I'm the Evil Lord of an Intergalactic State!

Chapter 58 - Volume 4 Chapter 8 Training Period

Volume 4 Chapter 8 Training Period

I was assigned to the logistics department in the imperial capital for my training.

After graduating from the military academy with honours, I was promoted to a lieutenant– but to be clear, this wasn’t where the elite’s normally went.

It wasn’t the department where the best of the best were trained, but I was satisfied.


–because just by doing paperwork here, I was guaranteed a promotion to captain after only a year.

And by the end of my second year, my status would be elevated again to a major.

Nobles could easily advance their careers by safely doing deskwork in the back.

Truly wonderful.

And this isn’t even considering how when I’m given my official assignment, I’ll be able to spend my four years of conscription relaxing in the fleet Tia prepared for me.

This training was the turning point, because after this all that was left was my student-life at the university and my work as an official that came with it.

Without even trying, aristocrats could be assigned to the elite courses and pull ahead in life, happily watching those struggling below them from safe distances.

This was exactly what an evil lord should be like.

Life in the barracks was mandatory during the training period, but it felt more like I was staying in a hotel while vacationing in the capital.

After working at regular times everyday, I returned to the barracks and enjoyed some personal time after five.

This truly was wonderful compared to the elites who were working themselves to death in busy departments.

While I was working, Wallace called out to me.

“Hey Liam, there seems to be a visitor who stormed into the building screaming.”

“Screaming? Was there a mistake made somewhere?”

But who made the mistake?

I left a lot of things to the AIs, but they wouldn’t make any blunders.

Some of the work did require humans to process, so the error probably came from myself.

“No, they’re here to lodge a complaint about the supplies you’ve arranged, Liam.”


◇ ◇ ◇

The logistic departments tend to be looked down upon because they didn’t operate on the front lines.

Their use of AIs to reduce the workload is another reason why they’re held in contempt.

However, work efficiency greatly decreases if only humans are employed.

When you thought about how the work done back here was used to help support the front lines, social norms be damned, they had to rely on them.

“Now what’s the meaning behind a half-assed person like you– who relies on AIs do to his work, rejecting my application form?!”

It was just past noon when the colonel burst into the building and started causing a commotion.

A brigadier general was his opponent, but the colonel was still taking a crude attitude towards him because of his noble birth.

“M-my apologies. Colonel, we’ll remedy this soon, so please calm down.”

Because of their use of AIs to process their work, even the higher-ups in the logistics department were made light of.

The Empire thought it was bad to overly rely on AIs, so this division wasn’t really one you’d choose if you wanted a fast-track through the ranks.

“Bring me the idiot who designated the supplies for my ship! I’ll set him straight myself!”

The brigadier general hurriedly tried to stop the colonel who was brandishing his whip while grinning.

“Colonel, that’s no good. If you do that then–”

“I’m saying I’ll personally straighten out the coward who refuses to fight on the front lines. Are you telling me you’d rather take his place?”

The colonel was a person who enjoyed harassing the weak.

The brigadier general dropped his shoulders.

“You can’t say I didn’t warn you.”

Giving up, the brigadier general then called out, “Someone get the lieutenant,” the colonel swinging the whip in his hands in response, releasing a loud ‘crack’.

“Oh? It was some greenhorn brat that’s still in the middle of their training? I’ll show him how things work in the imperial army.”

Seeing the colonel denounce the youth, the brigadier general looked away.

“...if you really can subdue him, then I hope you’ll teach me your methods as well.”

“Did you say something?”

“No, it’s nothing.”

The sound of the door being knocked could be heard

“Get in already!”

Opening the door and entering the room– it was Liam who appeared.

“So you’re the one responsible for designating supplies for my ship?! Do you know what you did?!”

Towards the big attitude the colonel took towards him, Liam snorted.

“Who the hell are you?”

“W-what?! Can’t you even recognise my rank from the badge?!”

“It just says you’re a patrol fleet colonel, that doesn’t mean anything to me. Brigadier general, I’m actually really busy right now. I don’t want you to call me for things on this level.”

To Liam’s comment, the brigadier general said, “I didn’t want to either, but the colonel here apparently wants to teach you a lesson.”

The colour of Liam’s eyes changed when he heard that.

“...who is he planning to teach?”

“You, brat! What the hell have you been learning at the academy?! Don’t think you’re going home today!”

While the colonel was thinking about how he was going to have fun torturing Liam– he was suddenly blown away.


Slamming into the wall, he made an expression that said he didn’t even know what just happened, and then he heard Liam’s voice.

“Brigadier general, can you call this guy’s superiors for me?”

“I-it’s not like I can’t, but–”

“This guy’s application form said to prepare expensive liquors and snacks. I’m sure his boss would love to hear all about that. He’s just a no-name soldier from the patrol fleets, who the hell is he to question my decisions?”

To the smiling Liam, the brigadier general replied, “Understood” before making the call to the colonel’s superior.

The person he called was a major general who was in charge of a patrol fleet charged with protecting the space around the imperial capital.

When the call went through, he was clearly grumpy.

“What is it?”

“Hey, major general. You’re subordinate picked a fight with me. Will you take responsibility for this as his boss?”

“Wha-?! My lord?!”

The major general was also a nobleman, but his status was inferior to Liam, who had succeeded as the head of his house.

But even putting that aside, Liam was infamous for being in open-conflict with the Berkley family.

The major general was clearly distressed.

“M-my subordinate has been rude towards you. Tell him to immediately withdraw.”

“I should tell him? No, you’re going to come here and bring him back yourself. Are you seriously trying to give me orders? Well haven’t you grown full of yourself. Do you really think you can look down on me just because of your military class?”

“P-please excuse me. I’ll pick him up soon. No, I’ll leave to pick him up right now.”

“Be quick about it. And while I’m at it, the application form you’ve sent goes too far, even for a joke. Don’t put in requests that waste my time. Do you understand me?”

“N-no, I understand.”

“...it sounds like you have a grievance. What is it then? Spit it out.”

“I-it’s really nothing, my lord.”

Distracting him from his work, having to deal with these situations wasted Liam’s time.

He hated things like this.

“Good, I like smart people like you. Now then, get over here and pick up your incompetant subordinate as soon as possible.”


When the major general ended the call, the colonel was trembling at the revelation that Liam was an active Count with considerable power.

“Now then, I believe you said you were going to teach me a lesson? My body has been feeling dull recently from all this desk work, so won’t you help me get some exercise?”

The colonel immediately sprung up and saluted.

“Please forgive me for all of my transgressions, my lord!”

He immediately acknowledged the other party as his superior– but it was too late.

Liam put his hand on the colonel’s shoulder.

“I don’t hate attitudes like yours, but I’m not the kind of man who forgives others that easily. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

Liam then seized the trembling colonel by his collar and dragged him out of the room.

The brigadier general silently watched this all happen from the side.

“Haa... it looks like bringing him in was the right answer.”

–he was pleased with how smoothly the department’s work had gotten ever since Liam’s arrival.

There were many soldiers who looked down on the logistics department and request various things.

For that reason, he wanted to bring in some powerful nobles to his division.

But if he brought in a corrupt noble like someone from the Berkley family, then he’d only be creating more troubles for himself.

However, a serious noble like Liam would never tolerate anything like fraud.

“I hope this will reduce the number of unreasonable demands a little.”

The brigadier general was happy to have roped Liam in, but he couldn’t understand why he’d choose his department of all things.

◇ ◇ ◇

The front lines.

Marie was currently training there as an infantry.

“You minced meat bitch, I’ll never forgive you...”

Dressed in a powered-suit, she jumped off a transport aircraft while muttering curses against Tia.

She didn’t use a parachute, but a barrier suddenly appeared around her before she landed, absorbing the impact before shattering.

In the middle of a jungle, Marie took in her surroundings.

“Marie, is it safe?”

“No problems here.”

“Acknowledged. In that case, proceed to infiltrate the enemy facilities and rescue the hostages. It’s a difficult task, but I know that you can do it.”

Being forced to advance on a hostile base all on her on while rescuing a hostage, Marie started to complain in her head.

(I’ll definitely return and take that minced meat bitch’s head.)

Because of Tia moving things behind the scenes, she was assigned to the special forces.

Tia said, “There’s no place for you by Lord Liam’s side.” and laughed at her.

Quickly making her way through the jungle, Marie promptly executed a lookout with her knife.

Her boss, who was watching over the situation praised her finesse through the comms.

“Your skills are amazing. They remind me of my former subordinates.”

“You’ve had others on my level? Where and when was this?”

Marie was interested after hearing that there were other humans as strong as her.

“They’ve probably changed their name by now though, because unlike yourself, they worked as a spy. They were unbelievably strong in battle, and could accomplish any mission we sent their way.”

“You’ve caught my interest, do go on.”

“I can’t tell you because of military regulations, but she was an excellent subordinate.”

When the enemy base came into view, ended the call and began her infiltration.

“Now then, I want to return to Lord Liam’s side as soon as possible, so shouldn’t I finish this quickly?”

On that day– one criminal organisation was wiped from existence.

◇ ◇ ◇

Moderate exercise feels good.

“And I even managed to finish my work on time as well.”

While thinking about everything that happened today, Wallace made a tired expression before speaking,

“You shouldn’t fuss over the time so much. Do you understand? Look, there’s others still working even now.”

There were senior officers who couldn’t complete their work on time and had to stay.

But that had nothing to do with me.

Because I did finish.

“There’s no value in working overtime.”

“Is that why you never help others?”

Sometimes there were idiots who couldn’t even do their jobs, and came crying to me for help, but I always pushed them away, saying that these were things they needed to figure out themselves.

“What’s the point in doing so?”

In my previous life, I worked my hardest for my company, my subordinates, and my juniors– I really did my best, but it was all for nought in the end.

When you finish your work, you should be allowed to go home.

There should be no problems as long as you work hard enough to justify your salary.

Society and the companies may ask you for more, but abstract ideas like ‘building good faith’ meant nothing to me.

Compared to the effort you had to put in for such things, the few words of “thanks” they gave you wasn’t sufficient enough of a reward to justify it.

That’s why I only work for what they pay me for.

When I left the office building, a big limousine was waiting there in front of us.

“It’s beautiful. Did someone important drop by?”

You could easily tell the limousine was a luxury vehicle.

The logistics department wasn’t a popular division, so there weren’t many aristocrats here.

When I thought so, Wallace noticed something,

“Wait, aren’t they here to pick you up, Liam?”


As I approached, it’s door burst open and Rosetta dressed in plain clothes jumped out of it.



I actually wanted to dodge, but if I did it poorly, Rosetta might’ve hurt herself, so I ended up catching her in my arms.

“W-what are you doing here?”

“Why don’t you try resting at the hotel for today? That’s where I’m staying now that my training is finished. I wanted to spend some time with you, so I came to pick you up.”

Hearing that, Wallace immediately boarded the limousine.

“Then don’t mind if I do. I’ll take a free ride anytime. –woah, Liam! The insides of this thing are amazing! There’s even alcohol and snacks here!”

Seeing Wallace was already inside and drinking, I tried to make one last vain effort to stop him.

“Hey, wait! I thought we were already had plans to go drinking later!”

“It should be fine to go to the hotel instead. I mean, we can’t really play around much before payday, and this is all free!”

This bastard!

Pulling away from me slightly, Rosetta looked up at me with moist eyes.

“Darling, did you already have plans? I-I guess that makes sense. I know how important it is to keep up your workplace relationships.”

Seeing how sad Rosetta looked, I felt an inexplicable sense of guilt wash over me.

In the first place, I was just planning to go with Wallace to a bar for drinks, and nothing more.

“N-no, we just had plans to go drinking together, that’s all.”

“Really?! Then, let’s go to the hotel! There’s so many restaurants in the vicinity that you’ll never grow bored! I’ll have them prepare all the drinks you could ever want, Darling.”

“I-I see.”

I used to think that she was a woman of steel– an ice queen with an unbreakable heart, but this was before she became my fiancée.

Now she calls me darling while fawning over me.

I was actually hoping for Rosetta to hate me more, since I can’t really mess with her like this.

“...so Rosetta, what have you been doing during your stay at the hotel?”

“Right now I’m just learning a bunch of things. Currently I’m studying about the imperial capital’s culture along with the daughters of our neighboring territories’ lords. It’s a lot of fun.”

Is it like a young wife attending a cooking class?

I’m glad that it looks like she’s enjoying herself... not that I was worried about her or anything.

Rosetta’s expression suddenly became serious.

“Oh yes, Darling... there’s actually some guests over there that want to see you.”

“Some guests?”

More people want to meet with me? Hopefully it’s not like the colonel who visited around noon.

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