Chapter 136

The Wealthy Merchant and the Princess

Two girls were asleep on the bed .

One was Iris, and the other one was Delfina .

When I thought that they’d fallen asleep, exhausted from all the love making last night, Delfina slowly rose from the bed .

Combing her hair, which stuck to her cheek because of the sweat, she tidied herself up .

I spoke to Delfina, sitting on a sofa a bit away from the bed .

「Is everything fine already?」

「Yes, I’ve taken care of all the little things」

「Well, this isn’t something to talk about after doing lewd things」

「You know, love affairs involving you are like a battlefield」

「That’s an interesting way of putting it」

「What’s interesting around here is that there are so many girls around you trying their best not to lose to their peers」

「You aren’t the same?」

「I’m not doing this only for the sake of not losing」

……”only”, huh .

That’s so Delfina .

「This girl as well, isn’t only fighting to not lose」

Saying so, she looked at the sleeping Iris .


「Did you not realize? She was closely observing me all the way up until the point when you messed her up」

「Come to think of it, it was Iris who suggested that you join us tonight」

Since I made a harem, a 3P like this at night wasn’t anything rare; the girls were like partners .

But it was pretty rare for one to specifically nominate another girl .

Well, I wonder if she got the idea from Helene .

Helene was the one who named Delfina and Miu as the role models, and that’s why Iris was like this .

「She’s plotting something, I’d assume」

It’s kind of cute how easily she was exposed by Delfina .


「You look like you don’t care either way」

「Really? I think this is pretty enjoyable, though?」

「……Mere words aren’t enough, you know . You’re making a face that says, “Whatever it is that she’s scheming, I don’t really care . ”」


That’s not wrong .

I’ll enjoy watching her do it, but I don’t care much about the specifics of the plan .

All of my women are the loveliest and most beautiful when they’re thinking for themselves .

That’s why, although I like the fact that she’s plotting something, I won’t pay attention to the contents of her plan .

「Maybe I should say my thanks to her」


「From now on, I’m going to be busy for a while . If you’re going to call for me, then I’ll have to excuse myself」

「I see」

The conversation came to a pause .

Some ten-odd seconds of silence .

「As expected, you won’t ask why I’m going to be busy」

「Make as much profit as you like; I’m gonna wait for my prey to get nice and fat before I eat it up . That’s our promise, yeah?」

I gave Delfina a smile .

Delfina is basically my woman, but that’s technically not actually the case .

The wealthy merchant Delfina will only marry a man who can buy out all of her assets, which could be compared to the wealth of a country .

I had promised that I’d buy her, and it was currently the “trial period” .

Of course, I’m not just all talk .

Sooner or later, I will go all out and realize that goal .

I believe that the time when Delfina becomes the wealthiest person in the world is when “the fruit is ripe” .

If we didn’t have that promise, she’d just become mine, but, since I did make that promise, she must become the best in the world first .

「A~ra, how scary . One day, I’ll also be tied by that bracelet, huh」

Delfina didn’t have the golden bracelet that Iris had started wearing .

I gave one to all of the girls after the time with Iris, but I didn’t give one to Delfina .

It’s something for the futureーーthat’s the unspoken agreement between us .

「I will definitely put it on you . Be prepared」 [ED: He JUST said “unspoken”]



We stared at each other, smiling .

I noticed that her eyes were saying, “Kiss me”, so I kissed her .

「You’re a greedy one」

「You’ll be busy, yeah?」

「But I think we’ll meet more often」

「What do you mean?」

I tilted my head .

「The reason things are becoming busy is that there’s something interesting going on in Aigina Kingdom . I can’t speak of the details, but I smell massive profits from this」


「And Kakeru-sama is aiming for Aigina next, am I right?」

「What made you think so?」

Delfina lightly laughed .

She then began counting on her fingers .

「The pair of Princesses from Mercury, the Queen of Calamba, the Princess of Komotoria, the Queens of Shirakuza」

Delfina had a mischievous smile .

「Even a three-year-old would be able to guess your next destination」

Those are the Five Major Powersーーand I’m also the “Goshaku” .

Yep, even a three-year-old could make an accurate guess .

「I’m just putting this out there, but there might not be any good women in Aigina」

「Didn’t you create good women in Shirakuza?」

It’s about Fiona and Marie, huh .

Yeah, I was the one who made them Queens .

If there’s no good women, I just need to create someーーit’s that kind of thing . I see now .

「It appears that we really will see each other more often」

In any case, I’m going after the other half of Kushifos anyway, so I’ll have to get involved with Aigina soon .

It could be pretty interesting to make a move alongside Delfina .

「For that reasonーー」

「However, there’s a reason I’m not doing that right now」


Delfina was surprised . I moved and pushed Delfina down on the sofa .

I kissed her again .


「ーーYe-Yes!?」 [TN: Raw says, “Hya-Hyai!”, a stutter of “Hai”]

Suddenly being called by her name, Iris panicked, raising her voice .

「Come over here」

「……since when did you notice?」

「The fact that you were pretending to sleep? From the beginning . You didn’t actually tire out before Delfina, so……」

There wasn’t a time gap between when I embraced them . Ignoring the gap in experience between them, Iris simply had stamina that wouldn’t lose to Delfina .

Even so, she must’ve wanted to observe Delfina; that’s why she pretended to sleep and listened in .

Well, I didn’t point that out .

More importantlyーー .


I kissed Iris .

I circled my arm around her and embraced her while kissing .

Then I kissed Delfina and went back to Iris .

Afterward, I gave them all the love .

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