I Love Destroying Worlds' Plot [BL]

Chapter 223 - 7.22 Second Violet Star - Reporting To The King.

The three days of vacation the candidates have had finally ended. Today they would need to start attending classes as scheduled.

The bright sun had just risen which signifies a new day. Everyone's daily life continues the moment they wake up. The commoner makes preparations for their livelihood. Some were making sure that everything in their store is all in order. The guards whose task is to do morning patrol were all geared up and started making their rounds.

The people in the castle were busy as always. King Argus called Duke Damian for the usual report for a morning meeting. Only Archmage Alexis was within and the rest of the nobles were already dismissed the moment they finished their reports. 

At the throne room, King Argus sat at the center while his people stood by the side.

King Argus spoke, "Duke Damian, you say that you have something important to report. Go ahead."

"Yes, your majesty. Yesterday, at the back alleys, we were able to catch the rats that escaped from the Slave Trading Association. They got information about their hideout in the kingdom. I would round out my knights to capture them all in one sweep." reported Duke Damian.

"I see... According to the knights guarding the gates last night, they've said that they've seen you escorting Lord Night. Did you meet Lord Night outside the castle, Duke Damian?" asked the king with a mischievous smile. 

The information he heard from his people says that Duke Damian had carried Eirwen Night like a princess back to the castle last night. He wasn't really interested in why Eirwen Night was outside the castle as the people tasked to protect the latter secretly had already informed him ahead of time that Eirwen had left the castle to visit some cafes in the town.

According to his spies, Eirwen Night had exchanged some goods from his own world in exchange for money and clothing. Though as the king he should be providing these kinds of things naturally for them otherworlders, who would expect that one of them would leave the castle secretly just to eat cakes. Things had always been interesting when Eirwen Night was involved.

Duke Damian remained calm and expressionless at King Argus teasing. He gave him a reply naturally as usual.

"Answering your majesty's question. I met Eirwen Night at the back alley. Some children had stolen his coin pouch and had no choice but to chase the thieves."

The king was a bit startled by this response. Though he heard that Eirwen Night and Duke Damian had met at the town, the details of the meeting are vague, and though they've only bumped into each other in the town. Who would have expected that these two meet at the back alleys where the most notorious people reside. 

"What happened? Didn't you just tell me that you've caught the slave traders in the back alley?! Lord Night had also gone in there. Did he get involved in your task? As a hostage or something?" asked King Argus.

Archmage Alexis spoke, "Please calm down your majesty."

"The children who had stolen his coin pouch were taken as hostages but Eirwen Night wasn't around when that happened," said Duke Damian.

The king and the archmage had sighed in relief when they heard that but before they could even complete their words, Duke Damian had said something that had rendered them speechless.

"Is that so? Then that is..."

Duke Damian, "Eirwen Night jumped off from a house roof and stepped on the face of the slave trader to save the child who was taken as a hostage. We've only caught the last slave trader thanks to his actions."

Archmage Alexis, "W-What!? Off the roof!!"

  King Argus, "He jumped from that height!? He is hurt!?"

"No... except for a bit of numbness on his legs, he is okay. I only carried him back to the castle last night because there was no carriage to bring him over and he said that he was too tired to even stand up. I could only carry him in my arms back to his chambers." answers Duke Damian.


Duke Damian continues to report the details of the events that happened yesterday. Including Eirwen Night's Divine skills in medicine and healing. At that time he was able to feel a bit of light element mana coming from him. It was only for a moment but he was sure that it was the holy attribute. Moreover, his knowledge in prescription and cures were top-notch that even the oldest doctor in their kingdom pales in comparison to his talent.

At this part of the report Duke Damian, who was expecting for the king to be stunned at Eirwen Night's capabilities as a doctor but was only given silence. He saw that the king was thinking deeply of something.

"Your majesty, you don't seem surprised when I've told you about Eirwen Night's knowledge in medicine. Have you already known all along?" asked the duke.

King Argus replies, "No, It's my first time hearing about it. I just thought of what I heard from my spies that before yesterday, Lord Night had stayed at the royal library for two days and two nights. They've also reported that Lord Night had read everything in the library. Alexis, do you think he may be..."

"If he is indeed one then, there would definitely be a commotion for today's lesson. We could wait for the results regarding it," answered Archmage Alexis.

Asked the king, "Oh, that is also true. Well, let's end Lord Night's observation report for today. Let's talk about the other candidates. Alexis, have you observed Lady Laurel and Lady Evans?"

"Lady Evans is still timid as before. She didn't leave her room for three days. She passed her time reading books and seemed to be greatly impressed with magic. I have sent some magic-related books for her to enjoy. She is an obedient young lady because she is the youngest among the three and her adaptation is a bit slow on her side." reported Alexis. He had been observing Lady Evans with the use of magic.

Actually, he used Clairvoyance Spell on all three candidates but his spell was blocked by the ice spirits on Eirwen Night's side and so they could only leave spies to watch over him. Thankfully his spell works for the other two.

"Then let's send some more books and things young girls would like to Lady Evans's chambers. Let the kitchen send some desserts over like cakes as well. She might like sweets the same way Lord Night does." said King Argus. "How about Lady Laurel?"

The moment Bela Laurel was mentioned a frown appeared on Alexis Castel's face. Obviously, the observation report for this lady doesn't seem to have gone well. 

King Argus noticed the change of expression this old friend of his had undergone. They've been close friends since they were young and he had always known that Alexis isn't the type to show that kind of expression unless he is truly disappointed.

With a wave of his hand, a glass orb the size of a ball suddenly appeared in Archmage Alexis's hands, "Please watch it yourself. That woman... I cannot believe the gods had chosen her as a Saintess Candidate with such greed." said the Archmage.

King Argus and Duke Damian had watched the recording left inside the glass orb. With this transparent ball, the archmage is able to share what he saw with his Clairvoyance spell. All three of them watch the scene playing within the ball. They saw Bela Laurel curry favors with the young ladies at the noble factions and also the things she had done to receive their support. The most worrying thing she had done was that Lady Laurel had approached the third prince, Elliot Hart, and asked him to side with her in exchange for her helping the latter to get the throne.

King Argus's anger flared upon finishing watching this recording. He couldn't believe that someone chosen by the gods would have such kind of ambition and greed. Moreover, to exchange the flesh for support is only done by those in underworld society but this woman is doing it within her own castle. He was thoroughly disgusted by this.

"Your majesty, I think it is better to ask for the Gods' guidance about this. We should ask about Bela Laurel's standing at the same time we could appraise the rest of the candidates as well," commented Alexis Castel.

Duke Damian spoke, "I agree with the Archmage's request for having the Saintess candidates be appraised by the temple to check whether they are the real candidates or not."

"Sigh~ then I will have someone to arrange it. I would send a letter to the temple in Agios. It might take a while but we weren't in a hurry so I would ask for an appointment first." said King Argus.

"That should be enough. The morning lessons would be starting today. Please excuse me for today." said the Archmage.

"Go ahead. I heard you would be introducing Magic to the saintess for today's lessons. Alexis, I will wait for your report afterward." said King Argus with a smile on his face.

"I would do my best, your majesty," replied Archmage Alexis before taking his leave.

In the throne room, only King Argus and Duke Damian remain. They looked at each other. King Argus is staring at the young duke like a playful elder in the family. He had always known Damian Adrienne's personality. He might be expressionless most of the time and his demeanor is cold by nature, he knew that this man wouldn't just approach someone much less touches them unless he is interested in the latter.

But on the day of summoning only Duke Damian was the only one among them who noticed the presence of Eirwen Night who had hidden himself within the shadows. Obviously, Lord Night had no intention of getting involved with them. He was waiting for an opportunity to escape as he hid behind the pillar within the room.

Even he as a king would not expect that someone summoned from the otherworld would choose to hide instead of talking to someone in this world. Now that he realized it, except for Lady Evan who was stunned that she couldn't believe what was happening around her, Lady Laurel and Lord Night had acted otherwise. 

Once choose to hide himself and remove his presence with the crowd. Refusing the servants and protection of knights he had given to all three of them. Accepting only the chambers but never once asked him for money or anything. Eirwen Night's actions show that he had no intention of getting involved with the royal family or the Saintess candidacy. As if he already knew that he isn't supposed to be involved with this problem.

On the other hand, Lady Laurel's actions were the weirdest. She just arrived in their world but already knew the etiquette and mannerisms to be shown when meeting the royal family. She didn't even cower in the presence of him, the king, and other high-ranking officials that day. Moreover, her eyes glitter when looking at the duke. It is unlike the young ladies of his kingdom who were lovestruck by the young duke's appearance, but more like an obsession towards Damian Adrienne instead.

King Argus questioned the young duke, "Damian what do you think about the candidates for the Saintess? Give me an honest answer."

The young duke looked at his king for a few seconds of silence before replying honestly.

"Among the three the one I think is the closest to be the saintess is Lady Evans. She is a pure young lady with education and learned etiquette from birth. Her gestures might be different from our world but... she definitely learns how to behave well. Moreover, she had no greed and was kind by nature.

For Lady Laurel, as you have witnessed. She is greedy and ambitious. But based on her gesture she is only a commoner at birth, she doesn't have elegance in her actions. Even though she looks educated, her level is subpar when placed with Lady Evans and Eirwen Night.

As for Eirwen Night, he is unpredictable. His poise, simple gestures, even the way he walks, everything about him is high class. Even subtle movements from him are full of elegance and nobility. Sometimes he is even more like a royal than the other princes who were born in this kingdom. As for his nature, he is cold and indifferent. He had a clear distinction between his likes and dislikes as well for strangers and acquaintances.

Unless he is interested, the others wouldn't be able to enter his line of sight. But seem to have no intention of harming someone. He would help when children are concerned as in his eyes the children are the purest in his eyes. These are just my own opinions. Your majesty should see things for yourself." said Duke Damian.

King Argus was silently listening to the whole time as the young duke's impressions towards the candidates were unbiased and impartial. He is talking about this cold-hearted duke who is still a bachelor until now. Someone who was hard-headed enough to refuse his attempts to marry him with someone else. Someone who dared to threaten him of leaving the kingdom forces him to marry someone.

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