turning the corner, they could see a dusty cabinet sitting against the wall in the distance.

Xiao Yuxin and Xie Zhe froze: “..........” They’re finished. Based on the typical scenario, they’re hundred percent sure that the moment they pass it a ghost will crawl out of that.

They stood there in fear for a while and the ghost seemingly had become impatient. From the dark, a faint scream was heard, and the cabinet door opened from both sides. A female ghost dressed in red crawled out from it with long hair covering its face. It crawled over to them like a spider at a very fast speed.


Xiao Yuxin couldn’t control the feeling of his hair rising and he shuddered while saying: “........She reminds me of a clown!”

Xie Zhe remained silent. It was already scary enough. Please don’t raise the other person’s fearsomeness.

The ghost rushed over, and they immediately turned and ran. But because he was panicking too much from fear Xiao Yuxin couldn’t run properly and ended up falling onto his butt. He’s legs went soft and he couldn’t stand back up, so he could only watch the female ghost get closer and closer to him.

Xie Zhe looked back and saw that he had fallen. He quickly rushed back to help him up.

Xiao Yuxin however had tears hanging from his eyelashes and he said while trembling, “Don’t worry about you. You should go first.......”

Xie Zhe couldn’t help but laugh: “This is a haunted house. Why are you treating it as if you’re escaping from a life and death situation? Also, with you saying that I am even more unwilling to leave you behind okay?”

He used force while holding Xiao Yuxin under his armpits and directly lifted him up into his embrace. Like this, he firmly guarded Xiao Yuxin from the female ghost.

They watched the ghost rush over and, just as she was about to reach them and seemingly eat them up, she revealed a bloody smile before disappearing behind a black wall beside them. Shrill laughter rang out from all around them.

“........It looks like there’s a mechanism behind that wall?”

After falling silent for about two seconds, Xiao Yuxin asked.

Xie Zhe looked at Xiao Yuxin’s clear pair of eyes that trembled as he did his best to act calm despite being so scared. He couldn’t help but want to laugh but he naturally couldn’t laugh out loud. In the end, he pushed the corners of his mouth down and nodded his head serious, “Yes.”

After walking for a while, Xiao Yuxin suddenly realised that there was a weight on his shoulder. His face went pale and he stiffly turned to his partner next to him, “Xie Zhe....Is there something on my shoulder?”

Xie Zhe was a little confused. He looked over and realised that Xiao Yuxin had mistaken his hand for a ghosts’ hand.

Oh no. He wants to laugh again.

Xie Zhe turned his head and coughed a few times, “No, that’s me holding you.”

Earlier he had helped support Xiao Yuxin up and didn’t let go. He had thought that the small and timid class leader would act embarrassed like usual but what he didn’t expect was........

Xiao Yuxin heard this and let out a sigh of relief, “That’s good. That’s good.”

Those words that were spoken subconsciously were filled with his trust and dependence for Xie Zhe and he wasn’t embarrassed because of their intimacy. He even wanted to shrink further into his embrace and stick to him closely.

Xie Zhe’s lips curved up and his heart felt as sweet as honey.

Sigh, class leader why are you so cute?

Xiao Yuxin didn’t know about the thoughts that went through Xie Zhe’s mind and only carefully stepped forward while looking around everywhere as if he was afraid of another ghost appearing. He mentally prepared himself so that he wouldn’t be scared to death.

Because he felt that if the two chatted it would be less scary, Xiao Yuxin constantly whispered a few words. As for why he whispered, even if you asked him he also didn’t know why. He probably subconsciously thought that there were ghosts hidden just around the corner and didn’t want to alarm them?

“Xie Zhe, my back feels a little sore. Was it because it was hurt by the ghost from earlier?” Xiao Yuxin vigilantly scanned his surroundings while whispering to Xie Zhe.

Xie Zhe coughed and suppressed his laughter, “No. The staff wouldn’t hurt the visitors. Earlier, it was because you hit the wall while you tried to run away.”

Xiao Yuxin furrowed his brows as he tried to recall but he couldn’t remember, “.....Really?”

He thought back to his terrified state earlier and felt a little embarrassed. But if you asked him to act brave now and walk nonchalantly in front......Sorry, he really couldn’t do it. Not only that, strange sounds could be heard coming from the pitch-black corridor ahead of them. He couldn’t help but tighten his grip on Xie Zhe’s clothes and regard him as his final life-saving amulet.

Xie Zhe looked down at his wrinkled shirt and was not even a little but upset about it. Instead, he enjoyed it. The more Xiao Yuxin clung to him, the happier he was. Going to the haunted house is the best.

Although —– his other hand rubbed his slightly throbbing waist. Earlier he was hit there by Xiao Yuxin when he ran into him —– Although there are risks, compared to how much progression he had achieved with their relationship, he felt that the pain was worth it.

Overall, Xie Zhe is very happy.

Xiao Yuxin maintained a calm demeanour and shuffled timidly down the corridor with Xie Zhe as if they were doing a folk dance. He tried to comfort himself: “It’s all fake. We should believe in science! That’s right! Rich, Strong, Democratic, Civilised, Harmony, Freedom, Equality, Justice.......”

Xie Zhe didn’t think that he would actually start reciting the societal core values to reinforce his courage. He laughed until he was almost out of breath but, hearing Xiao Yuxin suddenly stop, he couldn’t help but become vigilant. Did the ghosts appear?

But in reality, Xiao Yuxin said awkwardly: “The rest, I forgot.......”

He was after all a science student and so he didn’t pay much attention to politics and history. Furthermore, it’s already amazing that he could recite half of them out off by heart.

In the haunted house, what could be more miserable? After constantly encountering ghosts, he finally managed to figure out a method to boost his courage, but he ended up forgetting the last half of it. Faced with the dark silence, he felt even more flustered!

The two held each other’s hands tightly and stiffly made eye contact. Then they proceeded to scream loudly and rush out all the way until they were out of the attraction. The ‘ghosts’ were probably shocked by this unusual method of tackling their fear, so they didn’t react in time. Like this, they ran madly through the obstacles and managed to miss many of the scary traps that were set beforehand.

In the darkness, a pair of male and female ‘ghosts’ sighed and had a look of disappointment, “Sigh, they left.”

Saying that with such reluctance, it was as if they didn’t manage to catch a last glimpse of someone important to them. If Xiao Yuxin and Xie Zhe were to hear this, they would have definitely rejected, “Your love for me is too burdensome. I can’t accept it.”

On their end, their situation was a scene of chaos but on the other end was a completely different scenario.

The cross-dressing master Wu Tong and his puppy junior brother also came to the haunted house. Naturally, how could they miss something as crucial as this? Wu Tong smiled meaningfully.

Before they had even entered the haunted house, Wu Tong already started to act weak and helpless. His eyelids trembled, and he gripped tightly onto his shirt looking nervous and scared.

At this moment how could He Shuo who is deeply in love with him act indifferent? He pressed his big palm down onto Wu Tong’s shoulder like he was protecting his princess with a look of confidence and bravado. A hint of fear hidden in his eyes however couldn’t be concealed but his desire to protect his loved one was not a lie.

“Don’t be afraid. I’ll be with you.” He Shuo said.

Wu Tong heard this and seemingly calmed down a little. He revealed a small smile, “Okay.”

He Shuo saw him smiling at him with such a beautiful smile and momentarily froze before looking away in embarrassment. Clearly, he is a tall and buff man with a buzzcut and a face that was ferocious to the point that it could easily scare young children but, with him standing before the person he likes, his entire face went red.

Wu Tong saw this and couldn’t help but think that he is very cute. He reached out to hug his waist before quickly releasing his hold. After all, he didn’t know when they would run into their teacher and He Shuo is a good student, so he didn’t want to make him panic. Anyway, weren’t there many opportunities for this once they’re inside the haunted house?

When it was their turn, the staff could clearly tell that the pair was a young couple. Around them were obvious pink love heart bubbles and the two were particularly attractive. It made those watching them feel envious, but the staff still remembered to do his own job. Seeing that the man seemed pretty strong, he sincerely reminded him not to attack the staff.

Side by side, they walked into the dark haunted house.

The gloomy music got closer and closer until it felt like it was playing right next to their ears and there were props on the walls that would occasionally jump out to scare them. It had to be said that the amusement park had spent a lot of time and effort for this haunted house to be made into a such a big attraction. The atmosphere that they at created is extremely creepy to the point that those who are mentally weak would start crying within minutes.

In front of others, Wu Tong had always maintained the persona of a gentle and weak girl, so he naturally should act as if he feared these things. No less than a few minutes after entering, he revealed a look of fear and grasped tightly onto He Shuo’s hand.

He Shuo may appear tall and reliable, and seemingly unafraid of ghosts but in reality, he is also very afraid......

He was still young.

Before they entered he thought to himself, ‘It’s nothing. No matter how terrible it can be it can’t be that much scarier than the usual haunted houses.’ But the moment he entered the haunted house, he realised that it was completely different from what he had imagined! Why is it so realistic?! It’s as if he was transported to a terrifying alternate dimension!

Despite being afraid, He Shuo didn’t want to show it. He should naturally act strong and reliable in front of the person he likes! How can he lose face in front of her?

And so, He Shuo tried to conceal his uncontrollably trembling lips and patted Xu Tong’s shoulders to appease him, “Don’t be afraid. It’s all fake.”

Wu Tong heard him say this and could hear the obvious tremors within. Hearing this, he couldn’t help but think that he was just too cute. He unrestrainedly reached out to hold He Shuo’s waist and hug onto him tightly with his face buried in his arms: “But I’m scared.........”

He Shuo’s face instantly reddened. He didn’t know where he should be putting his hands, so it only hung awkwardly in mid-air. Still stiff, it slowly rested onto Wu Tong’s shoulders as he whispered: “Then let’s get out quickly. Follow me.”

Wu Tong nodded slightly with his head still buried in his arms in an adorable manner but continued to maintain his hold onto He Shuo.

He Shuo was both smitten and helpless, “With you like this, we can’t move. Loosen up a bit.”

Wu Tong shook his head stubbornly. As if he was very afraid he said in a small voice: “It’s too dark.....”

He Shuo sighed. It looks like they can only continue through the attraction like this. Half holding onto Wu Tong, they walked on. Using the faint light coming from their phones, they could see a cloth hanging from the wall around the corner in the distance. As expected, a ghost rushed out of it the next second. It revealed a grotesque and bloody face and ran quickly towards them in a hunched posture. It reached it’s hand out as if it wanted to catch them.

He Shuo thought, ‘Fortunately, they had already mentally prepared themselves and wasn’t scared too badly’ but he still trembled at the sight of the ghost and subconsciously pulled Wu Tong to one side to escape.

Wu Tong naturally cried out that he was scared and used this opportunity to cling onto his cute junior brother.

The ghost came close to them several times before slowly making a detour and disappearing back into the darkness. It was as if it wouldn’t be satisfied until it scared them a few more times.

When the ghost finally left and they were certain that it wouldn’t come out again, He Shuo finally could breathe a sigh of relief. His taunt face relaxed slightly, and he decided that it might be better if he and Wu Tong ran through this attraction quickly instead.

However, Wu Tong grabbed onto his shirt and said weakly: “My legs went soft....”

The meaning behind those words were naturally, I can’t move anymore.

Feeling troubled, He Zhuo furrowed his brows until his eyes suddenly lit up. He proposed: “Should I piggyback you?”

He had thought that it was a pretty good idea, but he realised that it wasn’t right the moment those words left his mouth. If he piggybacked Wu Tong, they would naturally come into close contact. Just imagining it, his face couldn’t help but redden. He waved his hand and said: “Forget it. For now, let’s just rest and.....”

Wu Tong said: “Okay.”

He Shuo was a little stunned and also a little at loss.

Wu Tong looked over at him innocently with a hint of a smile in his eyes, “If we stay here, the ghost might come back to chase us. It’s better if we get out of here quickly. It’s too scary.”

It actually made sense.

He Shuo nodded. With red ears, he bent down in front of Wu Tong and, very quickly, he could feel the body warmth of the person that he likes on his back.

Just thinking this, the temperature on his face once again rose another level.

He also needed to stand up. In order to keep Wu Tong well positioned on his back, he would need to grab onto Wu Tong’s thighs.........with just a thin layer of the school uniform between them, the body temperature transmitted through was very obvious and difficult to ignore. It could easily result in others having all sorts of delusions.

He Zhuo pursed his lips and reminded himself internally not to think about nonsense and to be more sensible.

With Wu Tong on his back, every time he spoke, he could feel his warm breath on his ear. He Shuo realised this and found it extremely torturing but if you asked him to let him down, he was definitely not willing to. This was clearly a form of sweet torment for him

Like this, there was something that allowed him to divert his attention to and he no longer had the energy to pay attention to the ghosts. Immersed in the lovey-dovey talk with Wu Tong, He Shuo would only respond a little too slowly to the traps set in the haunted house.

In the darkness, the ‘ghosts’ who were ignored: “......”

They silently gnashed their teeth. This stupid, love-sick couple is too much! While they’re doing their best playing the role of a ghost to scare them this couple actually dares to flirt so happily?! This won’t do! We’re flipping over that stinky dog food. On behalf of the FFF inquisition, let’s go and burn them down!

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