Inhuman Warlock

Chapter 167 - 167: Something To Think About

Chapter 167 - 167: Something To Think About

"Still, I don’t think the lady was lying. She was telling the truth. I guess my assumption was right in that case. Lucifer is actually the son of Zale and Clarisse," Vega said as he left. "It couldn’t be any other way since his powers already prove he’s their son."

Unlike the journey to find the lady, going back to the Uprising base was faster for Vega but he still decided to delay it a bit.

He didn’t go straight to the base, this time. First, he wanted to see the house of Zale Azarel and investigate the things that were there. This seemed to be crucial for him.


"It has been four weeks now. The training time we decided on, and I must say, you’re really good. I thought you were just a Variant that was lucky to get strong powers, but no. Your talent and your potential are immense. It’s just that you never got any proper form of training."

Kellian and Yaliza were standing before Lucifer while Kellian was talking to him.

As Kellian finished, Yaliza also chimed in.

"That’s right. You also learned to control your Wind. Now you can not only fly but, to some extent, use your wind to attack as well. That’s good. Tomorrow, we will change your training a bit to help you with the unison of your powers."

"Tomorrow? Tomorrow I need to leave. Four weeks are over today. Vega said we will only train for four weeks and then after I come back from Orion beach. I already waited for long enough," Lucifer replied, straight refusing.

"Actually, Vega is outside. He’s not in the base. How about we train until he comes back?" Yaliza asked Lucifer.

"No. He already promised me. It doesn’t matter if he’s here or not," Lucifer replied firmly.

It had been four weeks. Four weeks of constantly being tormented by the same dream in which his parents talked about leaving.

Four weeks of the same dream, which always ended just when his father was about to say something. He wanted to get it over with and see that place.

The more he saw that dream, the more he felt like he needed to get there fast but he had already promised that he would wait for four weeks. Now that the four weeks were over, it was time for him to leave. He wasn’t going to wait anymore.

"But Lucifer, try to understand," Kellian said, but Lucifer shook his head firmly.

"No understanding. Tomorrow, you’ll take me there, or I’ll leave myself. Keep your promise! You were also there when it was decided!" Lucifer responded.

Seeing such a determined face of Lucifer, it was clear that he wasn’t going to give up until they gave him what he wanted.

’That’s why I don’t like dealing with kids. He’s so stubborn,’ Kellian thought as he sighed.

" Fine! We’ll send you to that beach. But you can only stay there for one day. After that, you’ll come back, and you’ll train with us. We have a lot of things to cover if we want to make you a Warlock King," he said before he asked a question. "Do you accept?"

"I accept," Lucifer nodded.

"Good. Go back and rest. Caen will take you there tomorrow," Kellian said before he started leaving. "Draco, take Lucifer back to his room."

Kellian and Yaliza left the floor before Yaliza asked, "Kellian, you should have at least asked Raia?"

"I did ask Raia before. I already remembered that these four weeks were over today. Since we promised, we need to keep it. I was just hoping that Lucifer won’t remember about this. But he did. Anyway, it’s only about one day. He’ll go there, and before anyone knows it, he’ll be back," Kellian answered.

"True. It’s not like that beach is near any crowded place. There should not be a single soul there at this time since that beach is closed at this time of the year. And it isn’t close to any city. Moreover, all the cities are in a lockdown," Yaliza agreed.

"Are you sure Caen is the right person to take him, though? We should send at least Dion?" Yaliza asked.

"No need. Caen is better. He will change his looks. Moreover, he is the only person whose true looks are unknown."

"Moreover, he is the most careful and cautious out of all of us. He has been living a life like that since the start, after all. Dion is good, but Caen is more skillful in that department. He can handle such things," Kellian replied.


The day was over as well. Lucifer finished his dinner before he laid on his bed. Tomorrow was going to be the day he finally saw what his parents talked about. Just what was the sunset at that place like? What was it that his parents liked so much about that place?

He closed his eyes as he tried to sleep, realizing that he was most probably going to have the same dream again.

"Just what was my father saying in the end? If only I could remember. Was he talking about me? Or was he going to speak about his mission? Or was it something about that beach?"

He hoped that he could finally hear the end of that dream tonight, but he knew it was unlikely. He had seen the same dream for close to a month, and in no dream did he hear the end.

As he was lost in thoughts, he didn’t realize when he fell asleep.

As expected, the dream came again, the same as last time.

Things progressed as before, but soon, the dream got to the most crucial part.

His father opened his mouth to speak, but as expected, the dream again disappeared as his eyes opened.


Filled with frustration, Lucifer punched the wall, making a big hole in it through which he was able to see Draco’s room.

No one seemed to be inside the room, but a laptop could be seen lying on the bed.


"Nothing here either. Such a disappointment. The house seems like an ordinary house of a couple. No strange things, treasures, or any secret places. It was a waste coming here."

Vega had finished searching the house of Zale, but only disappointment could be seen on his face as he couldn’t find anything.

He started leaving.

"Where can I find more about Lucifer if not this place?" He wondered as he left.


Raia was sitting in his room, staring at footage on his laptop.

"So, Lucifer is going to that beach he keeps talking about?" He asked Kellian, who was sitting before him.

"Yeah. I also talked to Caen. He will take the kid," Kellian replied.

"Good. I guess it’s time we gave APF something to think about."

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