Letters to Romeo.

Chapter 89 - Stolen To A Quieter Place

Chapter 89 - Stolen To A Quieter Place

Music Recommendation: On his Knees- Danny Elfman


Julie quickly looked at her left and right side to make sure nobody had caught her kissing Roman in public. The little feeling of nervousness that she had felt disappeared on seeing everyone was busy discussing the play and how well everything had ended, even though the end had been surprising.

But, on the other hand, Roman had been holding himself back and was not ready to let go.

Before she could head to the dressing room to change her costume, he said, "Follow me."

"Where are we going?" asked Julie, curious, but Roman had already started to walk away from the people, pulling her away from there while holding her hand. She quickly turned to look at the students, who were busy talking to each other, and before anyone could spot them, Roman and Julie disappeared from where they had been standing.

Her heartbeat quickened as she followed him, listening to the music being played in the theatre's speakers now.

The moment felt similar to their characters in the play, where Iris and Atlas were escaping from the crowd's eyes to spend their time alone together.

Even though some people walked past them, everything turned into a blur as she followed Roman. His hand firmly held her hand in his, without letting go of it even for a second, as if this was the only time they had with each other.

"What about our costumes? Ms. Piper might want them back soon," Julie reminded Roman, her face holding a look of anxiousness in it.

Roman turned to look at her over her shoulder, and he said, "Until now, it was the others who had been seeing you. I need to have you for myself, even if it's for a moment. It's alright, isn't it?" The habit of him directly telling things without mincing what he meant was enough for her heart to jump. He then said, "I am sure Piper can wait for a couple of more minutes and collect the other costumes until then."

When he said it that way, Julie found it hard to refuse him.

The farther they walked away from the backstage, the sound of the people's chatter and the music turned dull. Julie noticed the dull brightness of the corridor, and there weren't many people.

Roman stopped when they reached in front of one of the rooms. He pushed the door open and pulled her with him inside the room. When the door closed, she noticed there was only one light bulb that hung from the ceiling. Julie wondered if these rooms had not been reworked on, unlike the rooms at the immediate backstage.

Before she could think more about it, Roman pushed her against the wall.

Roman's hands came up to cradle her face, and Julie noticed he appeared to be in a trance. He stared at her, watching her as if he had found something very precious. His thumb ran across her cheek, caressing it while the other went to touch her lips.

"Do you know how much I have been wanting to do this?" questioned Roman, and when he swiped his thumb across her bottom lip, a shudder escaped her lips.

It wasn't just because Roman had touched her lips, but he had invaded her space in a way where one of his legs had come to settle in between her legs. The feeling was indescribable, something she had felt while watching some specific scenes in the romantic movies. The sliver of heat that had run across her body had turned into a blown furnace, which was increasing in its heat.

A soft gasp escaped from her lips, and Julie's mind started to daze out with overwhelming emotions, and she whispered,

"The gown is going to get crumpled."

"Is that what you are worried about?" questioned Roman, his eyes that had been fixed on her lips, watching the gasp now shifted to look into her brown eyes.

Julie's eyes sparkled, happiness and innocence dancing hand in hand, and Roman wanted to protect it. But at the same time, he wanted to sink his fingers and his fangs into her skin. He wanted to claim every part of her. Mind, body and soul. That he would be the only one to plague her mind.

One of his hands dropped to hold her waist while the other slid down to her neck. Noticing how delicate it was, his hand continued to trail down, where he could feel Julie's heart beating against her chest. It was like a little sparrow singing a song just for him.

"Stop thinking about other things, else I will help you with that," stated Roman, and he leaned forward to capture her lips with his.

The kiss was long and deep, where Julie's hand crinkled the shirt that Roman was wearing. The kiss wasn't simple. Roman nudged his knee to press between her legs lightly, and his action drove her senses to the edge, not knowing what to do but cling to him.

Her toes curled, and her body turned weak under his touch.

Roman's lips were nowhere gentle, and he claimed her lips as if it was rightfully his, and she belonged to him in every sense. His hand came to tangle into the back of her hair, weaving it with his fingers as he angled her face.

Though Julie had been shy in the beginning few seconds, she couldn't deny the obvious attraction that she felt towards him.

But once Roman had begun to kiss her, she kissed him back. Her eyes were closed, soaking herself in the feeling of being held in Roman's arms. Her eyebrows furrowed, and another gasp escaped from her lips when he bit it a little too hard.

Without letting her speak, his tongue ran across her bottom lip, soothing and healing it while sucking it. Roman tried not to bite her again, but it was hard not to do it.

"Stay still for me," he whispered against her lips, every word of his bouncing on her lips.

Julie wondered why he said that until his lips trailed down to her neck and then towards her exposed neckline. The gown that she had worn was deeper and wider than the usual clothes that she wore.

Right now, the gown that she wore gave easy access to Roman's eyes and hands.

Julie felt him kiss the top of her bosom, leaving little nibbles and her hands came to settle on Roman's shoulders for support. When she felt him nip her skin, she took a sharp breath, and her hands clutched his shoulders.

As it was nearly past nine in the night, the weather in the land of Veteris had turned cold, and it added to the coldness along with Roman's breath that directly hit her skin on her chest. Her breath turned laboured, blood rushing up to her neck and rushing south to settle between her legs.

Roman didn't push the gown's fabric away from her chest and honoured it without ripping it apart, knowing Piper would haunt him for screwing up with her gown.

Roman's sexual drive had gone over the edge along with his thirst for Julie's blood. The one drop or two drops of blood once in a while was killing him, and he wanted more. He wondered if it was time to tell her the truth. To let her know of who he was, and what he was capable of, of what kind of university she had been enrolled into.

His eyes changed colour, and his fangs appeared in his mouth, wanting to take one small bite on the soft and supple skin that looked inviting. Because of the little nibbles, it had turned pink and red.

Julie was consumed with fireworks that her body was experiencing by Roman's lips, her eyes closed, and her head leaned against the wall. When she opened her eyes, she noticed the incandescent light bulb in the room, glowing and dimming.

"Rome," Julie whispered his name, and he pulled away from her with the light flashing in and out in the room.

The light made it difficult for Julie to make out the difference in his eyes which had turned red. His hands settled on the sides of her waist, feeling it, and he suddenly pulled her towards him. His head came to settle on the side of her head, and his lips against one side of her ears.

"Do you know you are torturing me," his voice sounded slightly raspy, and his words fell on the shell of her ear.

When Julie heard voices outside the room, she tried to turn back, but Roman kept her in his arms. She whispered, "I didn't do anything to torture you…"

"Can you promise me something?" he questioned her. Julie couldn't see Roman's expression, but she nodded her head. "Tell me you will never hate me."

Julie's eyebrows furrowed, and she felt Roman put his arms around her. She asked him, "Why would I hate you?"

"I feel you might one day, because of the way I live my life," stated Roman, and he then said, "I don't think I will take it well if you would do it."

Roman's words sounded heavy and serious. She wondered why he told it that way because he had done nothing but be nice to her until now. As bad as people viewed him to be, she had come to see the positive things in him.

She nodded her head, "I won't."

Roman turned his face towards her, inhaling the scent of her head, and he murmured, "Thank you." He kissed the side of her head that felt tender and sweeter than anything she had felt as if she was safe. Meeting his eyes, her cheeks turned warm.

Julie went back to lean against the wall, watching Roman watching her. Her eyes looked at the hanging light bulb that had earlier flickered.

She felt his finger tracing her neck, asking her, "Did she apply makeup on your neck?" Julie shook her head, "Good."

And right after that, Roman dived to her neck, this time sucking her skin in a way where his actions wet Julie's neck. When his canine grazed across her neck, somewhere very faintly in the back of her mind, Julie couldn't help but note that he had sharp canines.

Unable to stand with her knees turning weak, Julie murmured, "I should sit down for a while before leaving."

Roman smiled against her skin, pulling himself back, and he looked at her. Just like Julie had thought, he did look like someone who could do more than physical damage. He took her breath away.

"I am not done yet," Roman let her know, and Julie wondered what was on his mind.

They were far away from the stage, in an old room, which looked like no one had used it for many years. Even the light bulb was old. Earlier, Roman had locked the room after entering the room, so there was no way for anyone to disturb them, and they were all alone by themselves.

Julie's lips were parted, air passing in and out, her eyes staring back at him, which was slightly hazy. She saw Roman kneeling in front of her, and the headiness that had entered her mind started to slip away.

Roman's hand clasped around one of her ankles. His eyes met hers, and he slowly started to stand up while running his hand from the inside of her leg, trailing his hand from her ankle to her knee and then up her thigh.

Julie's face heated up brighter than the light bulb, especially how Roman didn't look away from her.

She heard him say, "I don't think I have ever seen anyone as beautiful as you. Tonight, you were more than beautiful but also confident. But also something more than those things. It is strange… because you steal my breath away."

His body that had been bent slowly straightened, and the back of his fingers brushed against her inner thigh.

"Scared?" asked Roman, his eyes turning darker.

Julie softly gulped, feeling his hand that was inside her dress, now lightly drawing lines. She then said, "I… I have never done anything like this before."

"I am aware," remarked Roman, but Julie shook her head.

"Not like that," as much as she didn't want to be embarrassed, she turned flustered before saying, "This, hand, I mean finger."

Roman stared at Julie, and his eyes softened. He said, "That's fine. Let me know if it feels uncomfortable."

His hand then moved away from her thigh, cupping her sex over her underwear. He ran his finger across the fabric, where a patch of it had turned wet. Julie took Roman's support, hiding her face in his chest because his gaze at her had only turned more heated and she was scared that she would combust into dust.

The brush of Roman's finger on her core felt different, and it elicited foreign feelings that she was only now learning of. Her heartbeat quickened. This position was far too intimate, something that was new to her, and she closed her eyes, feeling his finger caress her against the fabric.

Roman felt Julie lean on him for support, hiding her aroused face that had turned beet red. After a minute, when her heart was trying to calm down as if she was getting used to the touch, he hooked his thumb on the hem of her underwear and slipped his hand inside it.

A moan escaped from her lips when Roman touched her wet sex, and Julie bit her lower lip. He didn't push his finger in, but he continued to rub his digit across the wet lips, between her legs. Unconsciously her toes rose, and his hand followed. He continued to rub, his digit slightly moving in and out until her legs started to quake and Julie's hand held tighter on his shirt.

Her arousal started to build up, moving one step at a time, and she gripped his arms.

"Rome, I feel something coming," Julie's words came out in panic, her body meeting her arousal properly for the very first time.

"Let go, sweetheart," Roman whispered to her, continuing to please her. "Come." Julie trembled before she came with a small cry, her head rested against Roman's chest. He pulled out his hand that had been pleasing her while using his other hand to pet the back of her head, "You did well."

Julie's head was in the clouds, breathing through her lips and her eyes closed as she tried to catch her breath.

When Julie had returned to the present after minutes in the room, she slowly pulled away shyly from Roman. Just when she was about to make her dress proper, he bent down once more. This time, making her dress proper, which had slightly turned dishevelled.

Roman looked at his watch and then said, "Ready to go to the dressing room?"

"Mm," Julie nodded her head.

Moving to the door, Roman turned the knob and opened the door wide open. When he stepped out of the room, he turned back to look at her and stretched his hand. Julie placed her hand in his, and together, they made their way towards the dressing room to change and return the clothes that had been used for the play.

When they reached the place, and before they could step into the two different rooms, Julie asked, "Will I see you later?" It was because last night, he hadn't come by her dorm.

"I will come look for you. Wherever you are," promised Roman, and Julie smiled.

Getting inside the girl's dressing room, Julie noticed some of the girl's hadn't changed their clothes yet, enjoying their costumes. The only person who was back to her usual clothes was Olivia. She was back to her blouse, skirt and fish stocking with a choker around her neck.

Olivia handed her costume to the girl in charge, and while making her way towards the door, she met Julie.

"Good work on the stage, Julie," Olivia offered a smile, and Julie returned it.

"You too, Olivia. And thank you. For letting Rome know," Julie appreciated, and Olivia gave her a nod.

"No problem," and Olivia stepped out of the room.

When the other girls noticed Julie step inside the room, they offered praise about her acting to her and how lovely she looked. While Eleanor, who had sabotaged Julie's costume, silently sat in one of the dressing chairs with a sulky and foul mood.

Ms. Piper said, "I told you that you would be wonderful tonight."

One of the girls then asked, "We thought you were near the front stage or at the audience. Aurora went looking for you."

Julie smiled, clearing her throat. She said, "I am sorry about that. I got a little lost with something."

When the girls looked away, Ms. Piper remarked, "Glad to see that you didn't get lost somewhere far away. I felt like my characters had decided to continue their story." Julie looked at her in slight suspicion. "Did you think I haven't? crossed your age? I had to make sure my hair wasn't sticking up," the woman patted Julie's back, laughing to herself.

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