LONE: The Journey Beyond

Chapter 7: Gene Enhancing Potion.

Chapter 7: Gene?Enhancing?Potion.

Nine years passed.

The world was just recovering from the aftereffects of the 3rd World War.

America was still facing the Epidemic as their adolescents were either indulged in drugs or s*x.

The United Nations was no more.

NATO became the biggest World organisation and America's safeguard during this period.

India, Israel, Vietnam, and the countries that fell in between them united and formed the Sub-Continental Alliance, which was a smaller NATO.

Some African countries also became members of this alliance.

China's plan to stop America ended up being a success, but it overlooked one fact. The North Korean dictator, Kim Dik Un. Who was a di*khead, just like his name.

The 3rd World War led to the assassination of his wife, and he couldn't digest this fact as he thought it was done by America.

Though in 2120, it was revealed that it was done by Russia, which shocked many but not the Sub-Continental Alliance, as Israeli spies had already gotten this news. Still, they didn't say a word because they wanted to stay as far away as possible from this conflict.

The guy requested that China help him take revenge on America. Well, international relations never worked this way. So, in the end, the guy got used by Russia instead and ended up launching Nuke towards the US.

And started the 4th World War, or the True Nuclear War!

The result was that by 2113 there was no North Korea, half of China was no more, the Russian capital had to shift to the eastern side as Moscow was captured, the Pacific near American soil was declared a disaster zone, most of Europe became haunted, and two-thirds of Asia was turned to dust.

People were literally dying like chickens!

Earth's population became just 4 billion, with about 800 million in the Sub-Continent and the rest divided throughout the world.

Africa, South America, and Australia got their entire economies crippled to the point of a near impossible return.

This war made the countries in the Sub-Continental Alliance come together and form the 'United Republic of Indian Sub-Continent and Allies', or ISC for short.

The first operation they did was tear apart the tectonic plates, separate the ISC from the already destroyed Asia, and move it towards the Southern Temperate Zone of the Earth.

The plan started in the 2080s, but ISC realised that now was the perfect time to do it, and so they did.

On 2119, this led to the creation of a new stable landmass for the ISC, but the World was enraged, and they wanted to start the 5th war against the ISC, but the ties the ISC had with Russia made the US not attack it first, and vice versa happened from the other side.

In the year 2122, the ISC was doing its best to recover its economy and bring people out of poverty, which was the biggest problem around the planet right now, but then struck 'The Lunar Doom'.


The long first class ended, and many commoners had heavy faces while Reven sighed.

"Reven, hey man." A boy named Jack greeted him. He was one of the friends that Reven had made on his trips. His father is the biggest businessman in ISC and the owner of Evergreen Industries.

"Jack? I didn't think I'd meet you here."

"Not only me, but Mikey and Hana are here too." He pointed Reven towards the other two people who came to meet him.

Hana Croft was from the Croft family; they had some of the best scientists working for the ISC, and Mikey, or Michael Simon, was of celebrity background; apparently, his entire family is made up of actors, and he himself had fan clubs at just 6 years of age.

"Reven, how are you?" Hana asked if she was always excited to see Reven, as the guy was also a science genius.

Mikey was someone who admired Reven. Reven met him when he saved the guy from drowning in the water on a beach trip, and they became friends.

"I am good, guys, but I have to go; you see, I am in Special Forces class, so there is not much free time for me."

"Oh, that's bad, man. I pity you; be careful." Jack said.

Reven hurriedly came back to his room and got ready for his specialisation classes.

For his specialisations in theory, he had selected courses in Biology, Business, and Engineering (Combined). As for physical training, that was totally prescribed by the officials, depending on which course you chose.

Reven's training and school life continued for two years.

He got to learn many things in both theory and physical combat. Since he was a Special Forces (SF) student, he didn't need any exams, and the ranking system also wasn't applied to him.

These perks were necessary considering that nobody in their right mind would choose SF easily because it was a one-way ticket to heaven for most people.

On this day, Reven got a message on his Wrist-Band to come to the R&D branch by 6 in the evening. Reven finally realised that today was the day he would be given the Gene Enhancing Potion. He was kind of excited for it too.

Gene Enhancing Potion, or GEP for short, was created in 2120 and was the greatest invention of the 22nd century that humanity had done, though it was mainly developed by the ISC to counter the Super Soldier Program by the US and the Cyborgs from the Communist Federation (CF), which was an alliance between Russia and China to counter NATO and now the ISC too.

Japan had to suffer much because of this alliance, but it all changed when Japan formally joined and became a part of the ISC.

It was surprising to all that Japan didn't join NATO. But it was the right decision, as the US was facing problems of its own right now.

GEP was developed to increase the biological capabilities of a person so much that the person could fight and survive the Cyborgs; even bullets couldn't pass through the skin of someone who was enhanced with GEP, and it didn't have any side effects such as slowly losing your mind, which the Super Serum had.

Not only that, but it increased the mind's capabilities too by giving its user a Photographic Memory.

The only problem it had was that it took millions to make one GEP bottle and could only be induced in someone below 10 years of age. So, it was only available to very few people.

In fact, including Reven, only nine people in the ISC had GEP in their system. This was also one of the reasons Reven stayed with his decision to join SF, as this was the only way for him to be eligible to get the GEP.

The information regarding it was highly confidential, and only the higher ups knew about it. Reven knew all this because one of the people who developed GEP was none other than Vera, and Aimee was in-charge of the project.

It was about 6 o'clock when Reven decided to head to the location. There he met with Dr. Croft, who was also one of the people involved in the project. Reven knew him well, as he was friends with his daughter.

After that, they went straight to Dr. Giovanni, who was the head scientist of the program.

"You ready, kiddo?" Dr. Giovanni asked.

"Yes, sir." Reven replied.

Reven wanted to have this opportunity to build a good relationship with him. The kid knew how important this man would be in times of need. He had only one son named Valey Giovanni, whom Reven had made friends with in the academy.

"Sir, what are the things I need to take care of here?" Reven questioned.

Giovanni smiled and replied, "Don't worry about anything, kid. It's the best invention for a reason. Though, make sure not to push your body for the next few days and sleep a lot so that your body will get assimilated with the potion."

"Got it."

"Let's go in; someone is waiting for you."

Reven was confused, but he followed him in and saw Aimee and Vera there.

He was pleasantly surprised. Aimee and Vera greeted Reven with a smile. As Vera said, "You have grown up, kid."

"Well, I have indeed... How is your relationship going? Have some kids or something?"

"Hmph! That guy can forget about touching me before marriage."

"What!? I guess you are Aimee's friend for nothing." Reven smiled bitterly as he looked at Aimee, who was now glancing at him seriously as she said, "You ready?"


"All the best then..."

Reven lay above the specialised bed, which looked more like a container, as Aimee got out of the room, leaving Vera behind. A few more scientists came in. They were here to make sure no problem occurred.

All the equipment was prepared, as ten big syringes were inserted in both of his arms. The other end of the syringes was filled with a greyish-golden viscous liquid, which was the miracle fluid, GEP.

Dr. Giovanni announced, "Everyone, today, the ninth Meta-Human will be added to humanity and ISC.

The procedure will start in...





2… 1…"


The machines started to operate as the GEP was slowly emptied out inside Reven. The liquid started to flow inside every nook and cranny of Reven's being.

"Heart Rate normal, Adrenaline Rate normal, BP normal, Compatibility Rate 99.900099%.

The subject's body is getting synchronised properly... The procedure will finish in… 5… 4…


2... and 1!

Congratulations everyone!

The ninth Meta-Human is in front of our eyes."

"When will he open his eyes?" Aimee inquired to the Dr.

"3 days maximum. Since he has more than 99% compatibility, which is the highest compatibility of them all, I remember Talos having a compatibility of 98.79008%, the highest till now, and he slept for 2 days and 7 hours." Giovanni replied.

"Okay." Aimee said in relief.

Giovanni then said to the others, "Make sure to continue your checkups after every 3 hours; we don't know how many impurities his body will discharge. If it's too much, then give him saline."

At the same time, Reven was feeling like he was having a big, long dream...


Author's Note:

>> Finally we are getting to the fantasy part...


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