I Love Destroying Worlds' Plot

Chapter 962: 16.8 First Red Star - Intruder?

Middle Region, Residence Area...

Asher Light and Maber Dawn had been living together for a month now. They live their lives detached to the chaos in the main city. Even so the Holy Son would receive reports from the Templar Temple from his phone. He knew that a lot of Vampires and Werewolves were looking for him. He is the next in line Pope after all and killing him would greatly weaken the human race.

He decided to continue hiding in the middle region instead. No one would have thought he would hide in such a place, especially living together with a human girl. Living with Amber Dawn was especially peaceful, it makes it hard for Asher Light to leave. It was as if being by her side was his last sanctuary in this world.

The two were currently in the market to buy some groceries. Amber Dawn felt that she needed to use this free mule well and pulled the man with her after covering up his face with a face mask and letting him wear a scarf and cup. It hides more than half of Asher Light's face and makes it hard for people to recognize.

The appearance of Asher Light covered tightly made others look at them weird. Only Amber Dawn acted a bit and showed worry in her face and said aloud.

"Cover up properly! You are sick, do you want it to get worse!" Amber Dawn said as she discreetly punched Asher Light in his stomach making him cough.

Cough. Cough.

Amber Light said, "That's why I told you to stay at home.


"So he is just sick. No wonder he got all covered up."

"What's wrong with this boy?! Instead of resting you go out bundled like an onion. Can't you just rest at home!?"

"If your sick stay at home. Scaring this old lady with such an appearance. Hmp!"

Seeing the interactions between them, the crowd moved their eyes away when they heard that a man whose face was tightly covered was suffering from a cough and was out of the house sick. Then it is understandable that he would cover himself up to avoid infecting others.

Asher Light was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect everything to turn normal with just a few words. It was as if those eyes full of caution and distrust before was just something he had imagined.

Amber Dawn spoke, "Let's go. Buy everything then go back."

The two almost sweep the small market they've just entered, if not for Amber Dawn paying in cash that the cashier would most likely call the manager and have them interrogated for a crime of not paying. Afterwards, the two headed back home. Asher was carrying the most in boxes. If he wasn't a special human with strength in his body he would not be able to lift the boxes of groceries out of the car to the interior of the room.

The interior of the condominium was dark when Amber Dawn and Asher Light got back home. Amber entered first and tried to look for the switch that turned the light on. But before she gets inside the house deeper, Asher Light suddenly pulls him back after putting down the boxes in his hands to the floor.


"Wait!" Asher Light whispered, "Hide behind me. There is another presence inside the house."

"An intruder? Impossible. No one else has my house key." Amber Dawn said.


Asher Light said, "Wait at the entrance. I will check it first. It might be my enemy."

"Okay. Be careful." Amber Dawn said as she suddenly looked down to look for her slipper only to notice an extra male shoes she had never seen before and a spare house slipper missing.

She mumbled, "Ah? Don't tell me..."

Meanwhile, the holy son took the lead and went inside with careful and light movements. He didn't want the one inside the house to know his actions. When he reached the living room, he saw a shadow of a man holding something in his hand. He jumped on the person intending to catch him. Who would have thought that the other person was capable of fighting back. The small yet expensive antique table in the living room had broken into pieces when two people fell heavily on it.

CRASHED! The sound of something like a wood breaking resounds in the living room. Asher Light frowned when he felt that his opponent was extremely skilled. Not only he failed to restrain him when he did a sneak attack even when he used his real strength, he could barely capture the other person.

The two exchange moves in the living room breaking almost everything in place. They got some punches in and received some too. So some bruises appeared on each other's faces.

"Who the hell are you!? What are you doing in this place!?" the man asked.

Asher Light retorted, "Who sent you here!? How did you know I am here!?"

"What are you talking about?! Who in fucking hell are you!?" The man asked back.

It was only after this exchange of questions that the two men felt something was wrong with this situation. It seems they thought of two different things. Suddenly the light in the living room turns on and the chaotic sight of the small table broken into two pieces. Her couches spilled cotton, her vase fragmented on the floor and some paintings fell on the floor from the walls. The two men wrestling at each other have bruises and cuts all over their bodies.

The man semi-restrained on the floor possesses the same features as Amber Dawn though on a masculine version with bad vibes. This man's eyes had a deeper shade of pink with a bit of mixture of purple like a hue of magenta. The man sitting on top of him holding his wrists in restraint was Asher Light. His platinum hair was disheveled from the fight on his handsome face are black spots obviously from being punched with a powerful strength.

It was Amber Dawn who turned on the light and glared at the two homewreckers in her living room.

"How can you destroy my living room!? Ash! Brother!"

"Your highness, the Holy Son!"


The house intruder happens to be Esther Dawn. He is the biological brother of Amber Dawn. Esther himself was surprised to see the appearance of the man who was capable of beating him up. He was shocked to see his superior and recalled how he fought back just now.

"You are the elder brother of Amber?"

"Holy Son, why are you living with my sister?"

Esther Dawn and Asher Light separated and started questioning one another. Forgetting their sin of destroying someone else's house.

Amber Dawn appeared in front of her brother and Asher Light. Her face is dark from rage and her glasses were malevolent as if she wanted to eat both of them alive. The two men abruptly shut up and kneel instinctively. They lowered their heads like sinners.


"Clean up the living room. I want it to be as good as before. If you don't return it to normal before dinner then... You both don't have anything to eat tonight! Bring the groceries to the kitchen!" Amber Dawn said.

"Yes!" The two responded as they watched Amber Dawn go back to her room to rest. She obviously didn't want to stay with them in the ruined living room.

Asher Light sighed and headed to some corner and grabbed a pair of brooms. He passed one of it to Esther Dawn and started sweeping diligently as he didn't want to miss Amber Dawn's cooking at all. Esther Dawn was stunned for a few seconds as he started cleaning the room after making a few phone calls.

Esther Dawn spoke, "Your highness you still haven't answered my question. Why are you with my sister?"

"I didn't even know Amber was your younger sister. As for why I am here... She saved me.."

"Save you. Impossible! Amber is an ordinary person!" Esther Dawn exclaims.

When Asher Light heard that statement he couldn't help but recall the fine techniques of killing Amber Dawn discretely hides. It wasn't completely hidden yet not out as well. He believes that she is an ordinary person as Esther Dawn said. It can only mean one thing, Esther Dawn doesn't know his sister had such an ability. He decided not to tell him as well.

The Holy Son spoke, "She saved me when I was badly injured during my last mission. Though that mission was half successful, it was hard to escape from their territory. I was lucky it rained the day I was escaping. I was too badly injured and fainted in some alley, she... picked me up."

"What!? How can she pick up strangers and in the back alleys!? This can't be allowed. I need to scold her." Esther Dawn said.

Asher Light said, "No need. Not all men and women in this world are as handsome as me." After living with Amber for a month, he already noticed her peculiarities, especially her being a facecon.

Meanwhile, Esther Dawn didn't know about his sister being a facecon and thought that something bad had happened to the Holy Son which made him narcissistic like that.

"Sire, are you alright? Do you want me to call a psychologist to check on you?"

"Do you want to get beat up again!?"

"Continue talking later. You suddenly reveal my identity just now. Was it you that told Amber about the Templar Temple?" asked Asher Light.

Esther Dawn frowned as if he recalled something bad and said, "No. She must have read some records from father's things. Moreover, isn't it forbidden to tell an ordinary person about the Templar?"

"Amber said your father is dead. How did he die?" asked Asher Light.

The face of Esther Dawn, on the other hand, had turned white and the broom in his hand fell. Silence and tension descended and the atmosphere between the two members became a bit awkward. Just based on Esther Dawn's expression, Asher Light knew he had asked something he shouldn't have. He was glad he didn't ask Amber this or he would regret it so much because of his curiosity.

Asher Light restarted the conversation and said, "Continue cleaning or we won't have anything to eat tonight."

Esther Dawn nodded his head and felt relief that he didn't need to answer the last question the Holy Son had just inquired. He picked up the fallen broom under his feet when the doorbell of the house had rang.

Ding. Dong. Ding. Dong.

"They are here. It's my team, they would help us clean up the living room." Esther Dawn said as he opened the door to let the visitors enter.

A group of men in black robes kneel on one knee as soon as they see Asher Light, their Holy Son.

"These servants pay respect to the Holy Son!"

"Stand. Help us restore the living room to normal. After that, leave. I will summon you through Esther if I need something. Don't report to the Temple that you have found me yet." Asher Light said.

"As you wish, Sire!"

With the hard work of a small group of men, the broken living room was restored to its original state. Though some of the antiques were replaced by even more expensive ones, at least the living room is back to normal. The rest of the men were sent away while Asher Light and Esther Dawn waited for the owner to wake up and make dinner.

When Amber Dawn went down from the second floor, she was satisfied to see that the living room was fixed. Moreover, her things were replaced with even more luxurious things. She loves money so these luxury replacements delighted her.

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