LONE: The Journey Beyond

Chapter 17: United Earth Alliance.

Chapter 17: United Earth Alliance.

A month passed.

The ISC had finally moved its capital to the West Coast. The name of the capital was Maya, which meant magic.

It was named taking the current scenario into account, which was beyond human comprehension.

Maya was just 520km from the coast, which was renamed Elpis after the Goddess of Hope.

The entire human population of ISC spread in a circular pattern with Maya as the center, with a radius of 700km [1] from all the other sides except for the coastal side, which was just 520km from the center.

The capital, Maya, was the innermost part of the entire area and had a radius of just 75km. The rest of the area was divided into four provinces along the cardinal directions, shaped like sectors between the two circles.

These provinces were named Astraea, the southern province; Sophia, the northern province; Soteria, the eastern province; and Janus, the coastal province [2].

The provinces were again divided into three regions, namely the Inner Circle, the Middle Circle, and the Outer Circle.

There was the Red Zone, which spread about 2km after the Outer Circle. It was strictly used for military operations and acted as the last line of defense.

Walls of cement were built to create the borders separating the Outer Circle from the Red Zone.

The army was also building full-fledged fortresses and large walls for the military borders.

The Central area, or the capital, could only be used by top position holders in the government, scientists, and other important people and organisations like the upcoming top tier Guilds.

The rest of the people were divided on the basis of their work and capital.


While the public in ISC was being settled. The US, its allies, and the CF were in a pinch.

This month was devastating for all of them.

They had lost almost half of their entire population. Problems kept increasing for them too.

They decided to stabilise their internal situation first. This one month period where no monsters came from the portals was like a boon to them, as they were quickly able to stabilise the situation.

After learning about the situation from their scientists, they also came to the same conclusion as ISC.

It was clearly visible to them that forming a united front to fight these monsters was the best course of action.

So, all of them started making plans.


"Finally, finished."

Reven said as he sat inside his new house at Maya, and then continued as he looked at the people in front of him, "Can you forgive me now, pretty please?"

In front of him, sitting, were Vera and Aimee. After a month of a hectic schedule, they all got a day's leave, so they were all here at Aarav and Reven's new house.

Aimee was still angry at Reven because of that incident.

"Vera, please help me here." Reven asked for Vera's help.

"Hey! Don't screw me here. I don't want to get in between you two." She replied back.

"C'mon, Aimee, please forgive me already. You are getting angry for just a simple thing, you know."


Aimee snorted and turned her face away.

"Okay, what do you want me to do to forgive me? You know, I am gonna irritate you to death, if you don't forgive me."

"Vera, tell him, I don't need his sorry but his sincerity." Aimee spoke as the room turned silent.


After seemingly an eternity passed,


Reven sighed.

"I am sorry. I will take care of myself. I won't make it sound like it's not a big deal anymore.

I know that 2.4 billion people dying is something very serious. I just don't want to think about it because whenever I do, I feel fear. That's why I didn't call you."

Silence continued.


This time, it was Aimee who sighed.

Everyone knew the current situation was extremely grave. The only difference was that people in the army, especially those in higher positions, didn't want to talk much about it.

They knew that if they discussed too much about it without knowing the full details, it would only weaken their will.

In fact, this was already happening and was clearly visible among the citizens and among lower ranked soldiers. Many people were already seeing psychiatrists.

"Reven, listen here carefully. You can't avoid it just by not talking about it. We are alive, and we are seeing this, which means we do not have anything other than to accept it and fight with everything we have.

Even with all this happening, we have to learn to live our lives with at least some happiness. Or else, we won't even be able to survive what's coming. Do you get it?" Aimee spoke solemnly.

Reven just nodded his head.

"Now then, I accept your apology, but remember not to pull this type of shit next time. Got it."

"Yes, ma'am."

Around this time, Aarav and Sir Rawanth entered the house and came to the hall.

"Greh, we have an invitation from the US, NATO, and CF. They couldn't wait anymore." Sir Rawanth informed them as he looked at Reven and the others.

"Finally, some good news. When and where are we supposed to go?" Reven asked.

"They will be coming here. As for the date, it's the day after tomorrow." Rawanth replied.

"That's good; let's make preparations then."


The next day passed quickly for everyone as they were going to host the meeting.

Reven and many other strategists had long meetings with the President on how they were going to proceed in the meetings.

Finally, after sorting out many things, they all took a rest at night, eagerly waiting for the meeting they were going to have.

February, 2129.

The meeting day.

Entire Maya was on high alert to make sure no harm came to the guests.

Soon, flights started to arrive one after another. By 10 in the morning, all the leaders had arrived.

After that, they had breakfast and then went straight to the meeting room.

Representatives from all the nations that were part of the various alliances and the major powers were seated across a sizable round conference table in the meeting room, with their assistants standing nearby.

Everyone greeted and marked the start of the historical meeting.

"Today, we, the inhabitants of planet Earth, have come together to form a covenant to protect our homes from the monster invasion our planet is currently experiencing.

We may have destroyed our mother up until this point. But given the imminent danger we face, we must band together and fight to not only save our planet but also restore it to the condition in which our ancestors once lived." The host of the meeting, Sir Rawanth, addressed the leaders.

His address was followed by a series of long discussions that continued into the evening.

Finally, all of the nations reached an understanding that they would refrain from attacking one another and work to support one another whenever possible.

Many clauses were added in response to many different scenarios. The Veto Power was only given to the ISC, US, and CF.

"Now, what shall we name the alliance?" The British leader asked.

"United Earth Alliance, or UEA. This is short, simple, and clearly indicates the goals of the alliance." President Atal Flanck commented.

After a short discussion, everyone approved the name, and thus, one of the key forces in repelling the monsters was formed: The UEA.


Author's Note:

[1] The 700km length may sound less to many, but remember that the Earth's total radius is just around 6000km. So, I used a practically possible length, and as if the radius of 700km is doubled, it is 1400km in diameter.

As for the total area, it's about 1,540,000 km^2 (approx.).

[2] 1. Astraea is the Goddess of Purity- Greek.

2. Sophia is the Goddess of Wisdom- Christian.

3. Soteria is the Goddess of Salvation- Greek.

4. Janus is the God of Beginning and End- Roman.



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