King’s Awakening

Chapter 39 - Chapter 39: Chapter 39 This is My Way of Apologizing!

Chapter 39: Chapter 39 This is My Way of Apologizing!

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The somber atmosphere inside the villa was shattered by the sound of the front door opening.

Old Madam Jones turned to Snowden Jones, urging her, “Snowden go check if your father and the others have returned.”

Snowden nodded and hurriedly left the living room.

But after taking just a few steps, she didn’t see her father; instead, she met the eyes of White Mitchell. Her face immediately turned gloomy.

“You bastard, how dare you show your face?” Snowden scolded White, her pretty face frosty.

“Where is Sherry?!”

White too had a stern look on his face, his voice cold, repelling everyone around him.

Seeing his demeanor, she gave a cold laugh, “You still have the nerve to worry about others? Do you know that Mr. Finn Woods is here right now? Just wait to face the music.”

Faced with Snowden’s mockery, White didn’t react. He headed straight for the entrance into the main hall.

Snowden, being ignored, couldn’t resist scolding, “Stop right there! This is Jones’ house, not the prison where you belong!

Grandmother demanded that you kneel and apologise to Mr. Finn Woods.

Today, I suppose you should kneel all the way from the courtyard to the hall.

Perhaps, Mr. Woods might accept your apology, otherwise, ha ha…”

“Get lost!”

Snowden’s laughter was interrupted by White’s icy command, pushing her aside.


Snowden, flushed red with embarrassment, followed behind him, grinding her teeth.

“Grandmother, White forced his way in. I couldn’t stop him. Look at his attitude; he has no respect or consideration for our family.” Snowden vented, she walked in after him.

Old Madam Jones, having listened to Snowden’s complaint, stared blankly at White.

“You even dared to return?!”

Old Madam Jones slammed her dragon head walking stick onto the floor. Her entire being radiated immense anger.

Would anything from last night have occurred if it weren’t for this bastard? Why would Finn even have the chance to stir up trouble?

Everything was because of this damn bastard!

“Mother, look at his attitude. I said from the beginning that this guy is inherently defiant. He’s an ungrateful wolf.” Snowden’s mother, Amanda added fuel to the fire.

But White wasn’t paying attention to anyone. Seeing Sherry kneeling on the ground with a fresh handprint slapped onto her face, he was consumed with anger.

“Who hit her?!”

White moved beside Sherry, helping her up and then turned and asked coldly.

Sherry shook her head in pain and glanced at White with worry, “Why didn’t you listen to me?”

White didn’t answer Sherry; instead, he turned his gaze towards the Jones family and the head of the house, Finn Woods.

His piercing gaze was ice-cold. One look from him felt as if they had been transported into an icy cellar, shivering uncontrollably.

“Who hit her?!”

The frigid sound echoed through the Jones house again. The whole scene suddenly fell silent.

At this moment, everyone was subconsciously avoiding his gaze, not daring to hold his eyes.

Finally, Snowden, the instigator, couldn’t stand it anymore. She said with a defiant face, “It was me, so what? She had no rese…


A loud slap, as crisp as a firecracker, suddenly sounded, followed by a figure being sent flying across the room.

With a loud crash, Snowden hit the wall and then slumped to the ground.

The whole villa seemed to shudder at that moment.


Seemingly, time stopped at this moment, the entire villa was still as death, so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

Nobody had the chance to react, and nobody saw when White Mitchell made his move.

They only knew that upon hearing the sound, they saw the flying figure of Snowden Jones, followed by a vibration similar to an earthquake shaking the ground.


As everyone regained their senses, they immediately broke into an uproar. Many were awestruck and dared not look at White Mitchell.

“You son of a bitch! How dare you hit my daughter!?” Amanda regained her senses and instantly lunged at White Mitchell.

However, when she approached White Mitchell, she was pushed back several steps by his gaze. Staggering, she fell directly to the ground.

“Rebellion! Rebellion! Rebellion! White Mitchell! You ungrateful, wild bastard, are you rebelling? This is the Jones Family!!!” Old Madam Jones, leaning on her cane, angrily accused.

But through all of this, White Mitchell didn’t even spare her a glance.

If it wasn’t for Sherry Jones holding him back, he really wouldn’t mind showing the entire Jones family his real power.

“White, don’t lose your temper, let’s sort out the problem first.” At this moment, Mori Jones also advised him.

White Mitchell looked at Sherry Jones and nodded. At this time, Mori Jones quietly reminded him, “The Woods family wants us to pay twenty million to settle this.

Ten million was the gift money our family received from the Woods years ago, and the additional ten million is for the medical bills of the people you beat up last night.

Old Madam Jones’s idea is, for you to kneel and apologize to Finn Woods, and for him not to pursue the Jones family’s responsibilities anymore.”

“Brother, this all started because of me, I’ll go and apologize.” Sherry Jones firmly proposed.

White Mitchell gave her a comforting look, then smiled and said, “Silly girl, how could I let you apologize?”

After saying this, White Mitchell gradually walked up to Old Madam Jones, then briefly glanced at Finn Woods seated arrogantly at the head of the table.

“You want me to apologize to him?” White Mitchell asked calmly, his words bearing an undertone of mockery.

Old Madam Jones narrowed her eyes, said with a stern voice: “As long as you’re willing to apologize to Mr. Finn Woods, I can overlook what just happened. Otherwise, you’ll make the Jones family’s life miserable!”

“Fine, since you’ve decided, I’d better go and apologize profusely!”

White Mitchell smirked coldly and went straight towards Finn Woods.

Seeing White Mitchell approaching, a sneering grin appeared on Finn Woods’s chubby face.

“Ha! What use is it being strong? You still have to grovel and apologize! Kneel down and kowtow until I’m satisfied!” Finn Woods looked at White Mitchell arrogantly, his eyes full of disdain and mockery.

But just when he anticipated White Mitchell kneeling and kowtowing to him, White Mitchell ended up directly walking up to him.

“Mr. Finn Woods, I apologize!”


As his words fell, before Finn Woods could comprehend White Mitchell’s intentions, he felt a cracking sound, like the snap of broken bones, in his arm.


Finn Woods’s heart jerked, he wanted to struggle, but found his two hundred pound body, out of control, was launched into the air.

That’s right, launched into the air, his two hundred pound body was tossed into the air!

With a loud thunk, greater than the one made by Snowden Jones earlier,

Finn Woods, weighing over two hundred pounds, was directly taken by Whit Mitchell’s arm and thrown out of the courtyard.

As Finn Woods landed, it was as if the Jones family’s mood had also fallen with him.

It was over, now there’s absolutely no chance to salvage this situation!


All of the Jones family members stared at White Mitchell with utter hatred, their faces ashen, but White Mitchell just in a casual manner said, “Wasn’t it you who asked me to apologize? I did that.. This is my way of apologizing!”

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