Infinite Realm

Chapter 77 - 74 : Ambushed

"When do we move in boss?" Block, the team's only Guardian, stared at the man who was leading them on this campaign. The middle aged man emanated a fearless aura around him even though his targets were the members of a super guild.

When Sinland had arrived, the combined team of East Crow, Emperor's Might and Sato and Fudo were already battling the one-horned trolls. They originally wanted to interfere in the battle after seeing the two teams of Each Crow and Emperor's Might having a little bit of difficulty against the one-horned trolls. However things took a different turn upon seeing how Sato and Fudo had handled their own target.

The leader of Sinland then decided to take a different approach as he suspected that Sato and Fudo had a lot more abilities hidden away. He also believed that Emperor's Might was holding back while battling the one-horned trolls. This gave him the impression that they had yet to face the boss so rather than risking things, he decided that they bid their time and wait, at least for the boss battle.

His decision proved correct as the three teams eventually defeated the one-horned trolls and faced the boss. Even then, the captain of Sinland refused to make any move as he wanted them to deal a reasonable amount of damage to the boss after which his team would swoop in and reap the harvest.

The only disadvantage with this plan was that since the three teams would have dealt most of the damage to the boss, they would gain a considerable amount of Exp even when compared to the final damage dealers.

'The boss should be at least a Special Elite. Considering it's status, it would be more than enough compensation to just receive the loot.'

He calmly analysed the battle in front before replying "Don't worry about it and don't be too impatient; we will get our time. Let's just leave the boss to them; at the very least they could make it a little bit more weaker for us to face.

"Riddled, has there been any other player approaching here recently?" The man faced the druid, Riddled Tree.

"No, none that I'm aware of." Seeing their captain frown, he explained "Even though as a druid I possess the ability to sense energy fluctuations, this is just a bonus ability from my class, not a main ability."

Smiling bitterly, Riddled Tree continued " As such, you shouldn't trust in me that much, Boss."

"Having you in the team is better than nothing. Stop downgrading yourself and pay attention." The man faced Riddle before looking at the team ahead with his eyes squinted. "It's best if you pay attention to them. I doubt they haven't noticed us till now."

"How? Didn't Riddle eliminate our men's signatures?" Devis asked with surprise.

Yes, Devis. Even though he was earlier captured by the Warmongers, they had killed him once they were done questioning him.Originally Devis was supposed to be with Faded Wings and Rock, levelling up at the main battlefield, but the captain needed an Assassin class player in their squad so after much deliberation, Devis was selected. Even though both he and Faded Wings were experts, Devis was slightly stronger than Faded plus he was more prudent, smarter and careful than her. These qualities of his had earned him the appreciation and acknowledgement of the head of Sinland[1]

"I don't know neither am I sure but we have to keep in mind that we aren't only dealing with the 2nd tier guild East Crow, but also at least a first tier guild. Their druid shouldn't be an ordinary character. If our luck is that bad, it would be a super guild we are facing." The captain said with a serious face.

A Super guild, a superpower that most players and guilds could only look up to. Even though their prowess hasn't been displayed properly in recent times, this was only because Infinite Realm was still at the early stages. At this point, excluding their funding and resources, there's almost no difference between clubs and regular guilds with super guilds except for two factors. It were these very factors that the Super guilds had capitalised on.

The first was their manpower or in simpler terms, numbers. As the peak of gaming powers, Super guilds were the most admired and aspired goals of almost all professional players. Because of this, Super guilds always receive a heavy pile of applications and recruitment requests. If there's anything they lack, numbers wouldn't be among.

The second factor would be strength; individual strength and super guilds don't lack players with such strength. It was because of this that most guilds still steered clear away from super guilds; because of the strength of their players.

The number of players in front of them might seem few but the captain of Sinland didn't dare to underestimate them as they would surely be top class experts with 'King' class or a 'false King' being present among them. Indeed, he was right, but because of the distance between them and the three teams, they could hardly distinguish their features; only relying on their outfits to make out their classes.

"Eh. I noticed that one of them has been acting weirdly. Rather than battling the boss with the others, he has retracted his aura and been hiding for awhile now." Riddled Tree revealed.

"Is he an assassin?"

"No, a swordsman. He hasn't been closing up to us but his movements have been weird now." Riddled Tree continued.

"Keep watching him. He might be trying to lose our attention and sneak up on us."

A few seconds later, Riddled Tree's expression had a sudden change.

"Everyone, scatter!" Riddled Tree yelled before running away, as fast as lion after its prey.

None of the players asked before running away as they all trusted in Riddled Tree's judgement. However at least one person would be destined to be a tad slower than the rest.


"Arghh." A player, whom you obviously don't need to know his name, howled as his scream acted as a background tune to the beat of the explosion.

"What the hell happened?" Manny asked with shock as he stared at their previous position. It was all covered in smoke from the explosion as debris was raining down.

Rather than a reply, what greeted him was a silver glistening light approaching from the smoke accompanied by the flash of a sword slicing apart air.


A sword and not just any kind but a great sword suddenly arrived before him and aimed at his chest. The sword was too quick leaving Manny no opportunity to dodge it. As it had made its move with the cover of the smoke, Manny wasn't ready to face the attack and so got hit.


Before he could further react, the hand behind the sword drew it back and slashed again, at quick rates, eliminating his HP before he could realise who had attacked.

"It's you…" Manny exclaimed with shock, though thanks to the attack, his voice wasn't that loud. Those were his last words before Manny's vision went black as his body fell to the floor.

The snow white hand that held the sword drew it back and swung it to the side, spilling off the remnant blood on it.

"The Sno, Snow goddess!" Devis yelled in shock.

AN :

[1] I think I have mentioned it before but Sinland isn't a guild; they are too small. Don't look down on them though, as they have more members than have been introduced.

Notes :

No Infinite Facts today cause I wanna set some things straight. Yes, I know that my release rate has taken a serious dive but let's take a recap of my past week. First was the hamstring injury from my last football game(soccer), next is my dad who finally came back. If you may or may not know, my dad doesn't live with us and he doesn't come home often so I try to at least enjoy every time he does with him. Next in the week's encounter is my uncle's death and yes, my uncle died. The funeral is expected to be this Saturday and as a close family of his, we are expected to participate in everything.(Funeral rites for my family isn't so simple as to go to the cemetery, have Mass and all). Last but not least is the fact that my school(or rather Uni) is about to resume and once it does, exams all the way. So I have to start studying after all my major is Engineering…(pray for me UwU)

No worries though. I will still try to improve my speed. In fact, there was supposed to be a second chapter but I fell asleep while working on it last night(Stress man.).. the second chapter would be coming today so expect 3 chapters today or 2.

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