Using abilities is an asset for ability users.

Though it might be a bit of an odd analogy, it’s like a restaurant’s recipe.

Even if you knew the recipe, it’s not easy to replicate it; knowing the recipe didn’t guarantee the business would thrive. However, just knowing the recipe opened up various paths.

That’s how important the know-how of using abilities was for ability users.

Just like how ice ability users sat in the front row with their eyes wide open during Baek Seol-hee’s ability lectures, learning the methods and know-how of using abilities from an experienced user was the key to quickly becoming stronger in this world.

Saying that you would teach all your abilities was like passing on everything you had accumulated.

It’s not a tangible asset, but it’s an invaluable intangible asset that you were willing to pass on to me now.

“You are a hero.”

When Gwang Ik Gong, no, Gwang Ik Gong Punch asked me to become Gwang Ik Gong, that was the first thing I said.

“Even if it means giving everything to a villain, you want to leave just your name and protect the world?”

“It’s fine even if it’s not the name Kim Jin-ho. If just the name Gwang Ik Gong can prevent villains from running rampant and keep the world peaceful, that’s good enough.”

There was no pretense in his words.

“It’s fine even if it’s just a cosplay of Gwang Ik Gong. Just once, it’s fine. Whether people say where is Gwang Ik Gong at this critical time, I want you to inherit the mantle of Gwang Ik Gong.”

“Why me?”

“Because no one can demonstrate Gwang Ik Gong’s power better than you.”

There was no hypocrisy to look righteous in front of others.

“The S-class heroes in Korea right now are lacking in many ways. Only Gwang Ik Gong can become a symbol of world peace. Just like there’s a Goblin in the dark world, there should be Gwang Ik Gong in the light world.”

“Do you think I’ll accept it just because you’re flattering me?”

“It’s not flattery, it’s the truth. Hyung.”


If you thought negatively, you might consider it as sucking up for his own benefit.

“No one can replicate Gwang Ik Gong’s abilities as effectively as you. Actually, you might even show it more splendidly than I could. Like when you summoned the giant warrior to strike Susanoo’s crown.”

“What do you think of that giant warrior?”

“I think it showed overwhelming power. A pinnacle of strength that no one could oppose. If such a being exists, people can feel reassured. …If I have a personal desire, it’s for Gwang Ik Gong to continue that role.”

But after talking with him a few times, you quickly realized that it’s a misunderstanding, and you felt ashamed for having such lowly thoughts.

“I’ve thought about other S-class heroes. But none of them can follow Gwang Ik Gong’s, my combat style.”

“Is your combat style anything ordinary?”

“Exactly. Maybe I’ve been too flashy. It would be difficult to pass it on even if there were a successor. There’s no one but you. If it’s not you, Gwang Ik Gong ends here.”

And soon, jealousy towards this man arose from the way people treat Gwang Ik Gong.

“Thank you for saying that. To be evaluated like this by an acknowledged perfect being.”

“You have shown your worth till now.”

“All I’ve shown is beating demons and executing villains.”

“But it’s changing. Gradually. Maybe it’s because you met Baek Seol-hee or that friend Yumir. There are many reasons for the change in your mindset, but you’ve changed a lot now.”

“……From a mass murderer to at least giving a chance?”

“The point is you are giving a second chance. That’s very important.”

Gwang Ik Gong held out a tablet once more.

“You chose the path of a villain for convenience, but you’re closer to a hero than anyone. It’s just that you’re not the absolute good the world desires.”

“That’s absurd. You want me to inherit the position of absolute good?”

“It’s fine even if it’s just cosplay. Even if you pass on Gwang Ik Gong’s role to someone else. Just once, if you could display Gwang Ik Gong’s power, it would be enough.”

“As absolute good?”

“Even if it’s not, it’s fine. In your way, even if it’s while executing a demon.”

He was truly an extreme character.

“I believe in you. Even if the Secret Society uses Gwang Ik Gong’s image, it will be for the peace and order of the world. At least it won’t be used for evil.”

“You believe in me? Someone who hasn’t made any clear promises yet?”



“Because I trust you.”

He’s a true hero who wouldn’t hesitate to give everything to a villain for the sake of justice.

“…It’s really sad. Truly. That you died last year.”

That’s why it’s even sadder.

“If you had lived and cooperated with the Secret Society while becoming the face of the Hero Association, by now, this country would have been in the hands of the Secret Society.”

“…I appreciate that the Secret Society kept me alive, but I have no intention of joining them. I can collaborate with them, but I am a hero of this country.”

It’s even sadder.

“I understand the ideology and path of the Secret Society. But if the Secret Society ever goes down the wrong path, wouldn’t we need someone to stand against it?”

“The Secret Society is not wrong.”

“I know. That’s why. For those who think the Secret Society is wrong, it would be reassuring if Gwang Ik Gong appears and takes a stand when the Secret Society makes a big mistake.”

“…You are setting the stage so nicely for the Secret Society to easily use Gwang Ik Gong.”

“If just the presence of Gwang Ik Gong can reassure people and provide comfort, this is the only path left for me.”

To think that such a patriot, such a righteous being, was terminally ill.

“……It’s truly unfortunate.”

As someone living in this country, more than as a villain or the Goblin of the Secret Society, it’s just unfortunate.


“Yes, oppa.”

“Can I talk about that?”

“……Well, I can guess what you want to talk about based on the flow. It’s not a secret, so it’s okay to mention it.”

“Then, ahem.”

I pushed the tablet towards Gwang Ik Gong.

“In the era of abilities, many things are possible. While it’s impossible to resurrect the dead, it is possible to tether a dead person’s soul to the earth.”

I extended my magical power forward and created a shape.

“The Secret Society is currently researching it. Experiments to infuse a human soul into a new vessel.”


“Something like that. And that vessel will be able to both hold the soul and supply magical power.”

“…Android, humanoid, cyborg, homunculus. Whatever name you give it, I’m not sure how best to describe it, but I hope it succeeds. Even if I don’t get a chance.”

Gwang Ik Gong glanced at Yun Hye-ra and smiled bitterly.

“So this is what you thought up and told me.”

“Is it a technology that can be used immediately? At least… within half a year.”


“If not, I might not be able to experience it myself.”

Gwang Ik Gong’s own calculation of his remaining magical power was about half a year.

Since he died last Christmas, he’s been holding on for almost a year.

At that point, he would not be able to maintain his consciousness with just magical power and we might have to perform an exorcism before he becomes a wraith-demon.

Would the technology be developed before that?

The budget was sufficient, but time was the issue.

“…Well, I don’t know if it’s possible, but hoping isn’t a bad thing.”


“Someone said that we get disappointed because we have expectations in the first place. But if I’m going to die anyway, it wouldn’t be bad to live with the hope that a cure might be developed, even if I might be disappointed later.”

“…It would be great if I could come back to life. Even if I don’t have abilities, just appearing as Gwang Ik Gong and participating in events would be fine.”

“That’s a good idea.”

Even if he lost his abilities, just appearing as the figurehead Gwang Ik Gong at political events would greatly reduce the burden on Baek Seol-hee.

“But maybe, you might live a bit longer than half a year.”


“I discovered a new ability. More precisely, I learned a technique from someone who has been hiding it until now, and if you use it, you might be able to extend your life. Congratulations. Secretary Kim might be able to prolong your life.”

“…What do you mean?”

“I discovered a magical power supply technique. It’s completely different from the methods used by me or Gunggi.”

It’s Yumir’s method.

“If you want to know that method, now that we’ve met, you should ask for my help. It’s a deal. If you provide appropriate answers to my questions, I’ll tell you how to prolong your life.”

“So the question is important enough to trade for that method?”


I tapped the Taeguk Watch and brought up a screen.

“Hyandan. Laplace’s demon. What’s the best way to bring out this woman?”

“A senior executive of Pandemonium, the new seven deadly sins. Any other clues?”

“None. Except that I believe even bad history is part of Korean history. Using doppelgangers is all I know.”

“…Hmm. Few clues, and the ones there are sensitive. If you knew the location of the main body, you would have already gone to deal with it. In the end, it means you have to do something to draw out the main body.”

As expected of Gwang Ik Gong.

“…How about trying to bait with a name?”

“A name?”

“Yes. For ability users, names are important. Try baiting with the name Hyandan.”

Gwang Ik Gong lowered his voice.

“…If someone insults their nickname and they just stand by, they have to change their nickname.”


“Well… if you say that the name Hyandan is the name from the story Chunhyangjeon.”

Gwang Ik Gong folded his arms and tilted his head.

“So, do I have to betray Seong Chunhyang…?”


“Excuse me?”

“It’s worth a try. Sure.”

If it draws attention, great. If not, oh well.

“Before becoming Gwang Ik Gong, there’s someone I need to become first.”

“…Thank you for listening, but what are you trying to become?”

“It’s nothing special.”

I put my hand on Yun Hye-ra’s shoulder and pulled her closer.


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