I'm the Evil Lord of an Intergalactic State!

Chapter 85 - Vol. 5 Chapter 14 – Disciple

I’m the Evil Lord of an Intergalactic Empire! Vol. 5 Chapter 14 – Disciple

Vol. 5 Chapter 14 – Disciple

TN: We’re almost at the epilogue!


My luck scares me sometimes.

“I’ll have to thank him again.”

Thomas and Patrice become confused by my muttering.

“Thank who?”

“Never mind. Carry on,” I say so to the confused Thomas in front of me.

This always happens when I’m in trouble.

A solution appears out of thin air.

Miracles like these do not occur naturally in this world.

I’m sure that the Guide is manipulating things behind the scenes.

That’s the only way to explain this phenomenon.

Patrice resumes her explanation.

“It’s about the refugees from the United Kingdoms of Oxis and the Lustral Unified Government. Due to the abrupt fall of His Highness Linus who was backing them, the rebel forces have weakened considerably.”

I drink the tea prepared by Amagi.

Alcohol would’ve fit the image of a villain better, but I dropped the idea when Amagi stared at me with reproachful eyes that said, “Drinking from daytime?”

I snort.

“I’d normally refuse to accept traitors under me, but it’s true that I am in need of men right now.”

Thomas wipes his sweat with a handkerchief.

“No, the masterminds have already been punished in their respective countries. The issue is with the people that were dragged into the conflict. For example, knights and soldiers were forced to participate by their lords, so leaders of both countries are racking their brains over how to treat those that were only loosely related to the rebellion.”

In other words, the architects of the rebellions were punished, but they are having trouble dealing with the aftermaths because too many people were involved.

Simply put, these refugees are like regular employees in a bankrupt company.

They’re not directly responsible for anything, yet the higher-ups are questioning how they should be handled in the future.

Since they’re traitors, it wouldn’t be appropriate to welcome them with open arms.

Instead, it would be better if they disappeared.

At the same time, however, they’re reluctant to dispose subjects that were only dragged into the mess.

Did I understand that correctly?

“Accept them. We have a surplus of territories after all.”

Amagi warns me in response to my remarks.

“Master, wouldn’t it be unwise to accept citizens that grew up in different political environments?”

“—The Unified Government would be difficult.”

The Unified Government is run by a system of democracy.

The political structure there is completely different from that of the aristocratic Empire’s.

Patrice also voices out her worry.

“As people that were once involved in politics, they may try to bring democracy into Lord Liam’s territory.”

“Democracy – I wouldn’t want that.”

“That’s to be expected. So far, I’ve only met a few aristocrats who were in favor of democracy.”

“—Such nobles exist? Nobles that favor democracy?”

You’re telling me that in this Empire that is largely feudal, there are aristocrats who yearn for democracy!?

There are so many idiots in this world.

“Some support it on the basis that their workload would decrease. Others sincerely praise democracy as a wonderful political system.”


I hate democracy.

More specifically, I hate having someone stand above me.

Although it’s partially because I hold absolute power in my territory, the gist of the problem does not lie in the political system itself.

Basically, the system is flawed owing to the fact that humans are in control.

No matter how wonderful a system is, humans will corrupt it.

Once again, the gist of the problem does not lie in the political system itself.

The problem lies in humans.

I don’t trust humans.

That’s why I can confidently assert that no political system is perfect.

In that case, I’d rather keep the status quo and reign as king in my territory.

I turn my gaze towards Amagi.



Once upon a time, the humans of this world experienced a huge setback after they entrusted everything to artificial intelligence.

But if they truly sought and desired perfection from artificial intelligence despite knowing all the atrocities that humanity could offer – what else needs to be said?

Then again, artificial intelligence can be argued to be imperfect since they were made by humans.

They were made from the hands of the flawed humans.

“Amagi, you are cute today too.”

Such thoughts pass through my head, but when I lay my eyes on Amagi, the beauty who personifies my ideals, everything becomes irrelevant.

Amagi is the perfect one for me.

“Thank you. Nonetheless – please be more mindful of the TPO so as to not puzzle our guests.”

I clear my throat in front of the two people who have come to request me about accepting those that are seeking asylum.

“To prevent troubles that may arise from having them grouped together, split them up and distribute them in an even manner. How about that?”

Thomas nods.

“The refugees from the United Kingdoms should be okay with that. After all, their political system is similar to ours.”

Patrice makes a troubled look.

“Our company will profit from selling this favor to the Unified Government. However, will this be fine? Wouldn’t it be problematic if a democratization movement occurs within the territory?”

These guys don’t understand me at all.

If I was a nice and competent lord, I would have been more concerned and cautious about accepting the refugees.

The thing is, I’m an evil lord.

“I’ll allow them to have the freedom of expression. If they cause issues in my territory, I’ll simply crush them.”

Both Thomas and Patrice suck in air.

That said, I’m curious about something else.

“By the way, Thomas, what happened to the traitorous aristocrat who you were in contact with? It wouldn’t be a funny matter for us if his family was crushed as well.”

Thomas smiles ruefully.

“He managed to protect his position by pushing the blame and responsibility onto his lord.”

“Fabulous! We’ll continue to support him.”

The foreign villainous lord seems to be working hard.

I should also work hard.

I haven’t returned in a long while, so I decided to hide my identity and have a walk around the territory.

I decided on this as I wished to execute anyone who dared to offend me.

My heart was racing when I came out.

As an evil lord, I thought I could finally play the part.

At least that’s what I thought—.

“—What’s going on? Nobody has come to pick a fight with me.”

I’m currently sitting on a bench while holding an ice cream on one hand.

This is supposed to be where it’s most turbulent.

Certainly, this place feels a bit messier than others, but everything is still peaceful around here.

I was imagining somewhere more slum-like — Not a place like this where families can walk about normally.

“I asked for directions to where the security is the worst. Why am I here? The cop must have lied to me.”

The policeman who I asked for directions must have scammed me.

I’ll make sure that person is demoted later on.

Even so, the smell of food coming from the lined-up stalls is irresistible.

Watching the families as they walk by, I am reminded of my past life.

A time when I was happy.

A time when I went out with my wife and child during the holidays without being aware of anything wrong.

“Recalling these memories is making me frustrated.”

I get annoyed seeing the families on the street.

Just as I’m about to finish the ice cream and leave, I hear a shout.

“Hey! Where yer eyes at when ya walk, huh?!”

It’s the smell of a dispute.

I join the crowd of spectators and stretch my neck to get a hold of the situation.

Men that are clearly bad news are standing in the middle.

Black leather jackets.


Spiky, blonde hairs.

The villain-like guys shout at the mother-child pair in front of them.

Perhaps the child bumped into them as there’s an ice cream stain on one of the men’s tight trousers.

The mother hugs and shields her child from harm.

“I-I deeply apologize. I’ll pay the laundry fee—”

“Laundry!? Do you have any idea who this noble figure is? He’s the eldest young master in the House of Baronet Clover, a family under the House of Baron Norden, an aristocratic household which is one of the Twelve Families that support the Banfields!”

The mother and child turn pale upon hearing those words, and the spectators also begin to murmur amongst themselves in surprise.

“The Twelve Families?”

“Oh no! What will happen to that mother and child?”

“The child’s luck must be rotten to bump into a noble.”

I’m at a loss for words.

What Twelve Families?

Baron Norden’s family supports me?

Many families have indeed approached me, and I remember that Baron Norden was one of them.

The thing is, the Norden family has never supported me whatsoever.

Instead, I’ve been the one to support their family.

And you guys! You guys that are gossiping about nobles-this-and-nobles-that!

Why the heck are you guys acting servile towards these bottom of the rung ruffians!?

You guys should be fawning over me instead!

With me here, why are you guys being frightened by the likes of them!?

Anger gradually builds up within me.

I’m pissed at my citizens for their behaviors.

That said ––

“You sure have the guts to dare act as a villain inside my territory despite your worthless noble status.”

In the first place, Baronets aren’t official aristocrats.

They’re similar to honorary knights that serve for only a single generation.

The Empire closes its eyes on the Baronets’ hereditary practices only because it’s too troublesome to appoint knights every time before they’re sent to territories.

Territories of knights come in varying sizes.

There are cases where over a hundred knights are crowded on a single planet.

Although there are exceptions where a single knight controls an entire planet, those planets are often territories that were devastated to the point where the total population is less than a million.

In other words –– most of them are useless.

I don’t understand why beings like them are roaming around in my territory.

Infuriated, I throw the half-eaten ice cream that I have towards the so-called eldest son.

The surrounding quiets down when the ice cream hits the man in the face and splatters around him.

Everyone’s staring at me, so I step forward with a grin.

“Hey, what will happen to me now that I’ve thrown an ice cream at you? Tell me about it too.”

Seeing that I have revealed myself before them, the trio glares at me with hateful eyes.


“Ya spite an aristocrat? Men, erase this person.”

His sidekicks ready their weapons in their hands.

What they take out are only handles to their swords, but the blades parts pop out soon after.

I’m in disbelief.

“W-wait. You guys don’t recognize me?”

Removing the ice cream on his face, the man splutters and screams at me.

“It’s too late to be scared now! Do it, men! The police won’t say anything to the death of one commoner.”

––This attitude... has he done this many times in the past?

My subordinates are wiping these people’s asses?


Upon my return, I’ll be carrying out punishments to those that turned a blind eye on these people’s crimes.

The only person who can be arrogant in my territory–– the only person who can bully the people in my territory –– is me.

–– I’m the only one allowed to do so in this entire world.

I avoid the two swords, grab their heads, and slam them to the ground.

Because they’re trained knights, they shouldn’t die from something of this level.

They’re convulsing from having the back of their heads buried to the ground, but whatever.

I wouldn’t mind even if they died.

The man stares at me in astonishment.

“You’re also a knight? Which house do you belong to!? I’ll have you know that the House of Baron Norden is close to the House of Banfields. One of my close relative is the Count’s right arm, you know?”

I can’t help but grow frustrated.

“You don’t even recognize the face of the one who’s feeding you? I don’t wish to see small fries of your caliber in my territory. You can die now.”

The man points the muzzle of his gun at my direction.

However, a knife is shot out which disarms him.

Apparently, Kukuri’s subordinates are guarding me.

A katana appears in front of me, so I wield it and glare at the man before me.

“The question is, are you really a noble?”

The man begins to tremble.

“O-of couse! If you kill me, Count Banfield won’t stay silent!”

The mother and the child who have been given a hard time by the man shake in fear.

Sensing that the situation has taken a turn for the worse, the surrounding bystanders start clamoring.

“Lord Liam?”

“Lord Liam is a strict person.”

“Wouldn’t it be bad for this entire region if we’re not careful?”

They sound rather nervous.


“Count Banfield? So what?”

The man points his finger at me.

“Aren’t you aware? Count Banfield is merciless against his enemies! Your whole family will be massacred. You want that? Killing me is equivalent to challenge the Banfield family––”

I cut him down because he’s being annoying.

As the man’s head falls to the ground, I perform a stretch.

“Too trash. As punishment for this unpleasant experience, I shall discontinue my support of the Norden family.”

The onlookers turn pale as a police car arrives at the scene.

From the flying vehicle, police officers who were trained as knights leap down and surround me.

Seeing that they have weapons on their hands, Marie, who appears to have been guarding me, swoops down and speaks up.

“Continue pointing your weapons at this person and everyone’s heads will fly.”

The police officers get agitated hearing the threat from Marie who’s wielding a two handed hatchet-like sword.

One of the police officers notices my identity.

“Lower your weapons! This person is Lord Liam!”

Hearing that, the crowd becomes noisy again.

“Lord Liam?”

“But he killed a noble!”

“So he’s Lord Liam...”

Personally, I want to be under the spotlight as a villain, but now that I’ve murdered a nobleman, I might be remembered by the populace as a brute.

Marie grows excited when she witnesses the two knights with their heads buried to the ground.

“Lord Liam, these are certainly the eldest son of the Clover family and his lackeys.”

They’ve stayed in my mansion for some time, but now they’ve settled down somewhere inside my territory.

I hear that they’ve been rowdy and playing around a lot on my lands.

This, I can forgive.

However, I’m the only one who is allowed to oppress my people.

Nobody enjoys having their belongings touched by others without their permission.

“That so? Call this guy’s place and contact Baron Norden as well. I’ll be questioning them. They think they can do whatever they want in my land? The Twelve Families? Watch me crush them.”

Marie smiles ferociously.

“In that case, please grant me the honor to take lead! This time, I’ll be of use to Lord Liam for—”

Marie doesn’t finish her sentence.

I notice that the sheath of my katana is being held by someone.

I turn back and see that it’s the girl who the terrified mother was hugging.

She’s grabbing onto the sheath of my katana with her outstretched arms.

Marie silently tries to swing down her sword on the mother and the child.

I grab her hands and hold her back.

“Don’t, Marie. I wish to speak to her.”


Normally, the girl would’ve been sliced to pieces, but I was caught unawares because she didn’t exude any killing intent.

I crouch down to look at the girl’s face, only for her to stare back at me.

The cute girl has red hairs.

She refuses to let go of my sheath after grabbing it.

Her mother is shaking.

“Mercy! Please forgive her! The child doesn’t know anything!”

Marie retorts angrily at the mother’s words.

“Doesn’t know? It’s blasphemous to not know of Lord Liam despite living in his territory! Depending on what you say next, your death may not be a peaceful one.”

The commoners are quaking in terror.

Yes! She’s being useful for once.

The spectators here will surely spread the words that I have a vicious knight serving by my side.

It fits the image of an evil lord perfectly! –At least that’s what I think.

Actually, in my previous life, I’ve only heard of villainous lords in historical dramas.

I think I’m doing the right things—but am I really?

I shut Mary up as I have something to continue discussing.

“Marie, don’t interrupt me.”

“M-my apologies.”

Marie steps back, and I turn my attention back to the girl’s face.

“What’s wrong? You want this katana?”

Being the rich person that I am, I have various katanas in store.

The one which I have with me today is a katana that even has decorations on its blade.

I purchased it purely because the katana went well with the image of a rich man.

It’s unexpectedly good, so I’ve taken a fancy to it.

Although it’s one of my favorites, the girl shakes her head.

“It was beautiful.”


“The blade was beautiful.”

I’m stunned by what she says.

“—You caught that? What was the patter that you saw on the blade?”

“A golden... cat.”

Actually, it’s a tiger, not a cat, but she might not know the difference.

Even so—she correctly guessed what’s on the blade.

There’s a golden tiger engraved on the katana’s blade.

She saw me pulling the katana out of its sheath!?

“What’s your name?”

“Ellen—Ellen Tyler.”

Although she’s young, she replies clearly.

I follow up with my question.

“Are you interested in becoming a knight? To dedicate your life to the sword? If you are, I’ll give you this katana.”

The girl tilts her head to one side and eventually nods, somewhat confused.

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