I Became the Academy’s Kibitz Villain

Chapter 180: Crisis As Opportunity (4)

I took sick leave.

A medical certificate could be obtained through Brewer, and others at the library would cover for me.

If no one else stepped up, the Library Director would probably take over, which would be quite unpleasant for the other librarians.

I wasn’t too worried about it.

What was important to me was the ‘ship’ that was just about ready to enter Sejong Island.

“Excuse me, I’m going to be absent.”

Yumir also missed classes.

Baek Seol-hee might think, ‘they’re at it again,’ but now she’d probably just accept it.

They might think we were just patriotically idling all day.

But we weren’t resting to be patriotic; we were gathering in Ulleungdo to plan our strategy.

“Teacher, you’re using me as a teleportation shuttle again.”

“Then, shall I teach you spatial movement?”

“If the Goblin learns spatial movement, it’ll be chaos.”

“It’s not a big problem considering they’re supposed to appear out of nowhere. I owe you one for the future. Anyway,”

“Is she here?”

Doul, who had been staying inside the pension, greeted us.

“I saw you fighting at dawn. Yumir, you really kept the brats in line, huh?”

“I just went there to relieve some stress.”

“Were you upset because Taejo interfered with your patriotism?”

“My patriotism is not the issue.”

“…Really? The internet is going wild. They’re saying Platinum Sun and Goblin were patriotically interrupted.”

“What’s that?”

I was a bit startled by this new story, but we couldn’t help laughing at the community reactions shown by Doul.

“They’re really spinning tales.”


“But Yumir, you know this all started from a comment you made deliberately, right?”

“I just talked about the patriotism of ordinary people, not about coming back from being patriotic with the Goblin.”

“Good fodder for the rumor-mongers.”

I ruffled Yumir’s hair playfully.

“Doul. Where is she now?”

“She’s infiltrating to board the passenger ship.”

“Passenger ship…?”

“Finally, the ‘traitors’ are coming to Sejong Island. Birth is patriotic. Those who’ve lost their reproductive ability are traitors. Yes, the demons that you, Yumir, purified so they can’t reproduce anymore. In this country, they are called traitors.”


“Quite a name.”

“Regardless of their will or nationality, they all caused loss of life and property in this country, right? That’s why they’re called traitors.”

“So, they’re bringing them to Sejong Island for human experimentation?”

“Yes. Duoexini’s demon seed. Originally, it was extracted from demons. But they don’t know that. They’d try to verify it to the last one, even if they did.”

Could they really not reproduce?

“Officially, the purpose is to revert them back to ability users, but in reality, it’s to find traces of the demon. Sejong Island is ideal for conducting the experiments in earnest.”

“Our mission is to locate the experimental site. …How will we infiltrate?”

“Like this.”

Doul brought her hand to her face, then transformed, invoking her magic power.



“Correct. We’ll become the test subjects ourselves. Oh, not you guys.”

Doul had perfectly copied the appearance of one of the Zenros women.

“Me and Gunggi. You two will act as agents dedicated to me and Gunggi.”

“Isn’t that… dangerous?”

“The Goblin planned it himself. I trust him.”

“Yumir, want to take a look?”

I displayed detailed information through the electronic devices inside the pension.

“These are what they’ll experience when they’re taken to the lab.”


The scenes were horrific enough to be easily understood, even though they were mosaic-censored.

“This is…”

“I extracted these images from my memory using magic. Should I call it photographic ability?”

Memories self-extracted through the Goblin’s wand.

“They studied demons like this. Even for Zenros, it’s possible to research this way.”

“What should I do?”


“It’s not about deciding whether to do it or not.”

“Whether to openly act as Platinum Sun or to hide that identity and adopt a completely new concept.”

“…As an intern for the Secret Society?”

“Yes. Platinum Sun is a righteous hero, but this kind of task belongs to the underworld.”

I brought out new materials.

“Today’s task is to decide on your concept. What will you do?”

“…I’ll do it.”

Yumir seriously browsed through the materials I showed, then released magic power from his body.

“But am I the only one adopting a concept?”


“Are we going public about the Secret Society, or are we keeping it hidden?”

“Revealing it shouldn’t be a problem.”

Since the Goblin was actively involved, the Secret Society could step in and handle any situation.

“How about becoming a third force?”

“…What are you thinking?”

“I’ve been considering it for a while.”

Yumir sat down in front of the laptop with a meaningful expression and brought out new materials after searching for something.

“How about trying this concept?”


This is interesting.

“I can’t resist playing with alternate characters.”

This will be fun.

Meanwhile, at the Busan Government Office.

“Is Taejo still cooped up in his room?”

“Yes. He seems to be upset about being excluded from the ‘Sejong Trip’ operation…”


President Tae Chae-jin clicked his tongue and shook his head.

“Even if he’s S-class as a hero, he’s less than A-class in participating in national affairs…”

“But this time might be different, right?”

“No. He’s insufficient. He’s just engrossed in playing hero.”

The TV screen in the office lit up, displaying numerous profile pictures.

“Two S-class officially boarding the ferry. Two S-class from Sejong Island to assist. Plus, one S-class unofficially on the escort ship. Excluding the top one, practically the 2nd to 6th ranks are mobilized.”

Snow White and Baridegi on Sejong Island.

Cheok Jun-kyeong on the unofficial escort ship.

And the other two who would directly board the ferry to safely escort it to Sejong Island.

“Plus, 30 warships are attached to the escort ship, to safely transfer the Zenros to Sejong Island.”

Although it might seem excessive for a ferry trip from Busan to Sejong Island, it was actually a reduced military deployment.

“What a strange world. Two S-class heroes are more reliable than 30 warships.”

“That’s how powerful abilities are.”

“Right. But Taejo won’t do. He doesn’t even understand why he was excluded. We can’t let someone so impulsive take on such a critical mission.”

“There are rumors that it’s to protect the eldest grandson.”

“Me? Protect him? If I wanted him safe, I wouldn’t have let him act so recklessly.”

Tae Chae-jin sighed deeply.

“Among the Zenros is a woman he once dated. He’s trying to board the escort ship to be with her.”


“Personal feelings? Fine. But if he joins the mission for personal reasons, imagine the chaos if an accident happens.”

“Many incidents have occurred due to prioritizing personal feelings over duty.”

“Yes. Assistant Jang, you know too, heroes are very delicate beings.”

Tae Chae-jin tapped his Taeguk Watch and opened a confidential document.

“Japan, China, Russia, they’re all trying to make contact.”

The top-secret document, obtained through every national intelligence network, was filled with various photos, including submarines and airplanes.

“Do you really think the transport delay is due to vaccinating the Zenros?”

“It’s a bit hard to say, but the delay might be due to filtering out any suspicious individuals.”

“Right. As you said, we’ve struggled a lot to mobilize people.”

Tae Chae-jin covered his face with his hands and sank into his chair.

“Excluding those related to Zenros, victims of Zenros, and anyone with any connections—school, blood, regional—and those who had even slight past interactions. Also, those who received suspicious calls or emails. …After removing everyone, we barely managed to assemble this team.”

The government ruthlessly trimmed down the personnel.

“Even so, they will surely appear. Why? Because even though we and the government have done everything, we can’t handle abilities that suddenly appear out of thin air.”

Like opening a void in mid-air.

Like sky-landing from the sky.

Like swimming through the sea and jumping between warships.

“Before entering Sejong Island, every country will try to secure their own Zenros. All of them.”

This was

A kind of World War.

“They aim to secure Zenros for research, like the U.S. is already doing.”

“Human experimentation…”

“Exactly. If they find even one demon cell in the bodies of those who were demons, they’d obtain twisted genetic information for research, thinking they might create demons.”

The world map spread out.

Seventeen red sparkling spots appeared on the blue-colored map.

“We can’t let even one be taken. Whether it’s teleportation, plane drops, kidnapping… in all of history, no prisoner being transported to exile has ever been kidnapped. That only happens in movies or novels.”


“Whether they experiment on the Zenros or not.”

Tae Chae-jin clenched his fist and ground his teeth.

“In our land, we must punish the murderers who killed our people. How dare they try to take them to their country.”

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