Chapter 260 Heroes and Villains

"Come on. Atleast fight me seriously." Rubina said while huffing loudly. Her hands resting on her knees.

It's been a while since she started fighting against Rio, yet all he has been doing is just passively blocking or avoiding her moves. At best, sometimes he'll just try to imitate her moves and see if he can copy them and learn how she blocks them too - but that's about all. Not once he took this fight seriously.

She was the only one fighting against him, as Damon who was tossed around here and there countless times, finally couldn't take it anymore, and few minutes ago when Rio slapped him out again, he directly disappeared and didn't wake up again.

Originally after losing their token for more then 5 minutes, her class should've been eliminated. But Rio hanged the student who was their next token bearer to a tree and bound the token to his feet.

Now although the penalty of theirs was lifted, but they still couldn't run away or avoid conflict. So they can just bite the bullet and continue fighting.

Rubina's other classmates also came there following the location marked on their watches, but other then Lincoln and Lucille who were still fighting with Leon, everyone else was eliminated by Rio as soon as he saw them.

Leon who was trapped in the circle as game rules indicated had to constantly deal with not one but two top rankers.

Lincoln Korbil was just a stepping stone villain of the original novel. On paper, he was related to the Count rank noble family of Klishto city. But Lincoln's character was slapped in the face every time he appeared on chapters.

This guy was the main antagonist alongside Edward, responsible for crippling Leon 8 years ago during his awakening.

For a second, Rio wanted to deal with this villain, so Leon doesn't show off. But then he let it be.

After all, these kind of idiots needs to be villainised so our protagonist can create more troubles and more enemies to slap and slay.

Since Rio didn't want to toy around Leon himself, why not let these idiots always create problems for him.

As for the chance that Leon might get something good out of these conflicts. Humph, who can say that for sure.

Originally Leon who was on equal strength with Lucille, was supposed to be on losing side with the extra arrival of Lincoln. But his halo shined, and somehow when he saw Lincoln again, along with his past hatred, his power also grew. And he was able to hold off both of his opponents and sometimes even getting an upper hand.


He was planning to play around with Rubina again, when he felt tremors in the ground below, and looked in the direction of forest.

His eyes shone in silver as he looked at the resless birds flying in the air. Like they were running from something.

As moments passed the tremors on the ground grew more and more clear, and everyone else could feel them too.

When he was coming to find Leon after dealing with the sea monsters at the beginning, he had controlled a few small birds he came across and let them fly here and there.

He just wanted to keep an eye out if something unexpected happened, and now those little birdies played their role.

'Idiot' Rio thought as his eyes followed the bird's eyes' views on the entire forest and he saw who was responsible for this situation.

He saw in one direction where Rebecca, Amaya and Edward were coming towards his direction, while following behind them was an entire nest of monsters, and the students of class A-5.

While on the other hand, Amelia, Katherine and Valtor were leading the enraged Grunter towards him.

Rio recognized the overgrown ape at a glance, but he didn't know why Amelia needed to run away from it. Until he controlled the bird to fly down and saw the situation clearly.

He noticed green vines wrapped around the Grunter's hat tightly. Almost crushing his skull in their grip.

But that wasn't all, on the shoulder of this enraged beast, he noticed a figure standing straight.

A girl with a calm expression and white hair flowing with the wind.

She raised her eyes and looked at the flying bird for some time and then waved her hands.

'Saisha' Rio thought in his heart, as he felt a little headache when his connection with the bird was cut off forcefully.

'So she's here.'

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