Chapter 1208 Grandmother

1208 Grandmother

"He started acting as if everyone else was beneath him. Based on his words, he did not think these 'lowly' creatures could help him in his path, and their purpose was to serve and worship him," Maitreya explained.

"Do you think he was always like that, or did he suddenly change?" Wang Wei asked.

"I don't know for sure," Maitreya replied. "Before the Ultimate Taboo, Supreme Unity was an odd man, for sure, but he never showed any signs that his personality was this twisted. Maybe he's been hiding for so long, or maybe his oddness made him susceptible to change or influence. Ultimately, I don't think that matters for now."

"True," Wang Wei nodded. "One more question: what exactly is your realm? How do you achieve it?"

"I'll tell you everything after this mess is cleaned up and you've become a Paragon."

"I guess I should have expected this."

"There is certain information you cannot contact until you're of a certain strength or realm. This rule is not as strict for you because you've deduced these secrets on your own, but it still exists.'

These words brought Wang Wei to his time in the lower dimension when he could ask his wife about many secrets of Heaven and Earth. Sometimes, Heavenly Dao or even Grand Dao would stop their conversation. Sadly, he was forced to rely on his brain to get these secrets after she left.

"Any more questions?"

"One last question: do I call you grandma?" Wang Wei asked without shame, making Maitreya laugh.

"Grandma! I remember years ago, when I was a mortal, I always wanted a family," she reminisced. "However, I've renounced these sectarian concepts after so long."

"So, that's a no?"

"Do you want to call me grandma?"

"Who wouldn't want such powerful and hopefully doting grandparents?" Wang Wei replied cheekily.

Maitreya's smile widened.

"As much as I would love for us to be this close, you should reserve that title for Mao Yue."

"She might indeed see it as a sign of disrespect," Wang Wei agreed, so he did not bring it on anymore.

"Now, let me ask you something."

"Oh? I think I'm an open book before someone of your level."

"On the contrary, you're a mystery," Maitreya responded.


"For example, I'm still baffled about your birth." Wang Wei frowned, but he did not speak and listened.

"You were born with a Paragon Quality and Quantity Soul. Even if they were sealed during your reincarnation, there is no way that Supreme Unity or I would not have noticed your birth. However, neither of us noticed until your final trial in the Pagoda. Why?"

Wang Wei was genuinely surprised by this question. "I actually never thought of that. The best answer I can give you is [Fate] protected me, but something tells me it may not be that simple."

"Indeed," Maitreya nodded. She opened her mouth to say something, and her body suddenly became transparent like a phantom. She looked at the sky. "It seems we can't talk for much longer."

"A few words before I leave. First, Supreme Unity will be doing something significant. I don't know what it is, but his silence is worrying. Second, Time Eater will be your biggest obstacle, not only because of whatever he's planning, which involves the Infinite Trichiliocosm, but because he's a pawn that Heavenly Book Paragon left in the world while we attended the Ultimate Taboo.

"Although he considered himself as breaking away from the latter's control, in a desperate matter, he might have tried to accept his fate to deal with you."

Wang Wei frowned but still did not utter a word.

"Lastly, Wu Hong is in danger," Maitreya continued as her body was almost gone. A fierce light flashed in Wang Wei's eyes.

"She created something that he's very interested in. Adding her connection to you, eliminating her will deal a severe blow to you and kill two birds with one stone.

"After meeting you, I've confirmed that you two have an unparalleled destiny. However, she received the short end of the stick in that situation since it seems she needs you to activate that destiny.

"To be specific, she doesn't need you, but it will take too long for her to do it alone, but that's not the point. The point is you're currently protected by your destiny, to some extent, but she's not. So, I recommend you remove her from the current situation until she activates her destiny."

Maitreya disappeared, leaving Wang We alone to his thoughts. He did not wholly believe Maitreya, but for now, his intuition was telling him she was indeed on their side. He will still be vigilant and also double-check some things she said, but for the most part, he's reassured. However, he was concerned about what she said about Wu Hong.

'Unparallel Destiny? She's probably talking about the destiny to walk the Transcendent Path. If that is true, she was not entirely correct. Future Hong'er changed the timeline by sending a clone in the past and, with the Perfection Method, activated my so-called Transcendent Destiny.

'So, I need to do the same by convincing her to establish the Perfect Foundation, which requires help from the Dark Truth that no longer exists,' Wang Wei frowned. 'Wait, this might be the best opportunity to check if the Dark Truth is somehow related to my future self.' His future self would find an opportunity to expand the Dark Truth to the upper dimension.

'The Dark Truth is not only the best way to activate her Transcendent Destiny but also hide and protect her during the current terrible situation. Once she succeeds, she will have a mild destiny protection from Half-Step Transcendents, just like Maitreya suggested.'

Wang Wei had a bright smile on his face. Although he still needed to verify whether the Dark Truth was here, he was confident in his analysis. Unfortunately, a terrible realization dawned on him: 'She's technically no longer my wife,' he thought with a painful heart. 'What if I can't woe her again, and she severs our bond.' No matter how powerful things like fate and destiny are, nothing is set in stone for people of their cultivation realm. They have a lot of choices and free will, meaning it's still possible for him and Wu Hong not to end up together.

'Okay, calm down, Wang Wei. You're handsome, suave, have a good personality, well, maybe not good, but charming, and have great potential. I have hope if she's willing to give me a chance.'

After giving himself a pep talk, he calmed down. Despite how desperately he wanted to, now was not the time to meet her. 'Let's check on grandfather.' He opened a portal to Samsara.

Wang Wei found himself floating above two bridges that crossed a terrifying dark river. One bridge looked ordinary, and the other was golden. The ordinary one was a passage for regular souls, but the golden one contained only immortal souls. Yet, both were full of souls that kept on coming.

The second thing he noticed was how stable this space was. He was shocked as he realized his full strength could not tear the space in this place. He could teleport but could not destroy the fabric of this space.

Wang Wei then frowned as he sensed countless powerful gazes locked on him, seemingly warning him. However, they seemed to relax slightly after detecting his [Minor Three Realm Emperor] status. He controlled himself and uttered: "Grandma, I'm here to see you." However, nothing happened after a few minutes, so Wang Wei continued.

"I know you should be very busy, but my grandfather disappeared as he was reincarnating, and I, no, the family is worried about his whereabouts."

Wang Wei then heard a sigh, followed by a peaceful voice with the power to naturally calm people down. "Did she tell you?"

"She did."

"That was not her truth to reveal."

"Probably, but it was also the best way to lower my guards against her," Wang Wei nodded.

"Your grandfather is fine," Mao Yue's voice continued. "With my training, he will live up to the expectations you have for him."

"That's good to hear."

"However, I cannot meet or help you in any way or form - at least, not now."

"I know there are strict rules and regulations in Samsara," Wang Wei replied. He did not expect any help. "I came to check on Grandpa and to ask your opinion on Maitreya."

"It's good to be vigilant," Mao Yue praised. "As for her? She is someone who truly deserves the title of [Buddha]. However, her actions are the result of the conflicting ideals of Buddhism and cultivating in general.

"Buddhism requires a kind, peaceful, and nonconfrontational mindset. Meanwhile, cultivation is all about power, a hierarchy, and the survival of the fittest. When presented with the opportunity to reach higher levels, Maitreya followed her instinct as a cultivator instead of a Buddha. Now, she's living with regret and paying the consequences of her choice."

Wang Wei pondered. His grandmother's words perfectly encapsulated the character profile he made for Maitreya after their short meeting.

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