I'm The Devil

Chapter 19: Lucifer And Zeus

Chapter 19: Lucifer And Zeus

"This realm is becoming quite boring, maybe I should visit some other realm, but which realm should I visit?" Said Lucifer who was is currently floating in the air as he watch young Zeus training.

It has been ten years since Zeus was born and brought to the island to be raised by the Nymphs.

Rhea and Gaia visit him from time to time but Zeus did not know that he is related to them and just thought they were friends of Lucifer and Adamantheia.

Zeus has grown fond of Lucifer and look up to him as a father figure with Adamantheia as his mother even when he knew the truth that they were not his parents and Lucifer reminding him times without number.

Currently, Lucifer decided to give the young Zeus who is like a young adult despite being just 10 years old a few pointers to kill his boredom as he waited for Gaia to come.

"Hey, Lucifer, am I doing it right?" Zeus who was done with a set of exercise asked Lucifer if he did it right only to see that he was not even paying him attention which was a normal occurrence when he is being trained by Lucifer, the young Zeus just sighed and shook his head before he continued "oh, come on, when are you going to pay attention when you are training me? LUCIFER"

Zeus shouted the name of the Devil which brought him back to reality.

Lucifer saw that Zeus was sweating profusely and knew that he must have finished his exercise "you did well, you can go rest up now" Lucifer said as he turned around and wanted to go back to his chambers but stopped as Zeus shouted once again.

"I WASN'T DONE, I JUST FINISHED A SET, JUST A SET, LUCIFER, IF YOU WEREPAYING ATTENTION, YOI WOULD HAVE KNOWN" Zeus shouted with a trace of lightening flickering in his eyes as he also unconsciously used his divine voice as it spread throughout the Island and would have gone beyond there if not for Lucifer's gift to the Nymphs which also serves as some kind barrier to prevent anyone or anything from entering and leaving the Island without permission from Adamantheia except from Lucifer of course.

Lucifer frowned when a boy of just ten years old shouted at him like some kind wastrel or one of his servants. He knew Zeus has some kind of Anger Management Issues and maybe that's because of his nature as the god of thunder as he is beginning to show it looking at his eyes but he is not going to just let it go, he was being looked down upon by a mere ten years old for crying out loud, he have to teach him a little lesson.

Lucifer aura immediately changed as his eyes turned to a darker shade of red.

Zeus whose eyes were still flickering with lightening immediately fell to the ground by an invisible force as his eyes lost its spark and he was gasping for air as it became difficult for him to breath.

"Next time you speak to me, you watch your tone because you might lose your ability to speak the next time you raise your voice at me" said Lucifer while adding more pressure on Zeus.

Zeus coughed out a lot of blood as the pressure he was under was too unbearable even for a god like him, but he endured it as he was taught by the same man never to show any weakness in any situation whatsoever.

"Oh you are actually listening to my teachings, I'm impressed" Lucifer said, he was indeed truly impressed that Zeus was catching on most of his teachings even though it was just him rumbling some nonsense due to his boredom from having to preside over Zeus's training, but now he might have found a way to relieve himself, the suffering of Zeus "why don't we make this another part of your training? Let me see how you will fare from 0.001% of my aura pressure"

"You Will Do No Such Thing"

Lucifer sighed as he was being looked down upon so often in just one day and that's from a mother and child pair.

Rhea who followed Gaia to coke and see her son but when she came to the Island, she heard the voice of Zeus resounding throughout the entire Island and knew hell was about to be unleashed when she found out who he was raising his voice at.

She immediately ran at her full speed to at least save her child as he is now her only hope.

When she got to the scene, what she saw made her felt a pain she hasn't felt for a long time. The body of her son laid on the ground and blood spilling from his mouth but what made her happy was that even at his worst moment he didn't succumb to his pain and didn't show any weakness which will help him greatly in the future.

She immediately went to his side and brought him to his feet while giving Lucifer a death glare.

Lucifer seeing staring at him like that just shrugged it off and turned around to leave the mother and child pair for his abode but not without giving Rhea a warning "you should be thankful to your mother, Gaia, that's the only reason I'm overlooking your disrespect, but this is will be your last warning, there won't be a next time"

After saying that, Lucifer flew to his abode where he knew Gaia would be, together with Aphrodite.

Rhea sighed while looking at Lucifer flying away until he disappeared from her view. She then turned to Zeus who was still catching his breath "hey, it's going to be alright, okay, you are a strong boy, this is nothing to you" Rhea tried to comfort Zeus while also releasing her aura which was warm and fill with a mother's love to calm him down.

"I'm ok, mother, he is just trying to see if I can handle his pressure, he does not mean any harm" Zeus said to her without realizing he just made a blunder by calling Rhea mother.

Rhea on the other hand did not listen to any of Zeus's words after he called her mother as her mind was blank.

Zeus waved his hands across her face as he could see that her mind was not here with him before he remembered what he called her a moment ago "shit"

Lucifer's Abode

"You know that you aiding Zeus may lead to the eventual death of most of your children and grand children, Gaia"

Gaia and Aphrodite turned to see Lucifer standing by the door with an apple in his hands.

Gaia has just arrived a few minutes ago as she believed Rhea was going to handle the issue with Zeus. She was having a small talk with Aphrodite when they heard Lucifer's voice.

Gaia sighed as she thought of the future and the carnage that will occur with the lives that will be lost "I know, that's why I will try to minimize the level of destruction to the bare minimum as much as I can" said Gaia who has already planned a lot of things to prevent many deaths the day Zeus will confront his father.

Lucifer smiled as he knew that what she planned might not even work as the war will spam years instead of a day she imagined, "well, at least, you will get a replacement on the ones you will lose, because he is going to need allies as he is but just one man facing an entire kingdom" Lucifer gave Gaia a hint on what Zeus might do to gather his own forces.

Gaia hearing what Lucifer said immediately thought of her children that was locked up in Tartarus "are you certain he is going to do that?" Gaia asked Lucifer as she does not want to get her hopes up once again.

"Of course, who do you think will help him in fighting against the God king if not for the siblings he abandoned. And if you were thinking I will assist him, then I will have to burst your bubbles, lady, I don't intend to interfere with your family matter and me joining the fray, would be like an elephant bullying a colony of ants"

Lucifer said as he took a bit of the apple in his hands before turning to look at Gaia who was coming up with another plan with the new information she just got.

Aphrodite also saw her like that and just sighed "now, what is she cooking up in that head of hers"

"She is cooking up ways to protect her children and not lose any of them in the upcoming war"

Lucifer was the one to answer Aphrodite.

Aphrodite nodded her head after knowing why Gaia was like that, she looked at Lucifer and asked "so are you really not going to interfere?"

Lucifer opened his hands wide and smiled "of course, I won't, that will be pretty overkill and I know Zeus will win, he even have me to teach him, so there is nothing to worry about"

Before Aphrodite could ask another question, Gaia stood up with full force as she finally figured out a plan.

She looked at Lucifer and Aphrodite and smiled "I know what to do"

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