LONE: The Journey Beyond

Chapter 10: Cyborg vs Meta-Human.

Chapter 10: Cyborg vs Meta-Human.

Everyone altered their course of action in response to Reven's orders.

Jun went to the reinforcements to help them get the target out of here. Aleena and Ronny started clearing a path for the evacuation.

Talos and Ken went on a rampage. Parth and Reven started using machine guns and killed unceremoniously.

"We are closing in too." Aimee spoke inside Reven's head.

"Stay focused and keep the radars active; the Cyborg will be here any moment." Reven replied.

"No captain, the Cyborg is already here." Jun suddenly voiced.


A being with a height of around 7 feet and half of his entire body made up of metal landed between Jun and the target, who was held by the reinforcements.

Its right arm was made up of metal, half of its face was covered with metal, and its left eye looked like a microscope.

On its forehead, there was a hole that glowed red. It had a pair of thrusters around its back, which seemingly helped it in flight.

"Uncertified presence detected." The Cyborg spoke in a metallic voice.

"Well, it came a bit earlier than I expected." Geena said over the Seven-Link.

"Terminate Plan A. Initiate Plan B, now!" Reven shouted.

"You guys take the target and leave as soon as possible." Jun urged reinforcements while facing the Cyborg.

"Got it."

The reinforcements carrying the target started to leave the battlefield.

Exactly at this moment, the Cyborg fired a laser from its left eye, blocking their retreat.

"Talos, Ken, and Parth, engage with the Cyborg now!" Reven ordered, as he also joined them and continued:

"Jun, protect them. Ronny, help Jun. The rest will neutralise the other enemies.

Commander, you need to reinforce their safe retreat.

Cyber department, you have to block all the signals coming from the Cyborg.

All the best, everyone. For ISC!"

"For ISC!"

With that, everyone started their work.

Talos and Ken went straight towards the Cyborg, ignoring everyone. Parth and Reven were right behind them, fully supporting them.

"Unknown subjects detected... Checking the database for confirmation... No data found... Trying to connect to the HQ... Establishing connections… Failed…

Retry… Failed…

Retry… Failed…

Preparing to engage the enemy. Combat mode activate!"

The body of the Cyborg showed changes. The wings behind its back came in front of it and covered its whole body like armour.

Its mechanical hand transformed into a laser gun. On its back, a giant sword appeared, which it pulled out using its other hand. The Cyborg looked like a War Machine.

At the same time, Reven and his group were all set to engage the Cyborg.


Tang! Tang!

"Ken, help me here." Talos, who engaged the Cyborg first, shouted for help.

Haaa… Tang!

Ken also attacked the Cyborg from the other flank.

'It's fast.' Reven thought as he signalled Parth to go all out. He also took out the sword on his back.

Reven ran towards the Cyborg as he swung his sword towards the Cyborg's legs.


Tang! Chrr… Chrr…


No harm came to the Cyborg.

'Tch, I guess they don't call it a Cyborg for nothing.'

Reven remembered what he learnt in training.

'The Cyborg has only one weak spot, and that is its red glowing hole in the forehead, but it's nearly impossible to hit it there.' That was what the instructor had said.

Talos threw his sword away as he took out the spear on his back. He thrust the spear towards the waist region of the Cyborg.

The Cyborg tried to block it but was unable to do so as Reven and Ken kept both his hands busy.

Suddenly, the left eye of the Cyborg glowed as a laser beam was fired straight at Talos. This made Talos change the position of his thrust as he dodged the laser, but he lost his balance and fell down.

The Cyborg used this chance and kicked Reven in the stomach and flung him a metre away. Then, it used the laser gun to shoot energy beams at Ken, which ended up hitting him and blasting him away too.

Then, the Cyborg walked towards Talos to slice his head off, but the Parth suddenly came forward and hit its head with a giant hammer.


This stunned the Cyborg.

Talos got up again and used this opportunity to slash his spear diagonally towards it. The Cyborg was not able to dodge, and the spear hit its right shoulder and broke its connections with the laser gun, making it ineffective.

Reven ran towards the Cyborg and slashed his sword vertically, but the Cyborg sacrificed its entire impaled arm to block the attack.

'They don't say it's hard to hit its weak spot for nothing.' Reven thought.

The Cyborg's left eye started to glow again.

"Shit! It's gonna use laser beam again." Parth said as he swung his hammer towards the legs of the Cyborg, totally breaking one of its legs.

The Cyborg came down to one knee.

"Now or never, guys. We will kill this motherfu*ker." Talos shouted as he swung his spear to pierce straight through the forehead of the Cyborg.

"Emergency… Fatal threat detected...

Emergency… Fatal threat detected...

Initiating the limit break program."

Suddenly, a metallic mask glided down the forehead of the Cyborg. The armour on its body also glided back and formed wings, and then they started to divide themselves, forming minijets, and started firing energy beams.

At the same time, the Cyborg's left eye glowed and fired a laser beam.

"Shit! Dodge it." Reven spoke as he pushed Talos, but was too late to dodge himself and was blasted off.

"Fu*k." Talos cursed as he tried to defend against the minijets. Parth was also busy defending himself.

The Cyborg took this chance and moved towards Parth and punched him in the face, which made the guy lose consciousness.

The Cyborg was just about to kill Parth when Ken appeared out of nowhere and blocked him using his sword.

Meanwhile, Talos kept all the minijets away from Ken and Parth.

Haaa… Haaa…

Swish! Tang! Tang!...

Ken clashed with the Cyborg, and he bore the full force of its attacks. At this moment, Jun appeared out of nowhere and punched the face of the Cyborg from the right side.

Ken secured Parth, who was unconscious, and then helped Talos clear the mini jets. Jun took this opportunity and rained down hundreds of punches on the Cyborg without stopping.

"Switch, right now!" A loud voice was heard.

Right then, Reven got up and ran towards the Cyborg with his sword, which he swung towards its neck with as much force as possible.

The sword cut halfway through the neck of the Cyborg, but then stopped.

Haaa... Haaaaaa…

Reven increased the force, but the alloy on the Cyborg was not cutting.

Seeing this, Reven muttered, "Damn it."

"What the hell is this motherfu*ker made of?" Jun also voiced frustration.

Suddenly, the left eye of the Cyborg glowed again.

"How the hell does it still have juice to pull another laser beam?" Reven asked in annoyance as he saw the Cyborg preparing for another laser attack.

It was at this time that something from behind the Cyborg appeared and slashed right at the back of its skull. It was none other than Felix.

"Critical damage…

Activating the repair function...






Damage more than the set parameters...

Repair is not possible.

Activating self-destruct…

Self-destruction in 5..."

"Fu*k! The Cyborg's about to blow up." Jun panicked.


"Everyone, get the fu*k out of here!" Reven said.


Everyone started to run away, except Reven.

"Captain, what the hell are you doing?" Felix questioned.


"Runaway captain…"




"1…" "Fire now…!"


A loud boom was heard, but contrary to everyone's expectations, the Cyborg didn't blow up; rather, there was a huge hole on its forehead.


"What happened?" Jun asked confusingly while the others looked at Reven with question filled eyes.


Author's Note:

>> Do you like the fighting sequence? Do share your opinions about it in the comments so that I can improve.



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